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a)Melee [attack/defense]
- peasant [1/0] 5g (can be upgraded to squire for 15g)
- squire [1/2] 20g (can be upgraded to knight for 10g)
- knight [2/2] 30g (can be upgraded to cavalry/spearman for 35/10g)
- spearman [2/4] 40g
- horseman [5/2] 65g
- mounted spearman [7/5] 105g

b)Ranged [attack/defense]
- archer [2/2] 25g
- crossbowman [4/3] 45g

c)Special [effect]
- siege ladders [your soldiers climb up the walls of the sieged castle| you can't siege castles if you don't have ladders | after you use 1 ladder once,it will get destroyed] 100g

a) Income Buildings:
- farm (get 10g and 2 peasants every turn) 70g
- marketplace (125g every turn) 400g

b) Defensive Buildings :
- castle (appears on map) (300g)
- gate (only friendly units can pass | takes 2 turns to destory | appears on map) 200g

c) Docks (can only be placed near water;appears on map) 300g:
- transport boat (can carry 10 units) 100g
- war boat (can carry 40 units; destroys transport boats; can battle with other war boats) 450g

a) Vassality:
- you can make someone your vassal only if he's close to you
- when you make someone your vassal you must arrange terms with them (if they will help you with their army if you require, how much gold you get from them every turn (if it's the case) | the terms cannot be changed at any time!!
- other than the terms, your vassal can't declare war, only you can and anyone who goes at war with you goes at war with him, you decide what land your vassal recieves after a war, etc.
- if your vassal disobeys you, you'll insant capture a castle from him (his garnison will run to his capital)--->if he doesn't have a castle you will get 300g from his money, also you can immediately go at war with him.
- alternatively, you can request that you become a vassal of a state, in exchange for protection, money, lands, etc.
- as a vassal, you can ask the one you're a vassal to, to release you from his duty, he can accept, request land/money/etc(terms) for you to leave his vassality or you can rebel, immediately going at war with him, but losing 1 of your castles (your garnison will run to your capital) ---> if you don't have a castle,you'll lose 300g

b) Alliance (you can only form an alliance with max 5 players):
- all the states in the alliance are equal.
- if you want to go at war with someone you must put it to a vote, the majority wins. If it's a draw you can't go at war.
- anyone who doesn't help their allies and/or acts alone(without the agreement of the other members) will lose 1 castle (or 300g if he doesn't have 1) every time he does so
- kicking someone out of the alliance must be put to a vote, the player who is getting kicked can't vote. If it's a draw he stays in the alliance.
- after every war, the players will fall to an agreement about who gets what territory, if 2 players in the alliance want the same territory, the other members in the alliance will vote on who deserves it more.
- you can quit the alliance at any time you want, without any losses.

c) WAR :
- you need to declare war to a state and just after a turn you can attack them
- you can make peace with someone if the enemy accepts the terms of surrender or you accept his terms of surrender
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Regards; Team

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