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Absolutism; is when the king or the qqueen have all the power in a country he is like a ultimate boss any person can ask the king he make all the descions if the king want to make a caste he dont need without need aproveition

State formation in europe; is the process which the moddrn states emrged the continent this process started in early medieval period is when the feudalism was comunly the power was deccentralized in this period have much small kingdons before this some monarchs want to expand thee power and strengthen yours governements other fact is when the governemnts family merrys your sons to unite the territorys

kinds of governation;
absolute monarch; in this system the monarch have all the powers
ddictorship; is a system where a inddivdual group governate all political power
oligarchy; is when the power is concetrid in a smaal group hands
theocracy; is when the governator is the religion leader
aristocracy is when the governation is a privilied group exenple e noble family the political is concentraded in the elite people
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