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One shiny,bright day there was a young boy called henleyjoinpoohead he got bullied because of his name and he was a bit overweight but never gave up for his dreams. he was allways accomplishing his dreams and this dream was a really weird one .
"hey henlyjoinpoohead you are so overweight and stupid (yeah) you little wimp are you going to go over there and cy but not jut sit there and cry go home and tell your mummy and daddy like you did yeasturday " said his worst bully of theme all yeah there are more bullys in this schoole at least were ever he goes there are loads of bullys evreywhere . At the park on saturday he was playing with Beth his Girlfreind and it was amazing while it lasted because it turned out to be the worst day of henleyjoinpooheads life well it gets even worse SAM WORT COME UP TO HIM AND KISS HIM !
"Oh no Beth is going to kill you for doing that oh no oh no oh on run here she comes hi Beth".
"Hi why are you swetting up like that did you just kiss sam wort I SAW YOU WERE DOING SOMETHING STRANG JUST TELL ME FROM NO ON did he come up for you or did you come up to her "!
"She came up for me but you can now here so shee can see that I love you more than her ".
They were really coss with sam wort but that did not let hat spoil there day the bullys come again they keept calling him names until he ran away crying he only does this when he is really upset but this tim it was not upsetness it was get to a shop before it closesness because valintins day was coming up and Beth really wanted something from gucci but it was ...............


IT WAS A I dont actally know was it a bag? Was it a necles ? oh yeah it was a ring a goldon one though but I think she has just made that up and if she has I WILL KISS HER .But no she did not trick henleyjoinpoohead and he want to change his name .The ring she wants was 5 green dimonds with it dimods on the out side and it to be golden 895 pounds oh no that must not be true but it actually was oh no how am am I going to pay that get a job sing be homles and aske for money but is it alligol no I dont think so at least well if it he will not do it anyway . I hope he can pay this do you guys. Oh no as he thought it had stopped people from hi school were there and keept calling him by his other name but no he told them that he has changed his name allready so his new name is drum roll please stop and again it was dalight like the song daylight now he needs to loose some weight and perfect he is now a bit musciler and people arnt going to make fun out of him anymore he is a new pearsone buy the gift after I get billion air you go am getting money
Minewhile the park Beth was getting alot of money to because she was beatting up somiiio
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