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❚ Look down these subjects to pin-point your location of curiosity.
❚ Though it is best to read the entire forum, that isn't necessary.

1_//: On/Off Duty and Common Expectations
2_//: Ranking / Member cap
3_//: War
4_//: Group Communications/Contacts
5 _//: Joining The Reborn Supremacy
6 _//: Divisions


_//:On/Off Duty and Common Expectations

❚ If you are in our event, raid, rally, etc, you are ON duty. Please refer to these on duty guidelines.

❚ Follow a high ranking officer's orders only.

❚ You do not have to use Grammar all the time. We'll expect you to use grammar unless important ocassions such as Raids and wars or rallies.

❚ Events are only to be official if a high ranking officer is present.

❚ You must respect each individual soldier. If not , you'll be exiled. Respect is a huge thing in The Reborn Supremacy and we'll not tolerate soldiers who can't follow this simple rule.

❚ Events are fun. We play various games after some meadows training. The only think we do not allow in meadows, is spawn-killing. Though you are allowed to glitch. During these events, we do expect you guys to be at your up-most behavior and having a uniform on throughout training to represent the good means of our group.

❚ Please address the Higher Ranks as Sir or Ma'am , you'll not be punished if you don't.

❚ Use Team Chat during all raids. Yet again if you decide to not use TC , it will result in a demotion or expulsion. Do not reply to flaming.

❚ You must have your uniform on at all times! If you can't afford it. Contact an Evolutionaire+

❚ If you are to leave a raid, let a High Ranking Officer know in any means. Either after or during the raid. If you are inactive, let the Supremus know. If you are a High Ranking Officer who needs to go inactive, you will be placed in the CI-HR Rank. We will excuse ANY deep personal issues. Doesn't matter how severe as long as it is bad enough to delay your activity with us.

❚ If you're in active for at least 1 month , you'll be exiled. You must contact the Supremus before going in active unless you'll be exiled.

❚ Patrol the fort every day! It will show your loyalty towards the clan and increase your chances of getting promoted.

❚ Frequently showing up to events early can earn you Proficiency Credits!


_//:Ranking/ Member cap

❚ We use credits because it is the best way for our members to know the position they're in-IN terms of ranking-up. We have a database that displays the credit count for every member in the group.

❚ Once you reach the middle ranks, those normal credits are seized (the countdown stops.) And the proficiency credits begin count.
❚ Member cap in The Reborn Supremacy is 300. We'll accept only 300 sword fighters only. This might change in due course.

▪Credit Organizer
▪Begins Count At Join
▪Stops Count At Middle Rank Once Acquired The Exact Amount (Listed Below)
▪Based Off Activity (Listed Below)

▪Proficiency Credits Organizer
▪Begins Count At Middle Rank, Maximizes At Visionaire (Rank)
▪Based Off Experience, Knowledge, Activity, Dedication, and Possible Donation

▪Rank Organizer
▪New Blood
>>Proficiency Credit Count Begins Here<<
Currently Inactive HRs
Officer Examination

** Credit Acknowledge **
Max of credit that can be awarded is below 5c.



❚ War is to be only discussed with the Supremus.


_//: Group Communications/Contacts

❚ We require each individual member to download TeamSpeak3 OR Skype or Discord.

❚ We'll not allow you to join TRS if you do not have TeamSpeak3/Skype. It's the only way we'll communicate through raids and we intend as a clan to have a good communication.

❚ If you have a problem , contact the Supremus and he'll assist you.

❚ Skype will not be used in raids/trainings. Discord and TS3 only.

_//: Joining The Reborn Supremacy
❚ The Reborn Supremacy is only accepting the best of the best meaning TRS is accepting elite sword fighters only.

PM one member in the rank of "Examiners". PM your name and the reason you want to join " TRS" also a list of previous SF clans you have joined. - We want to see how experienced you are first before taking a test.
Once you have accomplished the task , the Examiner will PM you back the date and time.

Interviews will take place here:

If we think you're at our standards of level to join TRS, you'll be asked to pend for The Reborn Supremacy with the uniform.

If we don't think you're at our standards of level , you'll be asked to try out next time.

** Disclaimer **
Examiners are highly trained and do not play the act of favouritism.
Examiners will not speak or reply to stubborn or ignorant questions. It will lower your chances of being accepted.
Speak to the Supremus if you have problem understanding any of the laws written above.


_//: Divisions
** DIVISIONS OF The Reborn Supremacy **
YOU'RE ONLY ALLOWED TO BE IN ONE DIVISION and this part of the thread will explain what the division is and how to get acceptance.

In each divisions , member cap is 30 only.

Reborn Royal Guard are the finest and one of the best soldiers in the empire. The dark reapers of swords.
-You'll need to be invited into by an Captain to grant access to entering RRG.

The Reborn Ghost Unit specializes in many different various different tactics. You can't find anyone tactical as these soldiers.
- You'll need to be invited into by an Captain to grant access to entering RGU.

Reborn Elite Unit are soldiers who are consisted of TEAMWORK. REU belives individual strength isn't enough to be victorious in any situation.
- Contact an Captain in REU to request for acceptance.

Expulsion can happen anytime. Reborns who show true determination towards their own division will not need to worry about expulsion. Remember other Reborns will want to have a chance to be part of a division.



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Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

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