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Audience reach is an important parameter when assessing the business potential of news companies. Major media companies, such as Gannett, which have been thought of as a solution to the threat facing local journalism, are quick to sell or shut down unsuccessful newspapers, according to the report. The harsh reality of local stations in “hard places” can be seen in their more limited participation in reporting partnerships that allow stations to gain the advantage of economies of scale. In fact, however, their resource limitations are a barrier to joint reporting. In our survey, we asked respondents about the frequency of their station’s joint reporting with other news outlets. A smaller number (12 percent) reported frequent collaboration with other types of news outlets. So do you see any solutions here for the local communities that are being left behind in these sort of information deserts? So what's going on here? This was going to go away. “The good news is there were a lot of fears as the pandemic set in and we had a very severe economic constriction that it was going to be kind of the death knell for many newspapers,” said Penelope Muse Abernathy, the author of the report and a visiting professor at Northwestern’s Medill School of Journalism, Media, Integrated Marketing Communications. Local stations are locally owned and operated, positioning them to address their communities’ information needs.35Penelope Muse Abernathy, “Business Model: A Bigger Role for Public Broadcasting,” Hussman School of Journalism and Media, University of North Carolina, undated, downloaded by author on July 16, 2022, https://www.

69. Abernathy, “Business Model: A Bigger Role for Public Broadcasting.”. Funding from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) is a core component of local stations’ budgets but much of this funding gets returned to NPR and other producers in dues and fees for programs like “Morning Edition” and “Marketplace.”69Abernathy, “Business Model: A Bigger Role for Public Broadcasting.” The dues and fees could be adjusted to reduce the financial strain on smaller stations in information-poor communities. 오피사이트 Stations with budgets exceeding $20 million are in media-rich places like Boston, New York, Washington, and Los Angeles, and many of the stations with budgets in the $10-20 million range are in cities where other news outlets provide reasonably solid local coverage. Q10. Thinking in terms of all local news outlets in your area except your own, what do you see as the trend in recent years in the quality and quantity of the area’s local news and public affairs coverage? As one respondent said, “We see lots of opportunity. Respondents in 40 percent of these communities claimed that the new funding would make their station “the leading outlet” in terms of both news quality and audience reach compared with 22 percent in strong news environments. In terms of contributing members, for example, the average for such stations was less than 4,500 members compared with more than 10,000 for other stations operating in a weak news environment.

For example, 71 percent of respondents from such stations said their station was placing “a lot of emphasis” on diversity training compared to 46 percent of respondents from stations in communities with a largely white population. To obtain a fuller picture of stations’ capacity, we asked respondents a set of questions about their station’s news production. Our on-air membership totals have doubled during that time.” Another said, “We have to give up our preciousness . Frustrated friends and family members often tire of shouting and will just give up on communicating altogether. Nevertheless, content alone will not give stations the local position they seek. See, Deron Lee, “After a merger, St. Louis Public Radio was ‘reborn’ through its coverage of Ferguson,” Columbia Journalism Review, December 4, 2015. They are structured primarily to serve a listening audience-appointment users who seek a particular type of programming at a designated time from a specific outlet. Digital is the domain of on-demand users who seek a particular topic or the latest update. Moreover, whereas most of the newspapers’ online users access their paper’s content at least somewhat regularly,61Ibid most of those who use a local public radio station’s site do so infrequently.62Public Radio Audience Growth Task Force, “Public Radio in the New Network Age,” Corporation for Public Broadcasting, 2010, p. Local stations have had less success than local newspapers in attracting users to their websites.

A relatively small percentage of podcasts are capturing a huge share of the podcast audience with most of the rest attracting few listeners. For example, roughly a third of respondents from stations in weak news environments saw small donors as a “very likely” source of substantial news funding compared with roughly half of those from stations in strong news environments. Local stations’ allocation preferences are shown in Table 8. What stands out is their emphasis on journalism capacity. By this indicator, as can be seen in Table 4, the impact of new funding would be greatest for stations in weak news environments. Their responses can be seen in Figure A1. And it's - it means less political engagement, less voting across party lines, the possibility of more corruption at the local government level and, I think, the weakening of community ties in which we all kind of relate to each other based on a shared, you know, group of facts that we may want to do different things with - interpret in different ways. But he could understand it because he thought that people were getting a lot of their information from less dependable sources - social media, talk radio and just what he called rumors. Many newspaper analysts had thought that the economic conditions created by the coronavirus, especially a decline in advertising, would cause the rate to increase considerably. I mean, newspaper revenue has been steadily declining over that time but not by that much, not at that rate. MARGARET SULLIVAN: Thank you very much, Dave.

Well, Margaret Sullivan, welcome to FRESH AIR. Q4. How many hours a day is your station on the air? As was noted earlier, there are up-front costs to getting a public radio station on the air and keeping it there. NPR’s digital search analyst Christine Macholan notes that increases in traffic are being driven primarily by “people searching for particular topics and getting to stations’ articles that are on their website.”48Quoted in Tyler Falk, “Study find NPR station websites grew audience with coverage of local midterms,” Current, June 23, 2019, https://current. 18. John Stefany, NPR’s Director of Strategic Projects, provided the call letters of the stations in NPR’s survey. Q5. What are your station’s call letters? A merger of two such outlets in one community kept the station’s call sign for the joint website and combined the outlets’ newsrooms and business units. BENTON: The Gannett that we have now is the result of the merger of two very large companies. However, it is good to keep in mind that news companies are diversifying more and more by investing in non-news-related businesses that may include software, data analytics, and real estate services. Comcast controls the news media outlets NBC News, MSNBC, CNBC, and UK's Sky News. Another challenge facing local public radio, as with other news outlets, is that audiences have increasingly moved to outlets that cater to their values and interests. MR.pdf. But local stations cannot meet a community’s information needs-or expand their audience-without taking the community’s interests and values more fully into account. Newsmax hosts reveal the inner workings of Washington, and the fight for our country’s core values.

The pandemic has been bad for the country’s local newspapers. That same pace - about two closures per week - was occurring before the pandemic. The same pace - about two closures per week - was occurring before the pandemic. Over 360 newspapers have closed since just before the start of the pandemic. Given their more limited resources, they should have a greater incentive to collaborate. Stations differ substantially in market placement, decision-making flexibility, priorities, competitive environment, in-house resources, ownership, leadership, and the like, and thus in the degree to which substantial new funding would position them to meet the information needs of their area. Only about one in five cited market competitors - “other news outlets” or “radio talk show outlets”-as “a significant obstacle.” That assessment underestimates the competitive threat to public radio posed by talk shows29Over the past decade or so, for example, public radio has lost listeners to digital competitors and has lost most of its Republican listeners to conservative media such that, today, Democrats outnumber Republicans by 7 to 1 in public radio’s audience. With a market cap of $521.23 million, E.W. It takes staff time and technical expertise to transition to digital, and it takes staff time to generate digital offerings. So the idea has been to shift to digital, and Gannett claims some degree of success in doing that. Eventually, the application receives enough responses to verify the word with a high degree of certainty. Given that they are in urban environments, they tend to operate in communities where the local newspaper retains a degree of vitality.

We’ve hired a news director and are now recruiting 3 reporters. The idea was an individual newspaper might struggle on its own, but if you buy enough of them, you can extract as much of the cost of producing the newspaper from the local community as possible. It's often much easier to start from scratch. As would be expected, respondents from small-budget stations were more likely to say that their station would need to double or triple its budget. Their news staff is far too small for them to provide quality comprehensive local coverage on an ongoing basis, a problem made more acute by audiences’ interest in timely on-demand news. That means cutting staff and cutting the quality of their newspapers. Although the staffing problem is most pronounced at smaller stations, staff size at nearly every station falls far short of that of even a moderate-size daily newspaper. Stations differ greatly in audience size, for example.
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