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15 Best Documentaries On Planar Magnetic Headphone
Planar Magnetic Headphones

Planar magnetic headphones employ a thin, flat diaphragm suspended between magnets to create uniform sound waves. This gives a greater sense of soundstage, more detail and a distinctive sound distinct from typical dynamic driver headphones.

Audiophiles might find them to be more expensive and difficult to drive however the investment is worth it. You can purchase a pair of headphones for less than $400. They include the budget-friendly Hifiman HE400i or Monoprice Monolith M1070.


With their huge drivers these headphones create extremely wide soundstages. These large soundscapes let you enjoy more detail and create a more immersive listening experience. You will be able to more precisely pinpoint the location of each instrument and voice in the mix which makes them a great choice for mixing or studio use.

Planar magnetic headphones are famous for their incredible bass sound. Their massive drivers are able to move a lot more air, which allows them to reproduce deep bass notes with amazing clarity and precision. This is a major improvement from the dull, muddy bass you get when you use the most headphones with dynamic drivers.

Planar magnetic headphones are distinctive in that they utilize a flat diaphragm, sandwiched in a conductive pattern in between two magnetic arrays. When an electrical current flows through the conductive trace it creates a magnetic force that causes the diaphragm to vibrate and generate audio waves. The diaphragm's motion is controlled by the magnetic field and it is evenly distributed across the entire surface area. This creates an isodynamic field that ensures that the diaphragm's motion is constant across the entire frequency range.

Since the distortion generated by a dynamic driver is caused by the voice coil moving between and out of contact with the diaphragm, plane magnetic headphones have significantly less distortion than their dynamic counterparts. This means that you'll be able to hear the music exactly as the artist intended it, even at high volume.

Planar magnetic headphones leak more than open-back dynamic models. The massive diaphragms inside these headphones move an enormous amount of air. Some of this air escapes through the open back. If you're listening in a quiet area this shouldn't be an issue.

Choosing between dynamic and planar magnetic headphones is based on your listening preferences and budget. If you prioritize clarity, precision and low distortion, then a pair of planar magnetic headphones is the right choice for you.


In recent years, audiophiles have become more interested in planar magnetic headphones. Known for their large sound signature, they utilize diaphragms with flat surfaces that move at amazing speed and flexibility to create superior high frequencies and a deep bass. The conductor trace that is present on planar magnetic headphones is fixed to the flat surface of diaphragm and reacts to the magnetic fields created by two opposing magnetic poles. This enables them to reproduce frequencies with greater excursions than other headphones without experiencing driver distortion or damage to the diaphragm during high volume.

This results in the diaphragm's flat shape creating a larger soundwavefront that is more planar instead of a more focused spherical wavefront like dynamic drivers (although some newer, high-end dynamic driver headphones like Focal Utopia can extend well into 20Hz). The larger and more expansive soundstage of planar magnetic headphones gives them an especially impressive ability to reveal details in recordings. This is particularly evident when it concerns instruments. The clarity and precision of planar magnetic headphones allows you to hear every string, woodwind, and piano note as designed by the composer.

A good pair of headphones will also reproduce the sounds around you. Some headphones let sound leak through the earcup's back, depending on the type of headphones they are, whether closed-back or open-back. This is not an issue in all instances, but it could be a nuisance to those who are near you when you listen. In this case, you should look for headphones that limit leakage or come with an optional grille for use in public areas.

Regardless of the type of headphones you pick it is crucial to find the right pair to fit your lifestyle and listening preferences. There are many styles, sizes and prices of planar magnetic headphones that can be suited to your preferences for listening.


A planar magnetic headphones uses thin diaphragms with conductors strung on an array of magnets to alter sound waves. This larger wavefront creates sounds that are more immersive and natural, with amazing detail, speed, accuracy, and speed. They are hefty and require a dedicated amp to reach their full potential.

In recent years, many special HiFi audio brands have brought this old technology back. This lets listeners enjoy new levels of audio quality. Although they might not appear as sleek and contemporary as dynamic models, these headphones are renowned for their deep bass, intimate sound, and excellent stage depth.

These headphones are comfortable and comfortable to wear despite their dimensions and unique design. The earcups are designed to enclose your ear and block out all noise, so you can concentrate on your music. They don't cinch around your neck or head like some over-ear headphones. The lightweight design and comfortable earpads are also an important factor for many listeners.

A planar magnetic headphone's price is a further disadvantage. While planar magnetic iem can find affordable dynamic headphones, most planar models require an specialized DAC and amplifier to make the most of them. They are more complicated than their dynamic counterparts and require lots of power to move the magnets.

Some planar headphones are affordable (such as HIFIMAN's Deva or the Venus of AUdeze) however, most are considered to be high-end with some priced at more than $400. It's a big investment if you play music on the go or play games all the time. However, for those who love music at its peak, planar headphones offer the best listening experience.

The main drawback of planar headphones, despite their excellent audio quality, is their leakage. The bi-directional motion of the dual magnets cause the sound to be pushed outward and can cause a disturbance to those nearby or let in outside noises. Some models are more susceptible to this than others. However, it's an issue for most listeners who would like to enjoy their music in a quiet setting.

Noise isolation

For a pair of headphones to be referred to as "headphones" they should be able to shield your ears from the surrounding environment. A quality pair of planar headphones will feature ergonomic design and top materials to stop the sound from entering your ears. This will reduce the amount of noise that you hear, and give you an experience that is more immersive.

In general the headphones with planar magnets are heavier and more bulky than dynamic headphones. This is due to the fact that the driver has a larger surface area to produce sound, which requires a larger earcup. Some of the most prestigious HiFi audio brands prefer to design earcups with exotic woods and composites.

Planar magnetic headphones work by regulating electrical current via an electrified layer that is sandwiched between two magnets. The magnetic field on each side of the film causes it to vibrate, creating sound waves. The diaphragm vibrates as an entire unit, not just the small portion connected to the voice coil. This means that they are less likely to be distorted at high volume.

However, many newer headphones with planar magnetics aren't as strong in bass, and don't have quite as much punch or slam as you'd get from a high-end pair of dynamic drivers. It's all about balancing the trade-offs when comparing different headphones.

It is recommended to search for a pair of planar magnetic headphones and read reviews from both professional audio sites and users on the subreddit r/headphones. That's how you can be sure that the pair of headphones you select will give you the best performance for your needs and musical taste. After that it's a matter of finding an acceptable price-to-performance ratio. The Monoprice M1060 headphones are a great example, as they combine a stunning audio quality with a sleek, stealthy design and comfortable pads that compete with headphones costing much more than the M1060.

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