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once there was a girl called bethany, and she loved tinkering and building. But could not afford the tools as, her father was a blacksmith but ever since people could buy anvils and blacksmith supplies in the local market, Bethany and her family have been losing money and her father could not get a new job. So bethany decided to make a change, she was going to be a teacher! Getting a job as a teacher as women in the 17th century, getting any job at all was very dificult! Women were seemtreses, maids, farmers and mothers being a teacher was completely un-heard off. Bethany traveled far and wide to find a job but could not find one, so she decided to go home. Not as a women as a man. Bethany gathered her belongings and threw her bags on the back of her trailor, grabbed a fine amount of coins and went shopping. She started at the barbers, seeing a women walk into a mans shop was of course shocking, but Bethany went on. She asked ''by any chance could i get a haircut, as a farmer my hair always gets in the way!'' the man stared at Bethany and said ''an odd request but i shall try my best, you look like a lady with a pultry of earnings can you afford this?'' he asked '' well off course the spring harvest brought a fine amount of money, now get chopping sir!'' she spoke. The man picked up his rusty handeled scissors and started cutting, first the sides then the back and finaly the front. she said with sorrow ''i love it! how much will it be?'' '' two shilling mam'e!'' he spoke with delight. After her haircut Bethany went to the suit shop, and bought a fine shirt, trousers, blazer and shiny flat shoes. Once she arrived home Bethany's father was shocked and so he said '' is that you Bethany, in my many years i have never seen a women dressed as a man!'' Bethany replied with laughter '' don't you mean sir Bethany!'' they both chuckle. And so Bethany became mr. Beth, a teacher from another town called stoutsbrere in the cornish iles. Obviosly a fake place but Bethany pulled out her rugged tatty journal book and started wrighting. Happy with her tall tales of this fictional town Bethany got on her way to an intervew. She got the job Bethany and her father were delighted! Her first day of work was fun, she met a posh girl called lucy-may and a brown hairered boy called ron. After a week Bethany's salary came in, it was ten whole shilings! So Bethany removed her masculine desguise and went on her way to the local market. Once she arrived, the bright green of the long course grass brushing across her hands Bethany felt a buzz of ecxitement, she saw flashing lights of the games but then a shiny silver caught her eye, a tool shop! Nuts, bolts and hammers gulore, Bethany walked over to the shop once she got to the counter Bethany asked '' Hello there! i would like two sets of nuts and bolts and your finest hammer please!'' '' yes of course a tad odd for a women to come and ask for tools, but i get money either way!'' he said. after buying her new set of tools, Bethany went home and cleared her table to start making. Her father came down the creeky old stairs and said '' i see that spark in your eyes, that pasion like what i had when i was a boy! i had no idea you were so interested i will buy you more'' '' no father you must not! we don't have enough money'' Bethany said '' very well then, you may take any of my tools for your tinkering!'' her father said reluctantly. And so Bethany put on her desguise and went to work, once she got there the children were laughing behind her back, as soon as they heard the door snap shut all of them turned around. '' so what are you chauteling about?'' Bethany said, the children replied '' nothing sir '' Bethany walked over to her hard wooden chair and heard the kids giggle, squelch! She had sat in pudding, the kids burst out with laughter! after the day had ended the boy Ron came up to Bethany and said '' sir, may you share your adventures from stoutsbrere tomorrow?'' Bethany replied '' yes of course!''. the next morning Bethany grabbed her journal of tall tails and got on her way to work. '' alright everyone, it is time to start our morning activity! we are all going to wright about ourselves, travels trips and lots of fun!'' Bethany said. After the day had ended an unexpected guest appered, a man who looked about the same age as Bethany in a tall hat and a tailed suit, '' hello sir you must be mr.Beth is that correct?'' the man asked '' well yes tis I mr . Beth, what brings you here this fine afternoon?'' Bethany asked '' i am here to bring your last pay check'' he said, Bethany was shoked! A last pay check what is this? the man saw Bethany's shocked face and said '' i know it is alarming but you have been leining, to all of us you are no man you are a women!'' bethany gassped and said '' I AM NOT! '' '' don't be alarmed miss, we saw your father this morning asuming you would be there but he said that you were out teaching and said he was so proud of his... little girl'' and so Bethany grabbed the envolope and went home. '' I HAVE BEEN FIRED HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN!'' she said with anger '' calm now it was and acsident'' her father said '' AN ACCIDENT YOUR ACCIDENT HAS COST US THOUSANDS! WHAT DO I DO!'' bethany screamed. Opening the last pay check was sad knowing it was the last as Bethany peeled the cold red was from the plain paper she saw a note fall from the corner and picked it up it read 'miss kayla we have been informed that you have been teaching at a local school, since you do need to earn money we have found a girls school for you to work at as a women'' Bethany sqeeled in delight and pulled the check from the was twenty shilings! The only down side of this job it was in scotland and Bethany lives in manchester.
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