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Weeks 1-2: Foundation Building

Days 1-14

- Minute 1-5: Diaphragmatic Breathing
- Sit or stand with good posture.
- Breathe in slowly through your nose for a count of 4, feeling your diaphragm expand.
- Hold your breath for a count of 4.
- Exhale through your mouth for a count of 8.

- Minute 6-10: Humming Warm-Ups
- Start by humming at a comfortable pitch.
- Gradually lower the pitch to the lowest comfortable note you can hum.

- Minute 11-15: Vocal Sirens
- Begin at your current lowest note, make a smooth glide up to your highest note on the "oo" vowel sound.
- Then glide back down to your lowest note.

- Minute 16-17: Yawning Exercises
- Perform exaggerated yawns to relax throat muscles.

- Minute 18-20: Articulation Practice
- Recite tongue twisters slowly, focusing on enunciating each syllable clearly.

Weeks 3-4: Strengthening

Days 15-28

Repeat the foundation-building exercises but add more focus on lower pitches during humming warm-ups and vocal sirens.

- Minute 6-10: Resonance Training
- Using the "mmm" sound, try to focus the vibration into the chest area to develop chest resonance.

- Minute 18-20: Pitch Control Practice
- Read aloud from a book, gradually deepening your voice to a comfortable low pitch without straining.

Weeks 5-6: Endurance Training

Days 29-42

Continue previous exercises while incorporating longer stretches of talking in deeper tones.

- Minute 6-10: Extended Humming
- Increase duration of each hum at your lowest comfortable pitch.

- Minute 17-20: Monologue Practice
- Choose a monologue or paragraph and read it in your deepest comfortable voice for longer periods without strain.

Weeks 7+: Maintenance and Refinement

Day 43 onwards

By now, you should have built up better control over your deeper voice. Focus on maintaining this daily with these practices:

1. Continue diaphragmatic breathing as part of your routine – this supports vocal health.

2. Use humming warm-ups and vocal sirens regularly to keep the voice limber.

3. Integrate deep voice practice into everyday conversation, not just during exercises.

4. Keep practicing articulation; clear speech is critical for charismatic communication.

5. Stay hydrated and avoid behaviors that strain or damage the voice (like shouting or excessive caffeine/alcohol consumption).

Daily Maintenance Routine (Beyond 90 Days)

1. Consistent Vocal Warm-up (5 minutes)
- Continue with diaphragmatic breathing and humming exercises as part of your daily routine.

2. Vocal Sirens (3 minutes)
- Keep doing vocal sirens to maintain the range of your voice.

3. Articulation Drills (5 minutes)
- Articulate tongue twisters to maintain clarity of speech.

4. Reading Aloud (7 minutes)
- Choose different texts each day to read aloud using your deepened voice tone, focusing on maintaining the depth and resonance achieved during the program.

Weekly Voice Check

Once a week, record yourself reading a short passage. Compare this recording to ones from previous weeks to monitor consistency in tone and depth. This will help in recognizing any deviations or improvements over time.

Lifestyle Considerations

Continue to support your vocal health by staying hydrated, avoiding smoking, limiting caffeine and alcohol intake, and getting adequate rest. These factors can significantly affect the quality of your voice.

Remember that maintaining a deep, charismatic voice is an ongoing process that requires awareness and occasional adjustments. The habits formed during the initial 90 days should become part of your daily routine to ensure that your new vocal quality remains stable and becomes second nature when speaking.
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Regards; Team

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