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Story - title: TRUST YOUR HEART Once upon a time, there was a girl name Clara, she has 4 siblings and she is the 3rd child. Her parents John and Lisha was so mean to Clara, and Clara was been abused by her parents. she was so scared and her parents does not let her eat. Clara was so sad that she thought to run away from home. So at 9 pm her parents and her siblings was sleeping she run away but she failed because her older sister Denise, Caught her running away but insted of Denise telling her parents. denise said "run away sis right now you deserve to live a happy life be careful. " Clara was shocked but she listens to her sister. She run as fast as she could but she runned into a scary forest. She cried because she was scared and after a few mins she found a scary man walking in the forest but Clara wasn't scared she talked to the man but when she talked to the man she was crying to see it was her own father her REAL father she was crying and her real dad told her, "Clara! i miseed you so much me and your mom was looking for you for 11 years! we missed you so much! " Clara said "what do you mean im not your daughter my real dad is John Fants" Clara's father was shocked and told her a story that made clara cried. On how his brother john took clara when clara was 4 years old. Clara was shocked to see her own dad and clara looked like her mother when clara's dad took her home she found her mother after 11 years her mother was shocked and cried at the same time. They hugged eachother and live a happy life. THE END! MARCH 23,2024 WRITTEN BY: EUNNA NICAH CANTERE, 10 YEARS OLD, BORN: JULY 12,2013 ~ Don't Let Your Parents hurt you do what you can do to stay away from them. Trust your HEART!😀
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