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1. KOD


// Weis Wave Volume with alerts [LucF]
// v2.1, 2019.12.09 16:26 — LucF

// Shows cumulative volume for each price wave.
// Alerts on: wave transitions, breach of last wave's length, breach of last wave's height and breach of average wave height.

// Credits to LazyBear for original Weis Wave code in Pine (a David Weis concept).

// This indicator's TV page:

study("Weis Wave Volume with alerts [LucF]", "Weis Wave Volume with alerts")

// ———————————————————— Colors
myGreenRaw =,0), myGreenMedium =,30), myGreenSemiDark =,50), myGreenDark =,70), myGreenDarkDark =,80), myGreenDarkDarkDark =,88)
myRedRaw =,0), myRedMedium =,25), myRedSemiDark =,50), myRedDark =,60), myRedDarkDark =,75), myRedDarkDarkDark =,85)
myOrangeRaw =,0), myOrangeMedium =,30), myOrangeSemiDark =,50), myOrangeDark =,65), myOrangeDarkDark =,80)
myYellowRaw =,0), myYellowMedium =,25), myYellowSemiDark =,50), myYellowDark =,70)
myFuchsiaRaw =,0), myFuchsiaMedium =,30), myFuchsiaSemiDark =,45),myFuchsiaDark =,60)
myBlueRaw =,0), myBlueMedium =,20), myBlueDark =,55)
myPurpleRaw =, 0), myPurpleMedium =,30), myPurpleDark =,65)
myGrayRaw =, 0), myGrayMedium =, 35), myGrayDark =, 70)
myGreenBackGround =,91), myRedBackGround =,90), invisible =, 100)

// ———————————————————— Inputs
TD1 = "1. Both", TD2 = "2. Longs Only", TD3 = "3. Shorts Only"
DP1 = "1. Area", DP2 = "2. Columns", DP3 = "3. Histogram"
displayMode = input(DP2, "Display mode:", options = [DP1, DP2, DP3])
showBearishNeg = input(false, "Show bearish waves below zero")
showAvgWave = input(false, "Show average wave height")
showLastHighestAvg = input(false, "Show last wave's height")
trendReversalLength = input(2, "Trend reversal length", minval=2)
priceSource = input(close, "Price source for trend detection")
colorAvg = input(true, "Average wave volume: show rising/falling state")
colorBars = input(false, "...Color chart bars")
_4 = input(false, "═══════════════ Markers ═══════════════")
tradeDirection = input(TD1, "Trade direction", options=[TD1, TD2, TD3])
showMarker1 = input(false, "Marker 1: Wave change")
showMarker2 = input(false, "Marker 2: First breach of last wave's height")
showMarker2Bg = input(false, "...Show all breaches in background")
showMarker3 = input(false, "Marker 3: First breach of previous wave's length")
showMarker4 = input(false, "Marker 4: First breach of average wave height")
shortsOnly = tradeDirection == TD3
longsOnly = tradeDirection == TD2
displayChoice = displayMode == DP1 ? plot.style_area : displayMode == DP2 ? plot.style_columns : plot.style_histogram
lineWidth = displayMode == DP1 ? 1 : 8

// ———————————————————— Detect Price Waves
var trend = 0
var wave = 0
upOrDn = priceSource > priceSource[1] ? 1 : priceSource < priceSource[1] ? -1 : 0 // Price movement Up->1, Dn->-1, No change->0
trend := (upOrDn != 0) and (upOrDn != upOrDn[1]) ? upOrDn : trend // Trend changes when price reverses direction.
reversalTrend = rising(priceSource, trendReversalLength) or falling(priceSource, trendReversalLength) // Detect reversal condition.
wave := (trend != wave and reversalTrend) ? trend : wave // Stay in wave until a counter trend of trendDetectionLength occurs.
bullWave = wave == 1
bearWave = wave == -1
sameWave = wave == wave[1]

// ———————————————————— Wave calcs
// ————— Build total volume for current wave.
var cumVolume = 0.0
cumVolume := sameWave ? cumVolume + volume : volume
// ————— Number of bars in wave.
var waveBars = 0
var lastWaveBars = 0
waveBars := sameWave ? waveBars + 1 : 1
// ————— Average volume in wave.
averageWaveVolume = cumVolume / waveBars
// ————— Consecutive increasing average volume bars in same wave.
var increasingBars = 0
increasingBars := sameWave ? averageWaveVolume > nz(averageWaveVolume[1]) ? increasingBars + 1 : 0 : 0
// ————— Average end of wave total for all waves in history.
var wavesTot = 0
var wavesTotVol = 0.0
var wavesTotAvg = 0.0
// ————— Saves last wave's high for display.
var lastWaveHi = 0.0
// Update numbers when changing waves.
if not sameWave
// Last wave's bar count.
lastWaveBars := nz(waveBars[1])
// Last wave's high.
lastWaveHi := cumVolume[1]
// Update average of end of wave total.
wavesTot := wavesTot + 1
wavesTotVol := wavesTotVol + nz(cumVolume[1])
wavesTotAvg := wavesTotVol / wavesTot

// ———————————————————— Plots
// ————— Area, columns or histogram, as per user choice.
avgUp = rising(averageWaveVolume, 1)
colorOfAvg = bullWave ? avgUp and colorAvg ? myGreenDark : myGreenDarkDark : avgUp and colorAvg ? myRedDark : myRedDarkDark
colorOfBars = colorBars ? bullWave ? avgUp and close > open ? myGreenRaw : na : avgUp and close < open ? myFuchsiaRaw : na : na
plot(showBearishNeg and bearWave ? -cumVolume : cumVolume, "Wave volume", colorOfAvg, lineWidth, displayChoice)
// ————— Last wave's high.
plot(showLastHighestAvg and not showBearishNeg ? lastWaveHi : na, "Height of last wave", not sameWave ? invisible : bullWave ? myRedMedium : myGreenMedium, 2, plot.style_line, offset = -1)
// ————— Average of wave heights.
plot(showAvgWave ? wavesTotAvg : na, "Average wave height", myOrangeDark)
plot(showAvgWave and showBearishNeg ? -wavesTotAvg : na, "Average wave height (negative)", myOrangeDark)
// ————— Color bars.

// ———————————————————— Markers
// ————— Marker 1: Wave change.
M1U = showMarker1 and not shortsOnly and bullWave and not bullWave[1]
M1D = showMarker1 and not longsOnly and bearWave and not bearWave[1]
// ————— Marker 2: Breach of last wave's high.
C2U = not shortsOnly and bullWave and cumVolume > lastWaveHi
C2D = not longsOnly and bearWave and cumVolume > lastWaveHi
M2U = showMarker2 and C2U and barssince(not sameWave) < barssince(C2U[1])
M2D = showMarker2 and C2D and barssince(not sameWave) < barssince(C2D[1])
// ————— Marker 3: Waves length surpasses previous wave's length.
C3U = showMarker3 and not shortsOnly and bullWave and waveBars > lastWaveBars
C3D = showMarker3 and not longsOnly and bearWave and waveBars > lastWaveBars
M3U = C3U and barssince(not sameWave) < barssince(C3U[1])
M3D = C3D and barssince(not sameWave) < barssince(C3D[1])
// ————— Marker 4: Wave volume surpasses avg wave volume.
C4U = showMarker4 and not shortsOnly and bullWave and cumVolume > wavesTotAvg
C4D = showMarker4 and not longsOnly and bearWave and cumVolume > wavesTotAvg
M4U = C4U and barssince(not sameWave) < barssince(C4U[1])
M4D = C4D and barssince(not sameWave) < barssince(C4D[1])

plotshape(M1U, "Marker 1 Up", shape.triangleup,, myGreenMedium, size = size.tiny, text = "1")
plotshape(M1D, "Marker 1 Dn", shape.triangledown,, myRedMedium, size = size.tiny, text = "1")
plotshape(M2U, "Marker 2 Up", shape.triangleup,, myGreenMedium, size = size.tiny, text = "2")
plotshape(M2D, "Marker 2 Dn", shape.triangledown,, myRedMedium, size = size.tiny, text = "2")
plotshape(M3U, "Marker 3 Up", shape.triangleup,, myGreenMedium, size = size.tiny, text = "3")
plotshape(M3D, "Marker 3 Dn", shape.triangledown,, myRedMedium, size = size.tiny, text = "3")
plotshape(M4U, "Marker 4 Up", shape.triangleup,, myGreenMedium, size = size.tiny, text = "4")
plotshape(M4D, "Marker 4 Dn", shape.triangledown,, myRedMedium, size = size.tiny, text = "4")
bgcolor(showMarker2Bg ? C2U ? myGreenBackGround : C2D ? myRedBackGround : na : na)

// // ———————————————————— Alert
alertcondition(M1U or M1D or M2U or M2D or M3U or M3D or M4U or M4D, "WW: Configured Markers", "WW Marker")

2. KOD

//Created By ChrisMoody on 8/15/2014
///RSI with ability to change first RSI to a different Timeframe.
//option to Plot 2nd RSI to show different Timeframes on same chart

study(title="CM_Ultimate RSI MTF", shorttitle="CM_Ult_RSI_MTF", precision=0)
src = close
len = input(14, minval=1, title="Length")
upLine = input(70, minval=50, maxval=90, title="Upper Line Value?")
lowLine = input(30, minval=10, maxval=50, title="Lower Line Value?")
sml = input(true, title="Show Mid Line?")
sbh = input(true, title="Show Back Ground Highlights When RSI is Above/Below High/Low Lines?")
sch = input(true, title="Show Back Ground Highlights When RSI Cross?")
sl = input(true, title="Show 'B' and 'S' Letters When RSI Crosses High/Low Line?")
useCurrentRes = input(true, title="Use Current Chart Resolution?")
resCustom = input(title="Use Different Timeframe? Uncheck Box Above", type=resolution, defval="60")
ssRSI = input(false, title="Show 2nd RSI?")
resCustom2 = input(title="Use 2nd RSI? Check Box Above", type=resolution, defval="D")
useCurrentRes2 = input(false, title="Use 2nd RSI Plot On Samet Timeframe?")
len2 = input(14, minval=1, title="2nd RSI Length")

res = useCurrentRes ? period : resCustom
res2 = useCurrentRes2 ? period : resCustom2

up = rma(max(change(src), 0), len)
down = rma(-min(change(src), 0), len)
rsi = down == 0 ? 100 : up == 0 ? 0 : 100 - (100 / (1 + up / down))
outRSI = security(tickerid, res, rsi)

up2 = rma(max(change(src), 0), len2)
down2 = rma(-min(change(src), 0), len2)
rsi2 = down2 == 0 ? 100 : up2 == 0 ? 0 : 100 - (100 / (1 + up2 / down2))
outRSI2 = security(tickerid, res2, rsi2)

aboveLine = outRSI > upLine ? 1 : 0
belowLine = outRSI < lowLine ? 1 : 0
crossUp = outRSI[1] < lowLine and outRSI > lowLine ? 1 : 0
crossDn = outRSI[1] > upLine and outRSI < upLine ? 1 : 0

bgcolor(sbh and aboveLine ? red : na, transp=70)
bgcolor(sbh and belowLine ? green : na, transp=70)
bgcolor(sch and crossUp ? lime : na, transp=40)
bgcolor(sch and crossDn ? red : na, transp=40)

plot(outRSI, title="RSI", style=line, linewidth=3, color=aqua)
plot(ssRSI and outRSI2 ? outRSI2 : na, title="2nd RSI - Different Time Frame?", style=linebr, linewidth=4, color=orange)
p1 = plot(upLine, title= "Upper Line", style=solid, linewidth=3, color=red)
p2 = plot(lowLine, title= "Lower Line", style=solid, linewidth=3, color=lime)
plot(sml and 50 ? 50 : na, title="Mid Line", style=linebr, linewidth=2, color=gray)
plotchar(sl and crossUp ? crossUp : na, title="Buy Signal", char='B', location=location.bottom, color=lime, transp=0, offset=0)
plotchar(sl and crossDn ? crossDn : na, title="Sell Signal", char='S',, color=red, transp=0, offset=0)
fill(p1, p2, color=silver, transp=70)
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