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DATE: JANUARY 14, 2024
1.List ten benefits of being physically fit.
Regular exercise and physical activity promote strong muscles and bones.
Improve your memory and brain function (all age group).
Protect against chronic diseases.
Aid in weight management.
Lower blood pressure and improve heart health.
Improve your quality of sleep.
Reduce feelings of anxiety and depression’.
Combat cancer related fatigue.
Improve the join pain and stiffness.
Maintain muscle strength and balance.
Increase life span.

2. Know how the following help to achieve a balance for your body.

-Exercise - Balancing exercises work your core muscles, lower back, and legs. Lower-body strength-training exercises can also help improve your balance. Performing balance exercises can help a person maintain or increase their coordination and strength. There are various types of balance exercises to suit the needs of people of different ages and abilities.
Balance exercises may help a person improve their stability, mobility, endurance, and more.

- Proper eating - Generally, a healthy diet consists of many fresh fruits and vegetables and limits processed foods. A balanced diet gives your body the nutrients it needs to function correctly. A balanced diet supplies the nutrients your body needs to work effectively. Without balanced nutrition, your body is more prone to disease, infection, fatigue, and low performance. A healthy, balanced diet will usually include the following nutrients:
vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants
carbohydrates, including starches and fiber.
healthy fats
A balanced diet will include a variety of foods from the following groups:
protein foods
A balanced diet contains foods from the following groups: fruits, vegetables, dairy, grains, and protein.

-Emotional stability -

3. Define the following exercises

- Isometric - Isometric exercises are exercises that involve the contraction of muscles without any movement in the surrounding joints.

- Isotonic- Isotonic exercise refers to motion (scientifically regarded as a flexion-extension cycle) at a joint, usually against resistance. This may sound like a clunky way of describing how you normally train — that’s because it is.
Isotonic exercise is the most common form of resistance training.

- Isokinetic - Isokinetic means “consistent speed.” No matter how heavy you’re lifting (or moving your body if you’re doing bodyweight training), the pace at which the joint opens and closes remains the same, as does the intensity of the resistance.

- Anaerobic - Anaerobic exercises are those that involve short, intense bursts of physical activity.
These exercises are anaerobic because they do not involve an increase in the absorption and transportation of oxygen. During anaerobic exercise, the body breaks down glucose stores in the absence of oxygen, leading to a buildup of lactic acid in the muscles.

- Aerobic - Aerobic exercises are endurance-type exercises in which a person’s muscles move in a rhythmic and coordinated manner for a sustained period.
People refer to these exercises as aerobic because they require oxygen to generate energy. Aerobic exercises increase a person’s heart rate and breathing rate to supply more oxygen to the body’s muscles.

4. Know the meaning of the principles involved in the following exercise program

- Warm-up - A warm-up (as it relates to physical activity and exercise) is any activity, either physical or mental, that helps to prepare an individual for the demands of their chosen sport or exercise. Warming-up prior to any physical activity does a number of beneficial things, but the main purpose of the warm-up is to prepare the body and mind for strenuous activity.
It’s important to start with the easiest and most gentle activity first, building upon each part with more energetic activities, until the body is at a physical and mental peak. There are four key components, or parts, which should be included to ensure an effective and complete warm-up.
The general warm-up.
Static stretching.
The sports specific warm-up; and
Dynamic stretching.

- Aerobic exercises - Aerobic exercise uses large muscle groups rhythmically and continuously and elevates the heartrate and breathing for a sustained period. Care and consideration should be used in selecting types (modes) of aerobic exercise. Depending on your goals, physical condition and injury/illness history, different types may prove to be preferential for your particular situation. Although aerobic exercise is not technique or concentration intensive, proper technique is still very important to optimize your efficiency and prevent injuries. How long you perform aerobic exercise will depend on your goals, schedule, and physical condition: 10 to 60 minutes is an acceptable range of time. 2 to 7 days a week. Under ideal conditions, 2 workouts a week will allow you to maintain your fitness levels, but for nearly everyone 3 to 5 sessions a week would be better. It is always important to gradually increase your duration, intensity and frequency. It is especially important if you are deconditioned, overweight, elderly or are rehabilitating from an injury or illness. Warmup and cool down is important to reduce discomfort and the chance for injury. Do not stop and stand abruptly without cooling down.

- Cool down - A cool down (as it relates to physical activity and exercise) is any activity, either physical or mental, that helps in the recovery and physical repair of an individual after physical activity or exercise. During strenuous exercise or a tough workout your body goes through a number of stressful processes: Muscle fibers, tendons and ligaments get damaged, and waste products build up within your body. The cool down helps all this by keeping the blood circulating, which in turn helps to prevent blood pooling and also removes waste products from the muscles. This circulating blood also brings with it the oxygen and nutrients needed by the muscles, tendons and ligaments for repair. There are three key components, or parts, which should be included to ensure an effective and complete cool down.
Exercising at a very reduced intensity and diaphragmatic breathing exercises.
Low-intensity, long-hold static stretching (very gentle self-massage or foam rolling is also helpful), and.
Re-hydrate and re-fuel.

- Calisthenics - Calisthenics is bodyweight exercise using minimal equipment. The core principles of Calisthenics are progressive overload, compound exercise, high range of motion and focus on perfect form and technique. Bodyweight exercises that use an individual's own body weight as resistance are the foundation of calisthenics. Pulling Exercises, Pushing Exercises, Core Exercises Single-Leg Exercises, Plyometric Exercises. Typical Calisthenics exercises are Pull-Ups, Push-Ups, Squats, Dips, Planks and Front- and Back Levers. There are many variations of each, creating both easier and harder exercises.

5. State the steps of how to determine your heart rate at rest and after exercise.

To check your pulse using this method, you’ll be finding the carotid artery.

1.Place your pointer and middle fingers on the side of your windpipe just below the jawbone. You
may need to shift your fingers until you can easily feel your heart beating.
2.Count the pulses you feel for 15 seconds.
3.Multiply this number by 4 to obtain your heart rate.

However, people without such devices can try to measure it in the following way.

1.Check the heart rate immediately after exercising by placing two fingers on the wrist.
2.Count the number of heartbeats for 15 seconds, then multiply that number by 4.
3.Wait for 1 minute.
4.Measure the heart rate again using the method in step one.
5.Subtract the result from step one away from the result of step two.

6. Identify the formulas on how to determine the minimum rate at which your heart should be beating to obtain the best aerobic conditioning effect.
AGE - MHR = THR (bpm)
34 - 220 = 186

186 = 220* 70 =

7. Using the four steps given in requirement 4, do a regular exercise program at least four times a week for a minimum of 8 weeks. For each exercise period, maintain the minimum heart rate determined in requirement 6 for a period of at least 20 minutes. Keep a chart of the following:
- Type of warm-up exercises performed.
- Type of aerobic exercises performed
- How long aerobic exercises were performed.
- Type of calisthenics performed.


1ST A.








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