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The Little-Known Benefits Of Double Glazing Window Repair
Double Glazing Window Repair

Over time, double glazing could create problems, such as being difficult to open windows or doors that is snagged. These problems are easily solved.

Many homeowners attempt to fix these issues on their own, however, this should be left to the experts. Doing this without the right tools and experience could lead to damage.

Broken Panes

A broken window pane can be a stressful and annoying issue. It can let hot or cold air in your home, and leave a gap which allows moisture or debris to enter. This can affect your energy efficiency as your AC or furnace will have to work harder in order to keep your home warm. You may be able, depending on the weather conditions and whether your windows are double-paned or single-paned, to repair the damage temporarily by using a silicone sealant. However, a permanent fix will require expert assistance.

A cracked window can be fixed with strong-duty tape. A piece of tape could be placed over the crack to stop it from getting worse. A crack that is large enough to penetrate the glass, or is too large to cover with tape, will need to be completely replaced.

Broken glass can result from various factors: a pebble from the lawnmower that hits the window; an unintentionally placed drink heavily on a glass-topped table; or a pet's excited jump when you open the door. It can also happen naturally when the frames of your windows move in a slight manner and break the special packaging material that holds the glass sheets in the right place.

If you've broken a glass pane, you should wear thick work gloves and put a cardboard box near to catch the shards. Then, remove the sash from the frame and work on a flat surface like tables. Wear a mask so as not to breathe the glass shards.

After removing the old glass, remove any paint and varnish from the window frame. You can use a heat gun to soften the old glazing putty or the metal points that kept the glass in place.

You can then measure the opening for the new pane. You should always purchase replacement glass slightly smaller than the original opening to allow for expansion and contraction. Make sure that your local hardware or home center cut the glass according to these dimensions.

Place the glass into the frame. If there are gaps, you can fill them with silicone caulk, which you can purchase from a home improvement store. Smooth the caulk with a putty knife. Attach glazier's tips to the corners of the glass and frame about every six inches, to ensure that they hold the pane securely in the right place.


Condensation can occur on double-glazed windows, regardless of whether they are old or brand new. This is especially true in winter, when colder air is able to meet warm glass. While it could cause a problem, it's not generally a problem. This is because condensation on windows indicates that your double-glazed is working properly.

However, Source can be a sign that the seal is not working and water is flowing through the gaps between your window panes. If you notice a milky look on your window, or if you notice that water beads appear on its surface, this needs to be addressed in order to stop the growth of mould, mildew or further damage.

Thankfully condensation can be eliminated quickly. A technician will drill tiny holes in the frame of the window to allow the moisture that has been trapped to escape. This process is called defogging, and it can also be used to remove stains that are caused by trapped moisture.

The defrogging process does not solve the underlying issue of a damaged window seal. In fact, it may not be able to do so even in the event that the condensation is gone, as the compromised air that was between the panes remains. This could mean that you're not getting the insulation as you could from your windows.

If you have noticed moisture build-up in your windows It's a good idea to speak with a professional as soon as you can to determine what the next steps need to be. They might be able to suggest a solution for example, adding vents to the windows to allow fresh air to enter but without letting warm air escape.

It's the last thing you want for your double-glazing system to break down. This is especially true when it can be costly to replace. Fortunately, with the right knowledge, skills and equipment, it's possible to fix your double glazing and keep it in top condition for many years to come. If you require repairs to your double glazing call us now to see what we can do to help. We provide a variety of services, from replacing one or several panes of tempered glass, to installing energy efficient upgrades.


A leak is a big problem as it means that you may have damp ingress that can lead to damage. It's expensive to repair and is often an indication of other issues with your property such as dry rot or mould. This is why it's essential to take care of leaks as soon as you can.

If you experience that you feel a draft coming from your double glazed windows, it's likely the seal within the sealed unit has been damaged. This may also mean that there is no longer any gas argon between the glass panes which is used to insulate the windows. A professional technician can reseal your window to fix this issue.

Double-glazed windows may become cloudy or misty due dirt. This is usually an indication that the seal is failing, and the glass should be cleaned. A specialist can accomplish this using high-pressure water jets to swiftly clean the glass.

If condensation forms between the two panes in your double glazing, it's an indication that the seal is not sealing properly and there isn't any argon left between the glass. This is a serious issue and indicates that your double glazing is not effectively insulating your home, in the way it should. This can be repaired by replacing the glass, but it should be done earlier rather than later because the performance of your double-glazed window will be affected.

If you own double-glazed windows covered by warranty, you must contact their installer and report any issues with the units or seal of the glass. It is highly unlikely that the warranty will be able to address these issues. If you try to tamper with the units or try to fix them yourself, it will void the warranty, and you should always leave these repairs to the experts. We recommend that you hire a specialist in double glazing repair.

Weather Damage

In areas of extreme weather, double-glazed windows require a strong frame that can hold the glass panes in place. Ice, snow high winds, and tumultuous thunderstorms can all cause damage to your windows. If you see cracks, holes or dents in your windows, contact a professional for a double glazing repair.

If you notice that water is running down the sides of the window, it may be a sign that the inner seal has been damaged and is allowing water into your home. In addition the uPVC or aluminum window frame may be warping or bending. To fix this issue, you will need to replace the window seal and re-insert it into the frame.

Window seals help to ensure that your double glazed windows are airtight and stop heat from getting out of your home, as well as preventing condensation between the glass panes. The window seals are generally constructed of uPVC aluminum, timber or aluminum and hold the glass in place. You can experience problems like the loss of energy and draughts if the window seals fail.

The failure of the gaseous insulation inside double-glazed windows is a common reason for windows to mist. The argon gases keep the glass in place and create an airtight sealing however, if it gets damaged or worn out, the gases can escape. The argon gas may cause condensation between glass panes in the event that it escapes.

The issue can be fixed by replacing the window seal and re-inserting glass. You can apply an anti-fogging treatment to avoid any further condensation. The best way to accomplish this is to contact a specialist to do the job for you.

While it is essential to have double-glazed windows they are not impervious to damage and will require to be repaired from time to time. The majority of windows can be repaired without having to replace them. It is best to have a few basic tools in your arsenal. You will need protective gloves, a tape measure, scotch tape, or a transparent film and nail polish, and a plastic sheet that can be cut to size.

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