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**Item #:** SCP-4638

**Object Class:** Euclid

**Disruption Class:** Vlam

**Risk Class:** Warning

**Special Containment Procedures:** SCP-4638 must be kept in a special cell designed to block external electronic signals. Foundation staff are to closely monitor and control all electronics in SCP-4638's vicinity.

**Description:** SCP-4638 is a humanoid entity with the anomalous ability of technopathy. It presents as a Caucasian male with blonde hair and green eyes, typically attired in a blue sleeveless sweater, black trousers, and goggles with red frames. SCP-4638 demonstrates exceptional control over electronic devices, machinery, and computer systems, exerting influence through telepathic or mental means.

SCP-4638's technopathic abilities enable it to:

- Precisely control and manipulate electronic devices, often without physical contact.
- Establish telepathic communication with technological systems, enabling direct interaction and comprehension.
- Infiltrate secure networks, circumventing encryption protocols and acquiring restricted information.
- Remotely repair and maintain malfunctioning technology by manipulating circuits and components.
- Integrate its consciousness with technology, incorporating cybernetic enhancements or controlling robotic avatars from a distance.
- Disrupt or redirect data transmissions across digital networks, including the internet and telecommunications systems.

SCP-4638's capabilities present significant security risks, as it could potentially compromise Foundation containment measures or access sensitive information. Consequently, stringent containment procedures are imperative to prevent unauthorized access to electronic devices in its proximity.

**Addendum: Incident Log 4638-1**
On ██/██/20██, SCP-4638 breached containment by remotely accessing the Foundation's secure network and disabling surveillance cameras within its containment zone. It attempted to infiltrate Foundation databases to retrieve classified information before being <...>
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