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Cruises to Egypt All Inclusive
Pyramides, temples et momies, l'histoire égyptienne vous a portée en rêve. Faites évoluer vos vacances à la découverte de ses merveilles lors d'un voyage all inclusive en Egypte.
Departez des grandes villes françaises, embarquez pour le Nil et visitez les cités historiques qui bordent la plus grand fleuve du monde. Visitez également le musee egyptien où se trouve une riche collection d'oeuvres localistes antiquités.
Visite a Louxor
The regal city of Luxor is a window into Ancient Egyptian history, and has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The city, also known as the Waset (or Waset) or Thebes, was the chief focus of royal power during the New Kingdom, and the splendour of its temples and tombs still glows in the imagination of classical writers millennia later.
The best time to visit Luxor is during the winter and spring. However, the summer months are hot and dry and can be very uncomfortable.
egypte croisiere
Travel to and from Luxor by bus or coach. Go Bus operates buses from Cairo, with services departing near Tahrir Square. Buses leave four times a day, with prices ranging from 190 to 265 EGP for a one-way trip.
It is a good idea to get your hotel booked early, as there are few places available at peak season. Moreover, booking hotels through reputable sites and travel companies can help you save money. Also, it is advisable to have a comprehensive travel insurance policy in case of an emergency.
Visite a Mohammed Ali du Caire
The Khedivate of Egypt and Sudan was founded by Ali in 1805, capitalizing on disorder in the country following the French occupation (1798 to 1801). The father of modern Egypt he instituted dramatic reforms to bring the country into the modern age.
Ali’s military and economic goals required a healthy population from which young boys could be conscripted. He was concerned about syphilis, smallpox and child mortality. Clot Bey, one of his advisors, recommended the construction of a school for the training of female doctors.
Despite Ali’s industrial experiments, Egypt remained a peasant-based economy. The economy deteriorated, largely due to administrative mismanagement and the military conscription of peasants for labor.
The Mosque Mohammad Ali has a courtyard with naves raised on pillars and roofed with small domes. It also has an ornate clock presented to the mosque by King Louis Philippe of France in exchange for the obelisk which stands in the Concorde square in Paris and a Turkish ablution fountain. It is the oldest mosque in Cairo and can seat over 6500 people.
Visite a Assouan
Assouan, pronounced Swenet, was Egypt’s southernmost city in antiquity, located just above the 1st Cataract that separated Egypt from Nubia. From here, military missions into the Nubian lands and central Africa could be launched and from where trade was conducted with that region.

Today, Assouan is still an important stop for Nile cruises and visitors can discover the rich Nubian culture in its markets and teahouses. The best time to visit is between October and April when the weather is cooler than in the blistering summer months.
It’s also the home of the felucca boat, the traditional sailboat that plies the Nile in this part of the country. To the ancient Egyptians, the cataract region was seen as the edge of the world where the “Mother Nile” rose from the primaeval ocean Nun to render the land fertile. The god Hapi welcomed it into the country from his grotto at Bigeh Island and then guided it to the eternal ocean in the north. This explains why, even today, the Nile is often referred to as “the River of Life”. It’s the longest river in the world.
Visite a Sainte-Catherine du Sinai
The Monastery of Saint Catherine in the remote desert of Egypt is one of the most significant sites of pilgrimage in the world. Its remarkable collection of religious treasures, only a small part of which is now on display in the Sacristy, has survived the destruction of images during the Iconoclastic disputes that ravaged Christianity from the seventh to the eleventh centuries. Their preservation to this day is the result of the constant toil and ceaseless care of monks and the generosity of devout pilgrims.
On a visit to Saint Catherine, you can enjoy the hospitality of a Bedouin village and explore the wonders of the monastery. You can also climb Mount Sinai, aka Moses Mountain, which is considered an important site for Christians, Muslims, and Jews alike.
The area surrounding the monastery is a National Protectorate and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is a place of peace and tranquility, where it is easy to forget the noises and distractions of everyday life. The people of the area are incredibly welcoming and friendly.
Visite a Dahabeya
Sailing the Nile on a Dahabiya allows you to experience a different Egypt. You will visit the main sites between Luxor and Aswan but in a way that is not possible on large cruise boats. You will also sail by small islands and villages that are full of the Egyptian culture.
During the day you can sit on deck and feel the suns heat, listen to the water lapping against the boat and the croaking of the frogs and relax with a book. In the evening you can lie back and watch a stunning sunset or a star filled sky.
A chef and assistant cook will prepare traditional meals for you on the boat. These will be served family style on the open deck with your fellow passengers and crew. You can dine with a view of the river and its tranquil banks. It doesn’t get much better than that!

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