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"The Ultimate Cheat Sheet For Under Counter Side By Side Fridge Freezer
Side by Side Fridge Freezers uk

Side by side fridge freezers uk have a huge capacity and a functional design. They typically have an ice and water dispensers in the front.

They come with a variety of door compartments which are perfect for arranging your food quickly after a shopping spree. They are energy efficient and feature even temperature technology to minimize fluctuations. This helps keep your food fresher for longer.


When you're looking for refrigerator freezers, working out which size to pick can be a difficult task. Should you choose a wide American-style fridge freezer with a 60/40 split or a more modest French door model that's a bit shorter and has a more traditional 50/50 division? Ultimately it comes down to your personal preference and how often you'll be using the freezer for day-to-day food preparation.

Both models come with a variety of storage options that include adjustable shelves and door bins. They also have ice cube dispensers. There are also other features that are useful, such as a Humidity Zone (Candy's MyZone) for fruit and vegetables. This feature maintains the humidity of the fridge drawer up to 90% and keeps your food fresher longer.

Recently, Candy has developed a four-door version of their side by side fridge freezers. It eliminates the vertical divider wall between the freezer and fridge compartments and replaces it with two chest of drawers freezer drawers to create more storage space. This could be a great advantage for families who will use the freezer more often as they'll be able to quickly reach their frozen food items.

If you're looking for the look and capacity of an American-style fridge freezer, but without the bulk, many brands offer 70cm models which are a better fit for UK kitchens. It is important to determine the depth of these fridges prior to buying to ensure that they will fit through front and internal doors.


You can get a lot of value for your money by purchasing side-by-side refrigerator freezers. They generally have around 25 cubic feet of space, which is enough for a family's weekly shop. They're also an excellent choice for singles and couples who don't need a lot of food.

A big selling point is that the fridge side is bigger than bottom or top freezer models, which makes it easier to reach and look at what's available. Refrigerator freezers with this design are also typically more energy efficient than other models because they don't have the same amount of cold air going to waste.

Another selling point is the convenience of having a freezer on the bottom and fridge up the front. It can be a pain to search through a large freezer for something you're looking for and it's not easy to locate items at the back of your freezer that've been there for too long.

This KitchenAid fridge has ample storage with 13.7 cubic feet of space on the refrigerator's side. There are two drawers with crisper options and four shelves (three of which are adjustable) along with an deli compartment on the door. There's even an ice maker with two options that can make cubed and crushed ice. This counter-depth refrigerator also features interior LED lighting as well as humidity control. It also comes with a door-in-door feature, which lets you quickly access your snacks without having to open the entire refrigerator.

Energy efficiency

Fridge-freezers can be expensive to operate, especially ones that have a lot of freezer space. It is important to choose one that has the highest energy efficiency rating.

As of March 2021, the energy rating classification for certain white goods has gone through a major overhaul. Plus signs have been replaced by an A-G scale. It's still a rare thing to find an A-rated fridge-freezer but there are plenty of top-quality models available that will lower your monthly bills and carbon footprint.

For those who want to cut down on their energy bills you should also think about models that have a variety of features to make the most of your energy. The adjustable shelving is a typical feature that lets you tailor the storage of your food to suit your requirements, while LED lighting reduces energy usage. Some models have doors that let you to get snacks without opening the fridge. This is ideal for last-minute shopping. Some models also have cameras so you can check the contents of your fridge without letting cold air escape. Great for those who are in the middle of a trip.

zanussi side by side fridge freezer are more expensive and have additional features. For instance smart features allow you to control your appliance via your smartphone. However, if you're looking for a no-frills fridge-freezer that does what it says on the packaging, we've examined a range of reliable side by side models that get the basics right.


Hisense RQ563 is a stylish refrigerator freezer that is affordable and American-style that will impress your guests. It houses the fridge on the left and the freezer on the right and includes non-plumbed water as well as Ice dispensers that are simple to install. It also has an apple crisper to stop soggy lettuce and mushy apples, plus adjustable shelves and LED lighting. The majority of users are raving about it, and say its spacious interior and no-frost technology make it an excellent value.

GE's PJU25YGXFSS is another model that offers a number of features that are market leaders and enhance food preservation. ClimateKeeper temperature control system, ExpressChill, and multi-colour touchscreens on LCDs that have polyphonic feedback are among the features. The fridge features humidity zones that permit you to alter the temperature in certain drawers. This is great for foods that are fresh, such as cheese and meat.

Other innovative products include LED lights that last a long time, don't generate heat, as well as sensors that can alert you when one of the doors is left open for too long. You can also choose the model with an infant lock, which can stop your children from accidentally altering the temperature of the fridge. This kind of refrigerator freezer is larger than most other types. Family members with shorter heights might have trouble getting to the top shelves.

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