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Both vapor-liquid-solid and vapor-quasiliquid-solid growth mechanisms have been applied to explain the diverse morphologies involving branching, connecting, and batch growth behaviors
Seebio Photosensitive Acid Generator offers a potential method for precise design and controlled synthesis of nanostructures with different Complex three-dimensional high aspect ratio microfluidic network manufactured in combined PerMX dry-resist and SU-8 technology.Meier RCh, Badilita V, Brunne J, Wallrabe U, Korvink JG.In this paper we present a new fabrication method that combines for the first time popular SU-8 technology and PerMX dry-photoresist lamination for the manufacturing of high aspect ratio three-dimensional multi-level microfluidic networks. The potential of this approach, which further benefits from wafer-level manufacturing and accurate alignment of fluidic levels, is demonstrated by a highly integrated three-level microfluidic chip. The hereby achieved network complexity, including 24 fluidic vias and 16 crossing points of SU-8 based fluidic networks. We further report on excellent process compatibility between SU-8 and PerMX dry-photoresist which results in high interlayer adhesion strength.

The tight pressure sealing of a fluidic channel (0 MPa for 1 h) is demonstrated for 150 μm narrow SU-8/PerMX bonding Analysis of surface-plasmon-polaritons-assisted interference imaging by using In the surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) interference lithography, the scattering effect caused by the rough surface of silver film deteriorates the quality of lithography patterns. Research shows that under this condition the light field in the photoresist is not the results of SPPs interference but comes from the SPPs assisted imaging in which the scattered light propagates from the upper surface of the silver film to the photoresist. The near-field optical transfer function (NOTF) is used to study this process and a method of evaluating the imaging quality is presented. The validity of NOTF is verified by both SPPs assisted interference imaging experiments and simulations by the FDTD. It is also shown that the NOTF method is not only a convenient approach to describe the nano-scale information transmission in the near-field but also a good method to optimize experimental parameters."Smart" polymeric microfluidics fabricated by plasma processing: controlled wetting, capillary filling and hydrophobic valving.We demonstrate a mass-production-amenable technology for fabrication, surface modification and multifunction integration in polymeric microfluidic devices, namely direct lithography on the polymeric substrate followed by polymer plasma etching, and selective plasma deposition.

We apply the plasma processing technology to fabricate polymeric microfluidics in poly(methyl methacrylate) etching is utilized to pattern the polymer via an in situ, highly etch-resistant, thin, Si-containing photoresist, or via a thick organic photoresist. Absolute control of surface roughness (from smooth to very rough), and the production of stable-in-time (slowly ageing) superhydrophilic microchannels are demonstrated. Second, we demonstrate the spontaneous capillary pumping through such rough, superhydrophilic plasma-etched microchannels in contrast to smooth ones, even 5 weeks after fabrication. Third, by using superhydrophobic patches inside the microchannels, and use them as passive valves. Our approach proposes "smart" multifunctional microfluidics fabricated Characterization of microstructures fabricated by two-photon polymerization using coherent anti-stokes Raman scattering microscopy.We demonstrate the possibility to image microstructures fabricated by two-photon polymerization (TPP) using coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) microscopy. The imaging contrast based on chemical selectivity attained by CARS microscopy is used to gather qualitative information on TPP.

Upon the basis of detailed knowledge of the characteristic signatures of the photoresist Raman spectrum, quantitative relationships between laser writing conditions and polymer cross-linking are demonstrated. The increase in degree of polymer conversion as a function of laser average power follows a sigmoidal profile which is interpreted in terms of a simple model based on the polymerization Combined scanning probe nanotomography and optical microspectroscopy: a correlative technique for 3D characterization of nanomaterials."Moscow Engineering Physics Institute", 115409 Moscow, Russian Federation.Combination of 3D structural analysis with optical characterization of the same sample area on the nanoscale is a highly demanded approach in nanophotonics, materials science, and quality control of nanomaterial. We have developed a correlative microscopy technique where the 3D structure of the sample is reconstructed on the nanoscale by means of a "slice-and-view" combination of ultramicrotomy and scanning probe microscopy (scanning probe nanotomography, SPNT), and its optical characteristics are analyzed using microspectroscopy. Seebio Photosensitive Acid Generator has been used to determine the direct quantitative relationship of the 3D structural characteristics of nanovolumes of materials with their microscopic optical properties.
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