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Hello, i would like to speak with a Player Behavior Specialist about my account being permanently suspended. after some thinking, and playing some games on my smurf, I realized how wrong i was by being toxic player/teammate in the past. League is a team game, and its much more enjoyable when I embrace teamwork. I shouldn't have gone afk or flamed my teammates because of my own frustration. I want to win, they why I put so much effort into this game. Now I realize being toxic is not the correct way to approach the game. I really do hope that you reconsider this permanent suspension and will give me a second chance. I can promise you without a doubt I would never flame another teammate or make the League of Legends experience worse for anyone.
I would first like to address the reasoning behind why i always appear to be toxic in my games. It was never seeing other people do bad that set me off, it was myself doing bad that really mad me lash out at other people, and that was what made me say the terrible things that i did. I have since learned how to better control myself and realized it's not my teams fault that i am doing poorly and there's no reason to say these things to them. I have also been known to feed a few of the games. This was mainly caused from people calling me bad, which made me feel the need to "get even" with them. I have since learned to just mute them or even try taking advice from them. It has seriously helped out and i would say that it has been very rare where i genuinely get angry at the game anymore.
I have also noticed that being less toxic has vastly improved my experience with the game. I will admit that after about 3 years i was really starting to hate the game, always getting mad, never really enjoyed it. but with getting banned and forced to play on a new account, i remembered why i fell in love with the game in the first place. I started feeling excited about playing and not just doing it because it felt like there was nothing else to do.
I never really thought about how i might be affecting people with what i said until this ban happened. I thought being perma banned only happened to people that was insanely toxic and told people to go kill themselves, i never thought i would become someone like that. After i saw the message, i realized i was no better than them, and that really frightened me. I started thinking about how my family and friends would feel about me if they found out about the things that is said in these games, and i realized i was truly ashamed of it. I promised myself that i would change and that i wouldn't stay the kind of person i had become. I wanted to make the community a better place, not become apart of the problem.
I can clearly see now that this behavior has never helped me win. In fact, sometimes i would throw games because i was so mad. It's kind of funny to think that me, someone who plays ranked for the sole purpose of winning would want to throw a game just because someone got me mad, and now i realize how silly and childish it was. It makes no sense to do this to people, not to mention i was ruining everyone's experience. not just being self-destructive towards myself. I've started thinking back on times someone has ruined the game for me because someone else on my team made them mad, and how i thought so little of them, and to see myself do it truly is frightening. I would say that this perma ban was more of a blessing in disguise, as it has really changed me and my point of view while playing.
I would also like to mention all of the amazing people that i have met over the 3 years i have played on the account. I have made some serious friends online, some people that have even helped me make decisions in my real life and have helped me out tremendously. It seriously sucks to know that because i was an idiot in my games that i might never be able to talk to them again. I remember there was one friend when i had first started playing that actually bought me the Spirit Guard Udyr skin. Someone that i didn't even know personally had spent so much money on me just because he considered me a good person in the beginning. Honestly, i doubt if he had met me later in my gaming career that he would have given it to me, which really gives me the motivation to change now. There are so so many great people that i have met and i really don't want to never be able to talk to them again just because i became and angry little kid. Not to mention the sentimental value of the name. Leafre was the name of a town in the video game Maplestory. The town was by far my favorite place to hang out and just talk to other people. i played that game for years and i have so many amazing memories with it, and since i decided to start playing league i wanted to take a little bit of the game with me. Of course the name Leafre was taken so i settled on Leafri. To have this name gone to waste really hit me hard.
As previously mentioned, i really do think that this ban was a blessing in disguise. I would even say it has helped me in my personal life. I noticed that i have started doing things that i would never have done earlier in my life and i have started to do some really horrible things to people that i regret. i feel like this is what really got me to look at myself and see the kind of person i had become. I don't want to be this kind of person anymore and i promised myself after seeing the ban that i would change.
Finally, I would just like to personally apologize to you, because i know that i have become apart of the problem that you are trying to be rid of. And i'm sure i have probably influenced some people to start acting like i was. I will be a positive influence to the community, and do it from myself to make the community better. I know that the community will never be perfect, but i will make it better in every way that i can. I really hope that you will reconsider this perma ban and give me a second chance. I can promise you that you wont regret it.

Hey Leafri,

I'm Broken Blade and I will be assisting you.

So we have reviewed your case and determined that we will be reducing this permanent suspension to a 2 week suspension which will be lifted today since 2 weeks since this punishment was issued has already passed. Please take this as your final warning in regards to intentional feeding, if this account is found doing so again it will result in a permanent suspension that will not be lifted.

Best regards,

Broken Blade
Riot Games Player Support
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