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What is Video Production
Video production is the process of producing video content. It is the equivalent of filmmaking, but with images recorded digitally instead of on film stock. There are two types of production, video production and television production. Video productions are created for nonbroadcast like online, mobile phones or via DVDs. Television production, on the other hand, is shown to a public audience by broadcast or cable transmission. Television production is considered a linear service, meaning, when it will be offered or broadcast is decided by the network or station, whereas video production is considered a non-linear service. Non-linear programs are available for on-demand delivery. It is the demand that is the biggest difference between television and video production.

A Brief History of Video Production
With an increasing number of mediums to select from, it’s easier now, more than ever before, to be entertained. Video production and its distribution methods, however, have not always been so accessible. The evolution of video production has evolved drastically throughout the past century and a half, constantly shifting in response to the introduction of new technologies. Where once audiences had to wait a long time to see a film, only in theaters, audiences today can watch movies instantaneously on their smartphones, tablets, and computers, and stream movies through platforms such as Netflix, Amazon, YouTube, and Hulu.

Below is a basic timeline of how video production has evolved:
Film (1895 - 1927) - Motion Pictures, Animations, Colored Movies, Sound Movies
Television (1928 - 1955) - Broadcast TV Shows, Filmed TV Shows, Color TV Shows, TV Commercial Ads
Special Effects & Home Videos (1963 -1983) - Virtual Reality, Taped TV Shows, CGI Movies, Music Videos
Online Video (1988 - 2006) - Web Series, Digital Video Ads, Viral Videos
Multiplatform Video (2007 - Present) - Video Chats, Micro Video, Social Video Stories

The Three Stages of Video Production
There are many different types of video production. The most common include film and TV production, television commercials, web commercials, corporate videos, product videos, customer testimonial videos, marketing videos, to name a few. The term video production is reserved only for the creation of content which has been taken through all three stages of production. These stages include:
Pre-production - the planning and preparation stage.
Production - the stage where video content & images are captured.
Post-production - the editing stage.

Someone who records a choir concert or sporting event on a smartphone or with a video camera for the purpose of capturing the memory would fall under the category of home video, not video production.
Career Connection
Producers plan and coordinate various aspects of radio, television, stage, or motion picture production, such as selecting script, coordinating writing, directing and editing, and arrange financing

The Pre-Production Stage
The pre-production stage involves all the planning aspects of the video production process before shooting begins, including scriptwriting, casting, scheduling, logistics, and other administrative duties.

The pre-production stage includes the following:
Concept development; outlining the project's purpose, target audience, and resources.
Treatment page; a brief overview or pitch of a video project.
The screenplay or script of a video project including acting instructions and scene directions.
A storyboard; a sequence of images and text communicating the story.
A budget outlining the costs and financial plan of the project.
A schedule for video shoots by scenes.
Video shoot location(s) and permissions.
Set and costume design
Contracts and releases

The process of storyboarding was developed by Walt Disney Studios in the 1930s and continues to be used today by animators, game developers, and visual artists.
Career Connection
Writers and authors develop and prepare written material, such as scripts, stories, advertisements, and other materials necessary for video production.

The Production Stage
Once the pre-production stage is completed, it's time to shoot. Video production is the physical process of producing video content. The crew uses the script and other pre-production documentation to complete the video production. On a simple project, the crew might consist of a single person. On a larger project, there may be dozens of crew members.

The production stage includes the following:
Creating sets
Creating graphics
Setting up lighting
Shooting A-roll
Shooting B-roll
Maintaining a shot log sheet
Recording voice over

The Post-Production Stage
The post-production stage is the action of selectively combining audio and video elements into a finished product that tells a story or communicates a message in either a live event setting or after an event has occurred.

The production stage includes the following:
Automated Dialogue Replacement (ADR)
Adding visual special effects
Adding titles

Throughout this module, you will not only learn more about each stage of the video production process but you will also learn about the roles and responsibilities of the individuals involved in the process who work together to make it a success.

Career Connection
Film and video editors work to edit moving images on film, video, or other media during the post-production stage.

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