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[ Describing Richard in 140character or lebih (?) ]

- Dad, Evans
"Seriously son, you're my Hero. Dad's hero. never forget that, and i'm kinda awkward expressing my feelings but i love you just like your mom loves you. You're a rare child that any parents would wish to have you as their son.

Kita nyaris 3 tahun udeh kenalan, lama yeah? yeah. I don't even know who were you back then when we joined 'that' agency. Your name was Bart and mine's **** hahahahaha. It was a nice memory though.

Richard anaknya perhatian kepada sesama, kadang selalu netral walaupun ada keluarganya/pacar berpendapat lain. karena Richard cenderung lebih menjaga perasaan orang lain daripada dirinya sendiri. oh and don't deny it kid, don't you freaking dare. Solid juga, berisik banyak bacot juga hahaha, maniak yang sama namanya sepak bola/ps/pc games/gameboy. gameboy, the actual heck? it still exist?

You're sometimes quiet, but i bet you have so much on your mind. You never tried to be 'perfect' you're always 'yourself'. If it matters to you, who cares if it matters to anyone else?

You always told me 'Seek Respect, not Attention' it moves me tbh. like what the hell, you're younger than me in the real life, how come you can say oh-so-moving-quotes from your mouth?

Never change, Richard. Never change."

- Mama, Med.
"Richard.. ah, how to describe you, sweetheart. You are the best son anyone could ever ask for. Richard, in mommy’s opinion, is the type of guy everyone would love to talk to. You’re easy going, extrovert and very vibrant. You also happened to possess a strong personality despite your very young age. That’s what mom and dad love and proud a lot about you.

You also love getting into trouble, I assume? Though not the ‘get thrown into azkaban’ kind of trouble – just the kind that will sometimes get you detention if you get caught, I believe that’s one of the hundreds and long list of mischievous behaviors your dad inherited to you. But nonetheless, you still able to manage a good score for your academic activities, never fail to make your mommy and daddy proud at your works.

You reflect your dad a lot to the extend that it scares me. Through your cheerfulness to your seriousness, really, I can even think that I’m talking with Evans if I don’t read your name on the display. Ahahah, okay that is exaggerating. But the thing is, you, our son, have this unique demeanor that you developed it by yourself and remember: no one, will be as same as you."

- Lucas
"Richard adalah penyemangat orang galau tanpa bayaran. Dia konyol, cukup konyol untuk membuat siapapun kesal atau tertawa. Dominan tertawa. Penuh kejutan dan tidak monoton. Kreatif walau kadang diluar ambang batas logis."

- Cla sen
"Richard itu ga kalem. Hina, tapi rajin. Dewasa juga sebenarnya tapi dia kebanyakan main. Kadang ga serius tapi dia tahu kapan serius kapan tidak serius. Cenderung ke orang yang fleksibel."

- Sehun gramp
"Richard itu yang tiba2 manggil gramp pas jadi newizzy dan tetep kekeuh manggil gramp, akhirnya saya akui jadi cucu (secara gak langsung), aktif, alaynya ada kayaknya, heboh, kadang bikin ngakak, tapi suka boros beli equip, apalagi ya 8( mangat sampe lulus."

- Lyu sen
"Richard itu...... heboh friendly baik, equip addict /? pengen ngalahin equip dewanya pace, punya semangat yang tinggi, kreatif, care, hina... apalagi ya...."

- Kireina
"Kamu tahu? Saya nggak pernah nyangka kalau kamu bakalan jadi (saat ini) satu-satunya orang yang saya percaya di sini. Mau tahu kenapa? Karena waktu saya pertama kali kenal kamu, saya benar-benar nggak sreg sama kamu. Kamu tahu saya, saya tidak suka sama keberisikan, ke-hyper-an seseorang. Waktu pertama kali dikasih tahu tentang clue, katanya paham......... Padahal sih... Apa..

Mungkin kamu pernah dengar, ya? First Impression tentang kamu buruk di mata saya. Buruk banget, sampai-sampai kamu saya mute dan saya cap kamu sebagai murid yang suka 'cari muka'. Nggak nyaman, pokoknya. I didn't hate you, no, I just didn't like you and wouldn't want you to get near me.
However, that faded away slowly...saat... Saya yakin, saya tahu saya sudah mute kamu, tapi kamu muncul di timeline saya, eh ternyata Nadine... Sejak saat itu kamu mulai saya un-mute, lalu...karena ikut event bareng-bareng, saya jadi mulai kenal sama kamu. Meskipun nggak begitu dekat, akhirnya saya lama-lama woles(?)sama kamu. You're not that bad, not at all bad, even.

Kamu ramah, terbuka, kamu juga open-minded orangnya, I love that. Lalu...nggak pilih-pilih, beda sama saya yang picky banget.. /ini kemana pembahasannya. It's easy for you to mingle with others, eh? Iseng... Heran, tahan banget ngegangguin orang. Pokoknya kamu + Emily = my personal moodbooster.
You're full of surprise, a gentle kid, smart, a very good buddy, I can even call you 'everyone's bestfriend'. I trust you so much.

Kamu bahkan peka sama anu saya... /woi. Iya, yang anu benar, tapi saya nggak mau dekat sama dia.. /fokus. Sifat buruk Richie... Nggak ada. Sejauh ini normal-normal saja sama saya. Bahkan saya selalu lihat Richie positif-positif saja, jarang negatifnya. Paling...apa, ya? Lambat di kelas? Tapi nggak juga.. Kemarin nilai ujian kamu tinggi, itu bagus.

Manusia itu nggak ada yang sempurna. Have you any idea how jealous I am of your 'hyperness'? Or, how I wish I'm capable of getting close to people as quick as you are. Or, how jealous I am of your duelling skill? *chuckles* You're a good kid, a good fella, a perfect boyfriend, and a bratty little brother. You need not to change anything in you because that's all the quality of a Richard Jarret that I love. If there's anything I can do to help you, when you're feeling devastated or tired or you need to shout or yell or anything or maybe you want to complain but don't know what to say, remember, I'm available. Just don't ask me for jokes cause I'm lousy at that.. :| I'm thankful to know you and I should've known that I shouldn't 'judge a book by it's cover'."

- Amelia
"Richard, Richard, Richard. Kalo diliat dari jauh sih orangnya keliatan kalem kayak es batu, TAUNYA HINA PANGKAT LIMA! /oke/ Awalnya sih gaterlalu kenal- dan, tiba-tiba jadi abang. Sejak kapan? Gatau. Orangnya supel, enak diajak kerja sama, cekatan, suka bantu kalau ada anu anu(?), kadang bisa keliatan hina sekaligus keren..? KADANG YA. KADANG. Kalo lagi ngerusuh bareng Kirei gabisa ditolong- Last, copy-annya Pace."

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