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Bakon USA | Food Equipment | Chocolate Machines | Commercial Bakery Machines | Industrial Bakery Equipment
BakonUSA is a leading manufacturer of high-quality food processing equipment that is designed to meet the needs of bakeries, pastry shops, and other food processing businesses. With a reputation for delivering superior products that are built to last, BakonUSA has become the go-to choice for businesses that demand the best in food processing equipment.

In this blog post, we will take a closer look at BakonUSA, its products, and why it has become a top choice for businesses in the food processing industry.

Who is BakonUSA?

BakonUSA is a subsidiary of Bakon Food Equipment, which is headquartered in the Netherlands. BakonUSA was established in 2007 with the goal of bringing the same high-quality food processing equipment that Bakon Food Equipment was known for in Europe to the United States and Canada.

Today, BakonUSA has become one of the most trusted names in the food processing industry. Its products are known for their exceptional quality, durability, and performance, making them the perfect choice for businesses that need reliable equipment to help them produce high-quality food products.

What Products Does BakonUSA Offer?

BakonUSA offers a wide range of food processing equipment that is designed to meet the needs of bakeries, pastry shops, and other food processing businesses. Some of its most popular products include:

Chocolate Tempering Machines: BakonUSA offers a range of chocolate tempering machines that are designed to help businesses create perfectly tempered chocolate every time. With advanced features like temperature control, precise melting, and automatic cooling, these machines make it easy for businesses to create high-quality chocolate products with minimal effort.

Depositors: BakonUSA's depositors are designed to help businesses deposit a wide range of products, including batter, cream, jelly, and more. With a variety of depositing options, these machines can help businesses create consistent, high-quality products with ease.

Spraying Machines: BakonUSA's spraying machines are designed to help businesses evenly distribute glaze, icing, and other coatings onto their products. With precise control over the spraying process, these machines can help businesses create products that are both visually appealing and delicious.

Piping Machines: BakonUSA's piping machines are designed to help businesses create consistent, high-quality piping on their products. With a variety of piping options, these machines make it easy for businesses to create intricate designs and shapes on their products.

Why Choose BakonUSA?

There are several reasons why businesses choose BakonUSA for their food processing equipment needs. Some of the key benefits of working with BakonUSA include:

Exceptional Quality: BakonUSA's products are known for their exceptional quality and durability. Built to withstand the rigors of commercial use, these machines are designed to last for years, even in the most demanding environments.

Superior Performance: BakonUSA's equipment is designed to deliver superior performance, helping businesses create high-quality products with ease. Whether it's creating perfectly tempered chocolate or evenly depositing batter onto products, BakonUSA's equipment is designed to make the process as efficient and effective as possible.

Excellent Customer Service: BakonUSA is committed to providing excellent customer service to its clients. From helping businesses choose the right equipment to providing ongoing support and maintenance, BakonUSA's team is dedicated to ensuring that its clients have the tools and resources they need to succeed.

Innovation: BakonUSA is constantly innovating and improving its products to meet the evolving needs of its clients. With a focus on technology and design, BakonUSA is always looking for ways to make its products even better, helping businesses stay ahead of the competition.


BakonUSA is a leading manufacturer of high-quality food processing equipment that is

Chocolate Machine Tempering:

Chocolate machine tempering is the process of heating and cooling chocolate to specific temperatures to stabilize its structure and give it a glossy finish. Tempered chocolate has a smooth texture, a shiny surface, and a crisp snap when broken.

Tempering machines come in various sizes and configurations, from small tabletop units to large industrial systems. Most machines work by melting chocolate at a high temperature and then cooling it down while agitating it to align the cocoa butter crystals. The chocolate is then reheated to a specific temperature and held at that temperature for a set time before being used.

Food Equipment:

Food equipment is essential for food processing and preparation. These machines help reduce manual labor and increase productivity while ensuring consistent quality and safety. Some examples of food equipment include mixers, slicers, grinders, blenders, and ovens.

When choosing food equipment, it is important to consider the specific needs of your business, such as production volume, space limitations, and safety regulations. It is also important to choose equipment that is easy to clean and maintain to prevent contamination and extend the life of the equipment.

Spraying Machine:

Spraying machines are used in various industries for coating, painting, or applying a layer of material onto a surface. In the food industry, spraying machines are used for applying a thin layer of chocolate or other coatings onto confections, pastries, and other food products.

Spraying machines come in different types, including airless and air-assisted models. Airless models use a high-pressure pump to spray the coating material, while air-assisted models use compressed air to atomize the coating material into a fine mist.

Depositing Machine:

Depositing machines are used for precision depositing or filling of food products, such as chocolate, creams, and batters. These machines can be used to create uniform shapes and sizes of products and can be programmed for specific amounts and patterns.

Depositing machines come in various sizes and configurations, from small tabletop models to large industrial systems. They can be designed for continuous or intermittent operation and can be customized for specific applications.

Enrobing Machines

Enrobing machines are an essential piece of equipment in the confectionery industry. They are used to cover or coat confectionery products such as chocolate, biscuits, and cakes with a thin layer of chocolate or other coatings. Enrobing machines come in different sizes and capacities, depending on the production requirements of the manufacturer.

The enrobing process involves a continuous flow of the product through a bath of melted chocolate or other coating, followed by a cooling process to set the coating. Enrobing machines are designed to automate this process, ensuring consistent quality and reducing the risk of human error.

Modern enrobing machines have several features that make them efficient and reliable. They are made of high-quality materials that are easy to clean and maintain. They also have advanced controls that allow the operator to adjust the speed and temperature of the machine to achieve the desired coating thickness and texture.

Pasto-Cookers & Aerators

Pasto-cookers and aerators are used in the production of food products such as chocolate, ice cream, and whipped cream. Pasto-cookers are used to cook and mix the ingredients, while aerators are used to whip and incorporate air into the mixture.

Pasto-cookers are essential in the production of chocolate, as they are used to roast and grind the cocoa beans, which are then mixed with other ingredients such as sugar, milk, and flavorings. The mixture is then refined and conched, a process that involves mixing and heating the chocolate to create a smooth and uniform texture.

Aerators are used in the production of ice cream and whipped cream. The process involves whipping the mixture to incorporate air and create a light and fluffy texture. Aerators are also used in the production of mousse and other foams.

Modern pasto-cookers and aerators are designed to be efficient and easy to use. They have advanced controls that allow the operator to adjust the speed and temperature of the machine to achieve the desired texture and consistency. They are also made of high-quality materials that are easy to clean and maintain.

Ultrasonic Cutting

Ultrasonic cutting is a non-contact cutting process that uses high-frequency vibrations to cut through materials such as food products, plastics, and composites. Ultrasonic cutting is preferred in the food industry because it produces clean cuts without damaging the product.

Ultrasonic cutting works by applying high-frequency vibrations to a cutting tool, which then transfers the energy to the material being cut. The vibrations create a series of micro-cuts that combine to create a clean and precise cut.

Ultrasonic cutting is used in the production of foods such as cakes, bread, and cheese. It is also used in the cutting of plastics and composites, where precision and accuracy are critical.

Modern ultrasonic cutting machines have several features that make them efficient and reliable. They are designed to be easy to use and maintain, and they have advanced controls that allow the operator to adjust the cutting parameters to achieve the desired cut quality.

Pumps & Tanks

Pumps and tanks are essential components in many industrial processes, including the production of food products. Pumps are used to transfer fluids from one location to another, while tanks are used to store fluids.

Pumps are available in different types and configurations, including centrifugal pumps, positive displacement pumps, and peristaltic pumps. Centrifugal pumps are commonly used in the food industry because they can handle large volumes of fluid and are easy to maintain.

Tanks are available in different sizes and configurations, depending on the production requirements of the manufacturer. They are made of high-quality materials that are resistant to corrosion and contamination.

Modern pumps and tanks are designed to be efficient and reliable. They have advanced controls that allow the operator to adjust the flow rate and pressure of the fluid being pumped.
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