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May 5, 1348
My name is Rose Hughes. Living in a wattle and daub hut with my family was quite the experience. Our little abode may not have been luxurious, but it held so much warmth and love. With my two younger siblings and parents by my side, we created a tight knit family unit .One of the challenges we faced was the unclean water supply. It was always a concern, as it made it easier for us to fall ill. But we didn't let that dampen our spirits. While my parents worked hard on the farm, I took on the responsibility of looking after my younger siblings. Together, we tackled daily tasks like fetching water, gathering fruits, and nuts for everyone's nourishment .The animals were like extended family members to us. We took care of them, ensuring they were fed and happy. Walking the horses was a special treat, as it allowed us to explore the beautiful surroundings and bond with these majestic creatures. Life in our humble dwelling taught me the value of unity, resilience, and making the most out of simple joys. Though going back, this was my life before the appearance of the Black Death.
May 5, 1348
The talk of the Black Death was stirring up a commotion in the village. It's a terrifying disease that has been causing quite a stir in nearby villages as well. The way it spreads and its origins are still a mystery to me. I've been hearing all these stories about people in other villages getting sick. They feel so weak, have these terrible headaches, high fevers, and chills. It's even worse because some of them are getting these strange lumps on their bodies. It's truly distressing to think about how their bodies are being affected, with lumps forming and causing even more pain. I can't help but wonder, how are they going to get through this? Will they be able to recover? And what about us? How are we going to stay safe if this Black Death reaches our village? It's all so uncertain, the whole situation has me deeply unsettled and anxious. It's like a dark cloud looming over our village, casting a pall of fear and uncertainty upon us all. We just have to stick together, Support each other, follow whatever precautions we can, and hope that this sickness never makes its way to our doorstep..
October 18, 1348
It has been several months since I embarked on this journey of learning about the Black Death, and I must say, my understanding has undergone a significant transformation. It was truly unsettling to hear people discuss the Black death, but I just needed to know more. According to prevailing theories, the Black Death is believed to have originated from infected rats. It is presumed that fleas, which feed on these rats, and additionally these fleas would become infected as well. Subsequently, these infected fleas would transmit the disease to humans through their bites, thereby propagating the spread of this dreadful infectious disease. My question is, how will we ever stop this? The fleas are too small for us to notice, we'd be bit before we know it. How spreadable is it from human to human and how will we tend to the sick if it reaches us? There are even reports of folks in neighboring villages displaying symptoms that are indeed distressing. If these reports hold true, I pray for the wellbeing and recovery of those affected, including their families. The children, animals, and pregnant women. How will they get by?
November 31, 1348
The Black Death reached the village. My mother and I implored my father to remain at home and cease his work. As my younger sibling, yet he remained unwavering in his decision to continue. However, he remained steadfast in his commitment to fulfill his role as the provider and protector of the household, believing it to be his duty. We believed it prudent to exercise utmost caution and maintain a considerable distance from the afflicted individuals in our village, given the uncertainty surrounding the contagiousness of the disease. Within a relatively short span of slightly over a month, a significant number of villagers have fallen gravely ill. Tragically some have succumbed to Black Death. People now have been refraining from leaving their homes and have begun providing care to the sick. Given the rapid spread of this disease, I hold a strong conviction that those who care for the sick will inevitably fall ill as well. Regrettably, my father remains headstrong and refuses to heed reason, causing me great concern for the wellbeing of my family.

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