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Unforged Master Of the Blade

It had been 300 years since the extinction of beta type - humans they had all been wiped out by an intergalactic unknown source which is called anakarite this 'anakarite' had wiped out all beta type humans causing them to evolve only leaving the strongest warriors of today alive this anakarite had wiped out the humans deemed unfit and had left only the most capable humans were alive thus the evolution of mankind these humans that survived and managed to procreate therefore creating the new mankind race known as an alpha. These alpha humans have gained the ability to fuse with weapons wieledied from anakarite gaining the ability to use weapon there has been a social heireachy placed in this world the higher the fusion percentage of the anakarite of the weapon the stronger it is. The ones at the top of the social hierarchy have around 60-82% of fusion with anakarite. And since the 300 years of anakarite there around 200 million human beings alive since the mass creation of human beings had begun in order to reinstate the population of mankind again there has been several factors made in order to ensure balance as the law and order has changed since the world lives in total control and hierarchy there are currently 12 factors in the law & order court of the world who all stand to bring different orders and are at the top of the court and law. These 12 factors have main family and branch families which the main family is the head of the family that is the leader of the factor and controls a nation whilst the branch family are either kept as slaves or work directly under the main family. The main family have more percentage of anakarite fusion than the branch family hencewise, they are treated with more respsect and care there is only 1 main family but there are multiple branch families.

The main character name: unknown rn
The main character age:8
The main character design: Literally any shonen anime design
The main character goal: Not yet stated

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