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The Reasons Side By Side Freezers Fridge Is Quickly Becoming The Hottest Fashion Of 2023
Slimline Side by Side Fridge Freezer

If you're looking for a fridge freezer that has a side-byside layout or a fridge that has a different layout, there are many factors to take into account. integrated fridge freezer side by side is a Lowe's product writer who suggests you look at the capacity and the size of your kitchen cutout and any other features such as WiFi and apps that are compatible with it.

This LG refrigerator has four shelves (one of which can be adjusted) as well as two crisper draws and door bins to store your groceries. It also has an ice maker that produces both cubed and crushed frozen ice.

Here are a few examples of

Giving households efficient organisation and ample storage, side by side fridge freezers can be a useful option. They come with compartments for cold and frozen items, a variety of fridge volumes (litres), and different options like smart features or door in doors to keep snacks nearby.

Side by side refrigerators are available in counter-depth and standard installation styles. They are a great option for a wide range of kitchen floor plans. A majority of them are Energy Star certified. This means they use less energy on a regular base and are designed to meet certain specifications.

Side by side refrigerators are more likely to have a flexible freezer organization with adjustable shelves and door bins. French door refrigerators, on the other hand could require more space for swings and have a lower capacity in comparison to other configurations, but they offer various advanced options, such as outside water and ice dispensers smart displays, as well as higher-end finish options.

The decision between side by sides fridge freezers and French door configurations will largely depend on your personal cooking preferences and your family's requirements. It is possible to choose a French-door fridge if your preference is to cook fresh foods and host large gatherings. If, however, you're looking to store frozen food or packaged meals in a convenient way, you might want to choose a side-by side fridge.


As opposed to French door refrigerators, side-byside refrigerator freezers are taller and slimmer for sleek appearance. They come with between 13 and 15 cubic feet for fresh food, and eight to 9 cubes of frozen foods. This design makes them ideal for kitchens with less depth.

Most side-by-side models feature four shelves in both the freezer and fridge sections as well as two or more drawers for produce and door storage bins for items like gallons of milk, or soda bottles. Certain models have the option of a butter drawer or deli cabinet to make it easier.

This KitchenAid model is quite expensive however it offers numerous extra features that are included in the price including independent cooling systems for the fridge and freezer portions of the appliance. These help to maintain temperatures and safeguard your food from damage and spoilage. Air filters help control odors, and the crisper drawers absorb ethylene gas to prevent the over-ripening and rotting of veggies and fruits.

This counter-depth side by side refrigerator is a great option for a gourmet kitchen. Hidden hinges give the refrigerator a built-in appearance without extending beyond cabinets or countertops. It has a slim design that can be easily tucked into tight spaces, and it gives 15.6 cubic feet of room for frozen and fresh food with two ice makers that provides crushed and cubed ice in standard sizes. The digital display makes it simple to monitor and alter the operating temperature.


Comparing side by side fridges to French door refrigerators, they have more freezer storage space and flexibility when it comes to food storage. They are also less expensive and a ideal choice for those with a limited budget.

As with other refrigerator styles side-by-side refrigerators are typically equipped with doors and shelves that can be adjusted for flexible storage options. They may also come with two or more produce drawers with specialized storage environments, such as low and high-humidity settings to keep fresh food tasting the best. They may also have the deli drawer that can be used to store top-quality cheeses and meats.

The capacity of a side-by-side fridge depends on how many and what size food items you keep in it. In general it is recommended to fill the fridge to a half its capacity to ensure the proper circulation of air. Overfilling the fridge can result in blocked vents, which in turn can affect temperature control and the life span of the appliance. To avoid this, consider the type and amount of food items you'll store in your fridge when making a choice. Consider storing frequently-used ingredients like condiments and sauces in the refrigerator's door bins.

Energy efficiency

Refrigerators and freezers consume a lot of energy and are on all the time and therefore it's worth more money to purchase one that's energy efficient. Look up the kWh figure on the energy label and compare that with old ratings (A-G). Smaller fridges are more efficient.

Some models come with doors that let you take a bite without opening the entire fridge and wasting energy. These models are typically more expensive. These models are more expensive, and they have more advanced features. You can control your fridge via your smartphone, set reminders to eat or freeze food and even control the fridge remotely.

The majority of side by side refrigerators come with an water and ice dispenser that is built into the door of the fridge for easy access. Some models have advanced Ice maker functions that allow you to control the amount of crushed or cubes of ice your fridge produces this is beneficial for to avoid drinks from becoming quickly reduced in volume due to too many ice cubes.

Many models come in a variety of finishes to fit your kitchen's style, ranging from traditional stainless steel to modern slate and high-gloss black. Some models have hidden hinges that give the appearance of a built-in appliance. Certain models have handles that are long, which are more like the handles of kitchen appliances made by professionals. These models are more expensive, but they are great for a modern look.

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