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Hello Clarice how’re you doing today? Oh well, I just wanted to call you and see how everything was. I have a few things I would like to tell you as well. I know, I know, I tend to call you just when I want to talk about things, but that isn't bad right? It saves us from having a conversation with awkward silences. I can't believe that Sam is turning 17 already. It is really crazy how fast the time has gone by. It seems like just yesterday you were teaching him how to ride a bike. Even though I did not have children, I can still appreciate how they go through growing up and maturing. Everyone at my house is doing well, my cat discovered the snakes the other day and she has been completely fascinated with them ever since. She will just sit by their enclosures for hours and watch them move around, she will even watch if they are not moving around and just wait for them to, my other cat isn't that invested in them, she is interested when I have one of them out but other than that she doesn't care too much and would rather do other things. Of course, and then the dog is just interested in whatever the cats are doing, she is a herding so it makes sense that she wants them altogether. Have you ever tried to herd cats? They never go where they you want them to go, it is downright impossible to guide them. Forget about trying to catch them. Has Sam figured out what he wants to do for college yet? That's okay, I didn't have it figured out either when I was 17, I just wanted to get out of the high school, I ended up taking a year off before I went back to college but I think you knew that already. I'm glad I did, I needed a little bit to miss school and learning before I decide to go back, I would not have done well if I went right after high school. Even now I sometimes misses school and going to class everyday and learning new things, then I remember homework and all of those feelings go away, I do not miss that at all. Especially working part-time at the time I never had any time to myself. Yeah, I would go to school then homework then work sometimes I would have a day off to get caught up on homework but was still a lot of time. Especially since I majored in psychology and sociology, there is a lot of writing in those majors. Not as much as an English major but the point still stands. Me too, I cannot wait until you come out to visit with family, I just hope no one minds the snakes too much. They are in their own room in their enclosure that I noticed having them in house can make people uncomfortable. Okay, well I have to go as well. Have a great day. Bye.
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