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def EmeaVsEmeaDsa(self):
# Select the current EMEA Quote PDF
curEmeaQuoteFD = fd.askopenfilename(title='Select Current EMEA Quote')
# Select the EMEA DSA Excel file
emeaDsaFD = fd.askopenfilename(title='Select EMEA DSA Excel File', filetypes=[("Excel files", "*.xlsx *.xls")])

# Initialize the EMEA Quote
curEmeaQuote = EMEAQuote(curEmeaQuoteFD)

# Read the EMEA DSA Excel file
emeaDsaData = pd.read_excel(emeaDsaFD, header=None)

# Convert EMEA Quote SKUs and quantities to a dictionary for easier comparison
emeaQuoteDict = {sku: qty for sku, qty in curEmeaQuote.skusWithQuantities if pd.notna(sku)}

# Aggregate quantities for each SKU in EMEA DSA
emeaDsaAggregated = {}
for index, row in emeaDsaData.iterrows():
sku = str(row.iloc[10]).strip() # SKU column
qty = row.iloc[13] # Quantity column

if pd.isna(sku) or sku.lower() in ["sku", "qty", "subtotal"]:
continue # Skip rows with irrelevant or missing SKU information

emeaDsaAggregated[sku] = emeaDsaAggregated.get(sku, 0) + qty

# Initialize variables to track SKUs and quantities not matched
notInEmeaDsa = []
notInEmeaQuote = []
qtyMismatch = []

for sku, qty in emeaQuoteDict.items():
if sku in emeaDsaAggregated:
if emeaDsaAggregated[sku] != qty:
qtyMismatch.append((sku, qty, emeaDsaAggregated[sku]))
notInEmeaQuote.append((sku, qty))

for sku, qty in emeaDsaAggregated.items():
if sku not in emeaQuoteDict:
notInEmeaDsa.append((sku, qty))

# Generate and save the report
report_content = "Emea Gii vs. Emea Dsa Report:n"
report_content += "-------------------------n"
report_content += "SKUs not in DSA (in Gii):n"
for sku, qty in notInEmeaQuote:
report_content += f"{sku}: {qty}n"

report_content += "-------------------------n"
report_content += "SKUs not in Gii (in Dsa):n"
for sku, qty in notInEmeaDsa:
report_content += f"{sku}: {qty}n"

report_content += "-------------------------n"
report_content += "SKUs with quantity mismatch:n"
for sku, gii_qty, dsa_qty in qtyMismatch:
report_content += f"{sku}: GII Qty = {gii_qty}, DSA Qty = {dsa_qty}n"

# Define the filename and save the report
report_filename = 'EMEA_vs_DSA_report.txt'
report_file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(curEmeaQuoteFD), report_filename)
with open(report_file_path, 'w') as file:

print(f"Report saved: {report_file_path}")
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Regards; Team

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