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**Description of Incident:**
During the loading of a unit onto the ship in Yalova on [date], it was discovered that the heating device was left on, posing a potential fire hazard. Swift action was taken to turn off the device immediately.

**Description of Immediate Cause:**
The heating device was unintentionally left on during the loading process, potentially due to oversight or human error, creating a fire risk.

**Corrective Action:**
Upon discovery, the heating device was promptly turned off to eliminate the potential fire hazard. A thorough check ensured that all units' heating devices were switched off before loading onto the ship.

**Preventative Measures:**
To prevent similar incidents, an improved loading protocol will be implemented, emphasizing the need to verify the status of all heating devices in units. Staff will receive additional training on safety procedures during the loading process to mitigate potential fire hazards.

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**Description of Incident:**
On [date], the port side navigation light on the vessel malfunctioned, and the spare light also failed upon activation, posing a safety and collision risk.

**Description of Immediate Cause:**
Electrical system issues, potentially stemming from wiring defects or power supply irregularities, caused the primary and backup port side navigation lights to malfunction.

**Corrective Action:**
The crew promptly replaced the faulty port side navigation light and conducted a thorough electrical system inspection to address underlying issues affecting navigation light functionality.

**Preventative Measures:**
To avert future incidents, an enhanced maintenance schedule for navigation lights and electrical systems will be implemented, accompanied by additional crew training on routine checks and troubleshooting procedures for navigation equipment.

**Non-Conformity Report**

**Date:** [Tarih]

**Incident Details:**
During an inspection on [date], it was noted that the fan pin in the bow thruster room was missing.

**Root Cause Analysis:**
The absence of the fan pin was likely due to mechanical factors or vibration, leading to its displacement.

**Corrective Actions Taken:**
1. Immediately identified the missing fan pin in the bow thruster room.
2. Promptly replaced and secured the fan pin to restore normal operation.

**Preventative Measures:**
To prevent a recurrence of this issue:
1. Implementation of a more robust fan pin securing mechanism.
2. Enhanced periodic checks during routine inspections to ensure all components are in place.

**Verification of Corrective Actions:**
The effectiveness of the corrective actions will be verified through follow-up inspections and routine maintenance checks.

**Responsible Party:**
[Responsible Person/Department]

**Date of Verification:**
[Date of Follow-up Inspection]

**Review and Approval:**
[Responsible Manager/Supervisor]

**Completion Date for Corrective Actions:**

*Note: This report is subject to review and may be updated as necessary.*
**Non-Conformity Report: Missing Fan Pin in Bow Thruster Room**
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Regards; Team

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