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Five Things You Don't Know About Fiat Doblo Key Fob Replacement
How to Repair Fiat 500 Keys

There are many reasons your Fiat 500 key FOB may stop working. The small "watch" inside the key FOB will often fail. It's an 3.3-volt lithium CR2032 You can buy it for less than $3.

When you need the replacement key for an older Fiat model locksmith is the right person to contact. United check this link right here now offers this service and comes with all the tools and spare parts required.


On the outside, a Fiat key might appear basic but inside the casing is an electronic chip that communicates with your vehicle's immobiliser system. If the chip isn't present or programmed to the immobiliser system in a correct manner then your vehicle won't start. Car Keys Solutions can offer you the latest technology and equipment from dealers to repair your Fiat key, even if the key is damaged or lost.

A spare key is the most efficient way to keep your car running in the event of a crisis or being locked out. It doesn't matter if you require a standard blank or a remote fob, we can assist. We only use top quality blanks and provide a quick turnaround time so that you can be back on the road quickly.

Some people prefer to visit a Fiat Dealership in order to obtain an updated key. We can provide a quicker and cheaper service. We can also come to your location to save you the expense of towing your vehicle to the dealer. This can also decrease the wait time which can range from a few days to 10 days.


The remote controls of Fiat vehicles are like keys, however they are equipped with an IR LED (infrared). The LED transmits an indication to the device that opens or turns off the car when you press. The signal is received by a microprocessor inside the key, which transforms it to a code that is then transmitted to the device.

This is referred to as "keyless entry". The more recent your vehicle is, the more likely you are to have an electronic keypad. The more modern your car is has, the more features you'll probably have with it. This includes locking and unlocking your car with the pushing a button, opening the doors without touching the handle, and so much more.

The key fob is fitted with an integrated circuit chip which communicates with the immobiliser system in the car. The system determines whether the key is in fact correct by checking a specific sequence of the transponder. The vehicle will not start if the chip is missing or if it's not programmed to the correct immobiliser system.

A locksmith can repair the key fob if it's damaged. They will also have to program the new key to be synced with the vehicle's immobiliser. It is recommended to provide your locksmith's details regarding your vehicle whenever they call.

Keyless Entry

With a keyless entry feature on your Fiat 500 you can lock or unlock the car with just a touch of a button. This technology is becoming more prevalent in cars of all kinds and ages and can add convenience and security to your vehicle's use.

Verify that your remote keyless entry system isn't working. The battery in the fob may be dead. If the battery is depleted, replace it with a fresh one that has the same voltage, size, and type as the original. Also, ensure that the contacts of the battery are free of dust or corrosion.

The key fob is fitted with rubber seals that protect the chip from water however, prolonged exposure to salty or soapy water may cause the chip to fail. If your key fob has been exposed to water, take out the battery and allow it to dry completely before putting it back in. You can also clean the electronic component using isopropyl and electronic cleaner.

Although some may think that keyless entry is less secure, the system is actually more secure than conventional systems due to the code that unlocks your car is rolled away after each use. This means that even if hackers intercept the signal, they won't be able to gain access to your vehicle.


Fiat employs a crypto-key transponder system this means that keys/transponders must be precoded by the Body Control Module before they are "programmed" by the BCM. This is why an unwritten key is not able to be programmed, because the BCM must read and write the secret code to the transponder & lock it. This is known as cloning.

These are new replacement outer cases OE SIP22 Transponder keys for Fiat 500. They contain a chip that unlocks the doors and opens the car. They will need to be cut professionally by a locksmith to fit your ignition.

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