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1. The idea for the game of dice stems from Duryodhana's indignation at the Pandava side of the family's treatment of him, and more broadly from the two sets of cousins' increasingly bitter rivalry. Sakuni fuels the idea to have the game of dice to humble Yudhisthira.

2. Duryodhana wants vengeance at how he was treated, he and Sakuni propose betting on the dice game, Dhrtarastra tries to satisfy Duryodhana's supposed discontent or feeling of lack compared to Yudhisthira by showing Duryodhana enormous wealth and splendor, and even tries to stop the game of dice from happening at all.

3. Y. initially protests by pointing out that "[a]t a dicing, Steward, we surely shall quarrel. / Who, knowing this, will consent to a game?" (125). Vidura replies that although this is correct, King Dhrtarastra has ordered him to send out the invitation anyway, so now he has to decide whether to accept. Y. asks for details on who he'd be playing against, and eventually gives in to "the King Dhrtarastra's behest, / So I will not refuse ... A son will always respect the father" (126). He adds that he has "sworn for eternity" that "[once] challenged I will not refuse" (126).

4. I feel like we're given the closest insights and relationship with Yudhisthira and Dhrtarastra. For the former, we understand why he feels compelled to accept the invitation—not just for the reasons he lists, but also knowing the larger context of the ongoing feud between the sides of the family and knowing that turning down the game of dice would be seen as a sign of weakness. We also do feel immense frustration with him for gambling away everything, but we are still closer to him in this scene and feel his feelings more acutely. For Dhrtarastra, earlier on in the reading, I feel like we have a closer sense of his turmoil and conflictedness when it comes to dealing with Duryodhana, who appears more confusing and greedy, given that he's basically lying to his father and king about what he wants in order to humiliate his cousins.
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