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This poem is how most TEENAGERS feel about SCHOOL.
NO ONE understands you when you said you are '' not made for SCHOOL ''

The work is to hard,
The classroom is to loud,
I must get this work done or no one will be proud.

I get this tummy ache when I'm sitting in maths,
I wish I could go home where I feel nice and relaxed.

I don't have any friends,
I feel so alone,
why can't I just be confident? I hate that I'm on my own.
Mum said I'll be fine so why do I cry,
I really love my mum but why does she have to lie?
I cant take much more, I hate this place,
I'd rather be anywhere than here I feel so misplaced.

I get it all wrong,
So why should I try,
I don't think my mum knows that I want to die,
It makes me feel stupid, I just cant sit still,
just need to move, I don't want to take the pills!

Why do i have to wear this uniform anyway?
It irritates my skin and makes me feel like I'm going crazy.

My dad said this morning that it will be better soon,
So why do I still feel so down and blue?
I just wish I could run and escape this place,
And why are there so many gates?

Why cant I go toilet when I want?
I wont mess around I promise I wont!
Why cant I just sit in the quiet room for one last time?
I just need some space, I feel like I might cry.

I told the teacher that I'm finding the work hard,
But they told me to just get on with the task.

I tried to get up this morning, But my body wouldn't move,
My mum shouted come on its time for school move!
But I just couldn't do it, My body said no,
I felt sick and tired, There's no way I can go,
Mum was stressed, She needed to get to work,
But my heart was pounding, It felt like it might burst.

Dad stayed home with me whilst mum went to work,
I heard them on the phone talking about how this wasn't going to work,
I wish I could get myself to school,
But place makes me feel so stressed and sad,
I don't understand the work and it makes me feel so mad,
I don't want to feel alone in the playground full of kids,
It feels to much, all of this.

No one understands me,
I feel broken into bits,
I just wanted to sleep, Sleep away all of this,
I want my mum and dad to be proud,
but mums crying and dads stressed out,
I'm not a bad kid I promise I'm not,
I'll even clean my room and take out the dog,
Please believe me, I'm trying my best,
The truth is I'm not good at school and its not for my best,

Maybe there's another way that I can learn and be happy,
Where there's no test, And we can just play footy.

School just makes me feel so trapped and heavy,
I want to feel proud of myself,
Please can you help me?
I'm not made for school, I'm made for other things,
This shouldn't make me feel so bad, But everyone seems so sad.

Please show me I'm good enough without the academics,
I just need some love, and understanding,
From you my PARENTS.
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