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Maximize Casino Comps
A few years ago, when I was losing at Blackjack when I lost at Blackjack, I was informed by a floor manager that I did not have enough "points" to get an unrestricted buffet for me and my wife. "What?" I exclaimed. "What!" I exclaimed. The outcome of my investigation is as follows. Make sure to profit from it so you and your spouse don't ever go hungry:

1. Utilize our site . The function of a player card is to track the time you played. It tracks the number of games you participated in, the time you played, and how long it took. The information is then sent to Customer Service computers, which will then award the player "comp points" or cash. It's easy, and it works. If you play for seven hours at an online slot machine for $1 and lose five thousand dollars, you had better have had an account with a player. If not, the casino never "sees" your game and will not give you the comps that you are entitled to.

2. Blackjack Tips. Blackjack Tips. He'll then give it back to a floor supervisor who will input your player ID number into his pit computer. He'll also note your purchase amount as well as the cost per hand. This is not for every hand but rather an average hand. You can boost your odds by purchasing large amounts of cash and starting with $25. per hand. The minimum bet is 25 dollars. the house will start to provide you with comps. You can reduce your bet(s) later on if he leaves. website and it's not the same as playing slot machines.

3. Keep a steady hand. You won't be able to earn many comps if you don't play enough games. People who comps don't get to see long sessions of ten or fifteen minutes of table games. This is something that I learned a while back. If you must change tables, tell the floor manager that you're moving "a couple of tables down." This means that he can keep track of your game as a continuous play. Going between pits is an excellent way to lose your comps. If the floor supervisor who started your session isn't able to locate you after awhile, he'll clock you off your session, and you'll not receive decent comps regardless of the amount you wager. free games to play enjoy long hours at high rates of play.

4. Chit-Chat with the Floor Manager. If you're playing a table game and the floor manager is in, he's watching your play. He'll observe how much you're betting on and whether you're winning or losing. Did you be aware that floor supervisors (often often misinterpreted as Pit Boss), has the authority to award you and your spouse an incentive of the discretion of the floor supervisor? If you've sat down with him (or her) and struck up an informal conversation, he's probably 'gonna give you that buffet compensation simply because he loves you. Ask him questions. Ask for his advice. Inform him that you are curious about what he has to provide. Sometimes, he'll be sorry for your situation and offer you a comp. This is particularly true when you book a room but then decide to play at the casino at a different hotel. You might have to request the comp and it's not a problem. you won't get it from you if he does not know that you.

5. Get in touch with Casino hosts. games to play , also referred to as Casino Marketing Reps is a great person to contact depending on the level of play you're at. They are able to offer lower airfares on flights or establish credit lines, reduced or free rooms as well as take food and drink bills off your tabs and generally will make you more likely to come back. They may even leverage their influence to obtain theater tickets or rooms in different cities. Although you may not be an elite player but the casino would still like to watch your game. Establish a relationship with a host at the casino with his name on it, and reach out to the host prior to planning your trip. I have a good rapport with the Mirage Casino host. There is a chance that you will be upgraded in your room or a comp for the entire thing. As you may have guessed the Casino Host pays you based on your performance and therefore don't have unrealistic expectations about your level of rewards.

I know Vegas is an amazing location to stroll. There's so much to do and see. You can't be confined to one location. You can't. Casinos are aware of that as well. If you're looking for the highest profits, make sure you are determined enough to return to your "home casino." Lots of little sessions spread all over the city do not translate into good comps. In addition having "done Vegas" before, it's exhausting to be everywhere. You'll earn additional comps if you stick at one place.

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