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The EWS system then compiles and indicates the agent's likeliness to leave with a Red, Yellow, or Green indicator. Red means the agent is most likely to leave within 30 days, Yellow designates the agent is at risk to quit, and Green means the agent appears to be satisfied and fulfilled in the position.

Attrition rate in BPO refers to employees leaving an organization in a specific period of time. It is often measured as a percentage of the total workforce. It impacts the stability, productivity, and overall performance of a BPO. The attrition rate is important for businesses, specifically in Business Process Outsourcing, where employee turnover can significantly affect operational efficiency and costs. Understanding the causes, outcomes, and methods to mitigate attrition is important for creating a positive work environment. It will also cover the difference between shrinkage and attrition in Business Process outsourcing, controlling, and How to reduce it in BPO.

Shrinkage can be defined as the time for which people are paid but not available to handle
calls or perform their task
• Planned Shrinkage
• Unplanned Shrinkage
Planned Shrinkage include Week Offs and Leaves; Unplanned Shrinkage include
Absenteeism and Half day in terms of headcount.
Shrinkage = Planned Shrinkage + Unplanned Shrinkage
= Sum (( Planned /Total agents *100) + (Unplanned / Total agents *100 )
For Calculation in hours
Shrinkage = (Total hours of External shrinkage + Total hours of internal shrinkage) / Total
hours available *100
Shrinkage calculation for headcount
• Shrinkage = Planned shrinkage + Unplanned Shrinkage
• Planned Shrinkage = (No. of week-off + No. of leaves)/Total Head-count
• Unplanned Shrinkage = {No. of absent + (Half day/2)}/ Total Roster-count
• Total Head-count = Number of agents available in ERP
• Total Roster-count = Total Head-count – (Planned Leave + Weekly-off)
Utilisation (%) = Total Logged-in Time/Total Shift Time×100
Occupancy (%) = Total Contact Handling Time /Total Logged-in Time×100
So, if you have 100 calls offered and 95 are handled, you will have a 5% Call Abandon Rate.

Managing team of 15 - 20 Team Members

Managing Team Performance - Productivity // Quality // Shrinkage
// Attrition
Coaching team members giving them feedbacks
Shift tracking so that it will not impact our IC

Review processes and come up with recommendation which can
help to improve overall performance / CSAT
Identify loopholes and bridge process gaps
Weekly monitoring and coaching to team members
Daily shift hurdles to make sure any new update is being cascade
Floor support and handling escalations
Manage and achieve IC targets
Maintain levels as per the given targets for different tenure bucket

KPI - Key Performance Indicator - is the metric that
quantifies a KRA (Key Result Area). In other words, a
KRA is a task that a person is expected to perform, and a
KPI measures how well you have performed it. For
eg.: CAT (Customer Satisfaction score) is a KRA,
and the KPI is your score that you have achieved for
this KRA. Usually, the target is considered to be the

Shrinkage is a workforce management metric that refers to time 🕰 in which agents are being paid 💰 but are not available in their specific shift.

Basic knowledge of computers and MS excel
GDS Knowledge is mandate
Experience in handling a team and ability to manage team members
and subordinates - Preferred
Strong supervisory skills
Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English
Organized and Methodical
Flexible for 24*7 environment scheduled for staff meetings and trainings, and there is unplanned shrinkage, like an agent calling out sick or on vacation.


Shrinkage is important to measure because contact centers need to factor shrinkage into their forecasts to ensure they will be adequately staffed.
For example: if you expect that 10% of your staff will call in sick on a Friday, you can increase the forecast by 10% to compensate for this.

Types of shrinkage
Planned- weekoff, holiday, PL
Unplanned-absenteeism due to any reason

Planned shrinkage- no. of planned leaves/ total head count *100

Unplanned shrinkage- no of unplanned leaves/ total head count*100

Total head count??????

Total shrinkage- Planned+Unplanned


Total no of people who left/(opening head count + closing head count)/2

Opening head count-10
Closing head count -8

People left-2

Attrition rate 2/(10+8)/2x100

No of separations X 100
Avg no of employees

Tell me about yourself
Hi, my name is Arpit Mathur .I have pursued my graduation under bachelors of arts from delhi university. I am an experienced professional with a good GDS knowledge. I am a highly motivated and positive person with a positive approach and having an experience of managing people. I have been working with IGT for 2.5 years now. Previously I have worked with as an Associate sales consultant, wherein we used to sell ULIP products. It was a hardcore sales process. Apart from that I have been working for a social welfare of stray animals. I am running an NGO by the name of Perroayuda Welfare Foundation (it’s a delhi based Non Government Organisation for stray animals). I have been featured in multiple newspaper articles and media publications for the same. I was also featured by sony networks for this initiative. I was invited as a guest speaker to conduct a webinar on Animal Welfare by NSS Cell of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Khalsa College. Currently in my role I am managing a team of 21 people including people working from home and working from office
Ccr target is 16% and i am sitting at 17.5 with my tenured agents
Aht is 1020 and my team is sitting at 1350secs with my tenured agents
Attrition was 0%
Total Shrinkage was 18%

Why do you want to become a assistant manager
I want to become a manager for 3 specific reasons
1. The skills, quality & experience that I have gained so far in my carrier makes me believe that I am the perfect candidate to perform the duties to a high standards.
2. I also believe that I possess a number of natural leadership capabilities which can drive a team as per the company’s set standards and directives.
3. I enjoy coaching and training people not only to make them met the set standards but also to make them expert with the process.

How to manage a team
I would like to highlight few things that I will implement if I become a manager
1. Good communication within the team
This will make them align with the company’s new goals and apart from
That it will help me to have a good connect with every single person in that team. It will help me to gauge my team members

2. Acknowledged Good work
This is something that I am doing with my team currently. By appreciating their good work in front of others will boost their moral and confidence.

3 Coaching and training
This is one of the most important aspects where in a leader has to coach his team to not only meet their targets also to make them expert with that product or tool.
I remember a quote by richard branson

Train your employees so much so that anybody can pay them double salary
& treat them well enough so they won’t leave you.

4 Transparency
Being transparent with all the team members
Not being biased and there should not be any favouritism

These are the practices that I will follow as a manager.

If an employee is not performing well
Then there can only be two reasons either will issue or skill issue
I will try to find out if that person is having a skill issue or a will issue
Once will know that we can create an action plan accordingly.
Skill issue is something which can be rectified by mentoring and by providing proper training however will issue need to be discussed with the employee and try to eradicate the challenges which that empowers is facing.

What will you do if there is a disagreement within your team.
I accept the fact that there will always be disagreement within a team
If One employee thinks that this is the right way and the other employee thinks that is the right way so everyone has their own perceptions and different thought process, they understand different ways they work different way which may lead to disagreements, so I will ask all
My team members to step back and I will lead the team in discussions, everyone will get a chance to put up their opinions and suggestions to understand each others Point of view and later on if appropriate I will negotiate a compromise that will put the team in best position for success towards our goal as per the company’s directive
Also as a team leader I will always know what is the right way to that work, then I will explain everyone to do it correctly and why it is the right way, without hurting anyones sentiments.

How Do You Handle Conflict Between Team Members?

If conflict ever does occur in my team, I will tackle it straight away otherwise it will not only lead to escalation, but also it can give a negative impact on the other members of the team.

To begin with, I would let the people in my team know that I am aware of it, and they have to resolve their differences quickly within a given timeframe.

I will then monitor the situation and if things will not improve straight away, Then I
Will take control.
I will speak to everyone concerned to establish the reasons for the conflict, before
giving them clear instructions on how to resolve it.
At all times whilst dealing with the
conflict, I will remain impartial, I will not take sides and I will use an open and
positive style of communication to reach a successful resolution.
Once the conflict is over, I will speak to all team members to reaffirm our
values and to give guidance on how to work together harmoniously and
collaboratively As a team


Tendency to take on too much responsibility.
Hesitancy about delegating tasks.

I have the ability to work under pressure
I am a creative person
I have good leadership and influencing skills
I good at making connections
I have public speaking skills
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Regards; Team

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