NotesWhat is

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Notes -

* badass underestimated: "siwy" is a funny looking guy in a silly jacket and even sillier bow tie. he then proceeds to mop the floor with grucha, while being about two heads shorter
* casting gag: few, but most notable is siwy, who is played by a former polish olympic boxing champion and sławomir baka as cichy, which is him adam westing decalogue 5 and demony wojny
* product placement: nata water stands probably the most
* NoHoldsBarredBeatdown: Siwy "turns Grucha's face into a jello", to quote Fred's opinion on this. And he's more than one head shorter
* comedic violence:
* character establishing moment: pretty much everyone in the cast has theirs in their first scene
** grucha and fred stoping in the drive-by and talking about animals, religion and french fries, then fred shooting three random thugs as if it was nothing (gun violence in poland really does stand out and is the ultimate sign of cocky gangster)
** kuba oversleeping and being late for his final exam during the university
** his girlfriend being vapid, self-absorbed dumb ; and jarek being an asshole
** szef and silnoręki doing dirty business while keeping maintaining good publicity
** laska being a stoner
** bolec and his "gangsta antics"
* atomic f-bomb: KURRRWA MAĆ! and that's within first 4 minutes
* title drop: "przestań się mazać... chłopaki nie płaczą" and then the title is literally displayed
* no name given/only known by their nickname: szef and silnoręki
* hooker with heart of gold: lila
* dog bites back: after being constantly chewed by fred, grucha eventually has enough of it, showing his sudden hidden
* growing up sucks: a delayed one for bolec - "tata mnie prosił! wiesz jakie to ciśnienie być synem szefa mafii? mam 30 lat, a cały czas czuję się, jakbym odrabiał pracę domową"
* two lines, no waiting: the plot doesn't connect all the strings until about 30 minutes in, when fred and grucha arrives to black lotos club, the one from which the hookers came
* the reason you suck speech: fred gives one to bolec why he's a failure as a gangster; this in fact is the reason why bolec starts to seriously wonder if he really wants to be a gangsta
* big bad wanna be: bolec, who specifically would like to be like a stereotypical rapping gangsta
* chandler's law: kuba showing in the end of the failed meeting between fred and bolec, prompting the rest of the plot
* smart guy, big guy: fred & grucha
* orphaned reference/mythology gag: originally, the film was to use T Love's "Chłopaki nie płaczą", however, the band was reluctant about allowing so. This forced to change the soundtrack, too

* stunt casting: various random bits that feel like sketches taken out of context are cast with polish athletes, football coaches and even a comic artist

* woosleyism: jarek psikuta got translated as jarek s. hitface, just to keep the argument around the letter s
* special effect failure: it's a stunt double falling off the window
* throw it in: the scenes in the black lotos club were filmed during a record hot week during summer of 1999, so everyone being sweaty is just the result of the weather, but it was decided to fit the tense
* unintentional period piece: vhs rental stores, pagers, general fashion sense, prices, and various cultural references date the film precisely to when it was made; the dialogues reference songs popular at the time and even such trivia nonsense as paszport polsatu or spice girls breaking up; kuba notably pays for a beer and leave a tip by giving a 10 pln note in a fancy bar - today that wouldn't be enough to get a cold one in anywhere, but mordownia
* genius bonus: knowing beforehand what ''death in venice'' is sets up the joke many scenes earlier
* memetic mutation
** zachowujesz się, jakbym skrzywdził twoją matkę
** przestań się mazać
** a miało być tak pięknie
** zajebiście
** harry z tybetu
** a na chuj mnie ten kaktus?
** to mi się podoba, o to chodzi
** przydałoby się trochę polotu i finezji w tym smutnym jak pizda mieście
** nie jest tak, czarnuchu?
** coco-jumbo i do przodu!
** pomyśl przez chwilę... słucham?
** a jeśli będą chcieli pojechać do muzeum lotnictwa, to zabierzesz ich do muzeum lotnictwa, kurwa jego mać!
** nie jest żubr, żeby go trzymać pod ochroną
** jest tu jakiś cwaniak (slick, sharpie)?
** nie mów do mnie synku, nie jesteś moim ojcem
** co słychać chłopaki w wielkim świecie? a co, gazet nie czytasz?
** przykumaj te kocie ruchy
** mnie oszukasz, przyjaciela oszukasz, mamusie oszukasz, ale życia - nie oszukasz!
** życia nie oszukam - jestem królem syna sedesów, to wysoko postawiona poprzeczka
** trzeba się wyluzować - to the point there are t-shirts and mugs sold with laska and the sentence
** jedno zajebiście, ale to zajebiście ważne pytanie: co lubię w życiu robić
** a ty już wiesz co chcesz w życiu robić - became a meme template, commenting on various events when someone was abusing their job position
** i bym teraz kurwa nie miał ręki
** jestem kumplem piaska/ a ja mam paszport polsatu
** ty masz kurwa kontrolować sytuację
** liczę do trzech: razdwa
** sam wyglądasz jak poniemiecki bunkier
** chodzi ci o coś?
** dość pierdolenia, robota czeka
** bąbel, nie śpij!
** a historii tego swetra i tak byś nie zrozumiał
** może ty się kurwa zajmij jeszcze hodowlą jedwabników?
** bunkrów nie ma, ale też jest zajebiście

* AdamWesting: Mirosław Baka as [[Film/TheDecalogue a taxi driver]] named [[Film/DemonsOfWar Cichy]].

* EskimosArentReal: Downplayed. Fred insist there are no such animals like purcupines ''in Poland'', which according to him neans there is no way they could run over one.
* PoliticallyIncorrectVillain: On top of being an unscrupulous gangster and a con-man, Fred is also mysogynistic ''and'' racist.
* EvilDuo: Fred and Grucha, a pair of gangsters from the Coast. Fred is clearly the brains, and Grucha mostly the brawn of the operation, but they are both capable of covering for the other when the situation calls for it. And while it appears they have [[spoiler: VillainousFriendship going on, Grucha learns the hard way Fred was preparing to steal half of his dough for the bogus deal they were making with Szef]].
* EstablishingCharacterMoment:
** Fred is a self-centered and cock-sure swift operator that can handle any mess: be it talking religious concepts or dealing with random muggers trying to steal from him
** Grucha ''appears'' to be kind of a [[DumbMuscle dimwit]], but can keep up with Fred most of the time.
** Kuba overslep for his final exam and uses the flimsiest excuse when already there, being in desperate need of growing up
** Weronika is unceremously portrayed as a vapid bimbo. In fact, it plays on Kuba's establishing moment (her phone call wakes him up), as he couldn't be ''happier'' about being dumped by someone like her
** dean Zajączek is a jerkass that's harbouring monumental resentment to people with any kind of success or even prospect of success, being a mere dean of half-forgotten academy, while his friends made careers in classic music.
* TheAllegedCar: The old, beat-up Volkswagen Beetle owned by Kuba. It never starts, and especially not when needed in a hurry.
* BigBadWannabe: All ''three'' get a reality check in form of being confronted by [[MuggingTheMonster Fred]]:
** The three punks from the opening. They probably could be intimidating when trying to rob an actual defenseless businessman, but Fred proceeds to beat and shoot them with such ease, they are completely overwhelmed in a matter of seconds.
** Jarosław "Keller" is posing as a menacing, city guy. In reality, he's a total nobody JerkAss that has hard time intimidating even a waiter, but still projects himself as the big macho man.
** Downplayed by Bolec. He dreams about being a tough gangsta type from a {{Blaxploitation}} flick or at least an action movie character, and does his very best to posture as a tough guy. Since they were supposed to make a business deal together, all Fred does is delivering a brutal TheReasonYouSuckSpeech.
* GambitPileup: Both Fred and Szef are planning to trick the other side in their big deal for smuggling bunch of illegal cars, trying to test the other side. Eventually Fred insists that Kuba nicked the BriefcaseFullOfMoney from the meeting in the Black Lotos club, suggesting he was also trying to [[spoiler: double-cross his partner Grucha]] and sending everyone on [[SnipeHunt a wild goose chase]] to further gain the merchandise without paying even the 20% that he was originally trying to pay as a pre-paid to even start the deal.
* NumberTwo: [[MeaningfulName Silnoręki]][[note]]Stronghanded[[/note]] is this for Szef, being his top enforcer and the right-hand man. He combines his high competence with just as high loyalty.
* TotallyNotACriminalFront: Szef is running a bogus charity (sending aid to Poles deported by Stalin to Kazakhstan) as a cover for his car smuggling ring.
* PornNames: Since those names really, ''really'' stand out in Poland, especially due to their deliberately foreign forms:
-->[Two prostitutes and their pimp walk into the living room]
-->'''The older prostitute''': So what's up, I am Angelique and this is Samantha.
* UnproblematicProstitution: Angelique discusses this with Kuba, pointing out that for her it's a job as any other. Even including [[LieBackAndThinkOfEngland closing her eyes and imagining]] it's [[Creator/LeonardoDiCaprio di Caprio]] in case of particularly ugly clients.

* GiveGeeksAChance oskar and lila 48:20

* NoSocialSkills: Oskar is incredibly brash in direct contact, easily gets excited and in the same time is a ShrinkingViolet.
* AerithAndBob: Liliana stands out so much by the standards of the late 90s Poland, her [[PornNames job alias]] as Samantha was more common, even if as a GhettoName.
* YouNeedToGetLaid: What kickstarts an avalanche of events unfolding the whole plot is Kuba managing to convince Oskar that he should have sex, even if with a prostitute.
* GeekPhysiques: Oskar is lanky, acne ridden and wears glasses in antiquated frames.
* TheGlassesGottaGo: Part of Oskar's "growing up" is him dropping the dorky glasses.
* HollywoodDensity: Notable aversion. When Czesiek picks up the golden head of the African wizard, he's surprised by how heavy it is.
* TastyGold: Czesiek the pimp way of making sure the golden head is acutally golden is biting on the nose of it.
* TwoLinesNoWaiting: The film only starts to connect the two plotlines after first 25 minutes and things only really get connected another 15 minutes later.
* {{Blaxploitation}}: Bolec is a big fan. Ironically, despite easy way to source some, the short clip shown during his introduction was specifically made ''for the sake of the movie'', using black basketball players from Polish league.
* NWordPrivileges: [[PrettyFlyForAWhiteGuy Bolec]] affectionatelly calls his head pimp, Czesiek, "czarnuchu", which is the Polish equivalent of "nigger". Keep in mind that not a single person of color is a character in the story and people do get offended by his antics one way or another.
-->'''Czesiek''': Bolec, I'd much prefer if you didn't call me nigga.
* OnlyKnownByTheirNickname Fred, Bolec, Szef, Silnoręki. Averted with Grucha, as he introduces himself to Bolec as [[spoiler: Andrzej]].
* JustJokingJustification:
-->'''Grucha''': I'm not going to kill you... for now. [[[EvilHasABadSenseOfHumor Starts to crack when Bolec gets scared]], defusing the moment]
* BriefcaseFullOfMoney: As a MacGuffin of sorts. Lion share of the story circles around attempts to take it back from Kuba - except he didn't take it in the first place.
* ArtisticLicenseGunSafety: Played for laughs and to lampshade how incompetent Bolec is. He manages to shot [[spoiler: Grucha]] due to lack of care, aiming and common sense, while waving a gun and trying to shot Kuba. [[spoiler: If Grucha wasn't wearing a vest just in case, he would be dead]].
* CrazyPrepared: [[spoiler: Grucha]] was wearing a ballistic vest when entering the meeting. This is one of the small signs he's a more than just dumb muscle everyone takes him for.
* LookBehindYou: [[spoiler: How Bolec distracts Grucha long enough to try to shot him]].
* MutualKill: Apparently [[spoiler: Grucha and Bolec]] shoot each other dead. They ''both'' [[OnlyAFleshWound get better]].
* SuddenlyShouting: Szef is all smiles and easy-going, until he's pushed one time too many
-->[Szef allowed to casually slide a long list of insults lobbed at him and his outfit by Fred, being unimpressed]
-->'''Szef''': All's good with me.
-->'''Fred''': Listen to m...
-->'''Szef''': [switching to surprisingly stern tone] [[NoYou NO, YOU]] listen to me! What happpened - have happened. No point crying over spilled milk! I could say "no money - no merchandise". But I want to make business, instead of smelly farts!
* TranquilFury: Szef is always calm and collected, but that doesn't stop him from being really pissed off at times and tossing profanities like candy. Most notable is his increasing irritation with Fred.
* CelebrityParadox: Paweł Deląg plays Jarosław "Keller". However, at one point, Szef is being interrogated by two police officers in a clear ShoutOut to a TV series "Police Officers", in which Deląg was also playing one of the cops.
* HospitalHottie: All the nurses, which are young, very attractive and wearing heels to their borderline {{Naughty Nurse Outfit}}, way too short outfits. Fred is even making advances to one of them.
* MadeOfIron: Almost literally. [[spoiler: Grucha survives being shot right into the forehead due to having a titanium plate filling in his skull]].
-->[After the doctor explains the whole thing in a matter-of-fact way]
-->'''Bolec''': What is he, a fucking Film/{{Robocop}}?
* DramaticIrony:
** Szef is trying to take over Fred and Grucha's enterprise. Except there is none - it's a one-time scam planned by Fred, something that audiences know about before they even learn about Szef planning to take it over.
** Played for laughs when Kuba tells Weronika he recently met few gangsters, too, when she starts to brag about being now a girlfriend of a tough gangster. She admonishes Kuba for believing in fairy tales told by others, while in reality, it is her new boyfriend that's a poser and a wanna-be, lying though his teeth to her.
* AlcoholInducedIdiocy: When weronika shows up in Kuba's apartment for her clothes, he's completely plastered and plays around with the pistol he got from Cichy. Including accidently releasing the mag out of it. Twice.
* ItsAllAboutMe: Weronika is incredibly self-centered, to the point you wonder why she and Kuba hooked up in the first place, before she dumped him.
* AllGirlsWantBadBoys: Weronika is looking for a tough macho man and Jarek is a crude simpelton perfect for her expectations of "strong alpha male". Except he's just some random jerk that's non-stop posturing.
* HoldingTheFloor:
** In the opening, Fred successfully talks the three would-be-robbers, until they drop their guard and he has just enough time to draw a gun and shoot two of them.
** Bolec does a really bad job at it when trying to distract Fred from questioning Grucha about [[spoiler: the shoot-out in the club]] during their visit to a hair stylist
-->'''Fred''': Focus. You have to remember something.
-->'''Bolec''': [reading a colourful gossip magazine aloud, with badly faked excitement]: Oh gosh! New banana diet!
* CampStraight: Bolec loves flamboyant shirts (panther print included), wears ridiculous hairstyle and goatie and is a complete wuss ManChild badly trying to pretend to be a tough adult.
* ChekhovsGun:
** The joint Laska gives to Kuba.
** The pink, knitted sweater with a pear on it.
* ImagineSpot: Laska having a {{flashback}} about his father explainging to his younger self that everyone needs a toilet seat and thus producing those is going to make him rich. Given that currently his flat is decorated with art from all around the world, he might actually be into something.
* EruditeStoner: Laska and his famous "jedno zajebiście, ale to zajebiście ważne pytanie" monologue
* BookDumb: Laska, for someone being stoned out of his mind most of the time, has life more figured out than any other character in the movie and thus can actually afford the laid-back attitude despite being a total nobody.

* Love At first sight: Grucha i Andżela
* Fifth date marriage: they instantly jump into a couple status
* Brick Joke: Andżela tells to Kuba how she dreams about having sex with di Caprio. Later on, she has a huge poster of young Leo in her apartment
* Record scratch: As Andżela starts talking about her time with Oskar and Kuba, she eventually mentions the "wizard's head". Grucha instantly connects the dots and the cozy, romantic tune in the background takes an instant scratch
* Bavarian fire drill: Fred and Grucha get pass a ticket booth by just casually walking forward and dropping completely bogus excuses
-->Jestem kumplem Piaska
-->A ja mam paszport Polsatu
* True Art is incomprehensible: Grucha stumbles his way into an experimental music performance by a string instrument quartet. It's a complete mess, further made weirder by the fact that the show continues ''as Grucha is interrogating the poor guys'' and the auciences go with it as part of the performance.
* Accidental success: Bolec quite literally just stumbles into Kuba in a bar, without searching, while Fred and Grucha go around the time checking all the clues. In fact, he completely outruns them
* But I read a book about it: Bolec has no clue how to deal with Kuba... but he saw a boatload of gangster movies, so tries to follow the stride
* Well Done, Son guy: Bolec would love to be appriciated by his father; the film is him growing to realisation that maybe he should actually do something with and for himself, rather than trying to please the old man - and THAT is what impressed szef; he actually congratulates him in the end
->Mam 30 lat, a cały czas czuję się, jakbym odrabiał pracę domową
* Mafia princess: Bolec, despite being male. He's a complete pushover that's doing nothing but running a small brothel and watching tough guy movies all day, and it's implied Szef has to make bold face for the rest of the city
* Gangsta wannabe: Bolec. The only reason why he's like that is because he wants to impress his father, a mafia Don
-> właśnie wychodzę spod klosza i nie mogę zawieść ojca
* In-universe factoid: Bolec does the classic "suicidal ballade" UrbanLegend about "Ostatnia niedziela", where people would order the song to be played and then EatTheirGun. Even if he's wrong, it doesn't change the point he's making: it's one of its kind song about unfulfilled love and nothing like the modern pop jingles
* Dramatic gun cock: Bolec does it as he's about to shoot Kuba
* Not what it looks like:
** As Bolec is still making up his mind about killing Kuba, he drops the following
[Kuba is kneeling on the ground, and Bolec cocks his pistol right behind his head]
So you are a musician?
[Kuba nods]
And you like old Polish tunes?
[Kuba makes a more confused nod]
[Bolec takes a breath, then uncocks the gun]
I have a neat compilation. Come, I'll play it for you.
[Kuba is so terrified and confused, he just trembles in place as Bolec walks back to his car]
** Weronika constantly thinks Kuba is in deep depression after she dumped him, first finding him drunk and playing with a gun, then witnesses him running away on a rooftop from Fred, thinking he's trying to jump. She becomes TheMillstone the second time, nearly getting him murdered
* Neck lift: Grucha does this to Oskar after finding his way to his apartment. For his credit, he uses the door frame to support the weight of Oskar.
* Badass bystender: Siwy, who beats the living shit out of Grucha and accidentaly saves Oskar
* Invulnerable knuckles: Siwy beats Grucha with his bare knuckles in a way that would draw blood from his own hands. All he does afterward is few squeezes of his fist, but is otherwise no worse to wear
* Neighbourhood friendly gangster: Who Bolec ends up being, even if by accident. He scares the living hell out of Kuba and almost executes him over a (still undug) shallow grave in a forest, but ultimately becomes part of his motivation to get his shit together and get back into performing
->[As they are about to part like two good friends] Whatcha laughing about? I'm going to read the papers, watch TV... and if within four years time you don't become a famous violin player...then I shall come back and shoot you.
* I count to three: the famous "onetwo"
* I have your beloved: Not really, but Kuba doesn't want to have Weronika's blood on his hands
* No reception: Well, no battery, so all Kuba is able to achieve is to call Laska [[spoiler: who actually DOES save the day]]
* Irony:
** By pure chance, Fred and Grucha drive to the exact same spot as Bolec to dispose of Kuba
** Fred and his coin toss: he tossed head, thus Kuba is spared - just not due to Fred's decission
** Laska declares that who needs police, he can save Kuba himself; he ends up towing police patrol with two drunk traffic cops on the site
* Punk in a trunk: how Fred packs Kuba for a trip to Brzózki Stare; including a POV camera from the trunk
* Sean Connery about to shoot you: The poster
* Drunk Driving: Stoned. Except Bąbel is so stoned, he's asleep
* Funny background event: Foreplan, but it still applies; as Fred and Grucha keep arguing about the jersey/sweater Grucha is wearing, Kuba keeps putting dirt back into the grave he's digging for himself
* Shot fired, someone else ends up shot than the expected target: Kuba ducks after hearing gunshot, then realises he wasn't shot. Cut to Fred, as he wobbles on his feet. Cut to Grucha, as he's Gangsta Holding a still smoking gun
* Internal reveal: Grucha learns that Fred had the money on him all the time, but only after already shooting him for being such a shitty partner
* Dies wide open: Fred dies starring at his lucky dollar coin
* The cavalry: No, not Laska and co., but the police they were towing
* Real men weear pink: the sweater
* Brick Joke: The whole "who needs police" and literally driving two traffic cops to the site
* Happy ending: notably, ''everyone'' has theirs
* Ambigious syntax: Szef talks in a ''very'' specific way that sometimes tends to turn his sentences into question-like constructions
* Leaning on the 4th wall: The various talk about impressing your father and maybe be a match to his level of fame

* OneSceneWonder:
** Radosław Pazura and Tadeusz Huk doing ShoutOut to their own police procedural, ''Police Officers''
** Music/KubaSienkiewicz as the doctor (which is his actual profession).
** Leon Niemczyk as Laska's father.

* Harsher in hindsight:
** The mysogynistic monologue that Fred drops on Grucha about lack of faith in women and how they will always backstab you. Years later, Cezary Pazura went through one hell of a divorce, and not just ''embraced'' the BlackComedy monologue as something to go by with, but declared it less awful than what he faced in real life.
->I bym teraz kurwa nie miał ręki
** The whole film has a very strong meta-theme: trying to impress the old man. Both Maciej Stuhr (kuba) and Olaf Lubaszenko (the director) spend ''years'' struggling with their careers and self-esteem due to being children of famous, established Polish movie stars and the perception they've only made careers [[{{Nepotism}} because of their fathers]]. The film offered a real break-through for both of them... except Lubaszenko never really get over beeing seen as "son of Edward Lubaszenko", and eventually developed chronic depression, which turned into alcoholism that completely ruined his steady-going career as an actor and director, until he just started playing episodes and never directing anything after going off the wagon during production of sztos 2, his last directorial work.
*** To make it even harsher, the production of ''chłopaki'' was done with a heavy amount of alcohol on the set, including celebration of few birthday parties. Lubaszenko gained back then a reputation of teetotaller

* He really can act: Maciej Stuhr was seen as a talentless hack prior to this movie, and butt of a jokes about famous parents securing future of their incompetent children. So to surprise of everyone, he had a solid performance and proven that he can handle himself on the set. The extra irony comes from the fact that he both made a prolific movie career afterwards [[TomHanksEffect in drama]] and, more importantly, his performance as Kuba is nothing special when compared with majority of his roles.

* Values Dissonance: When it was filmed, Fred and his fit-obsession and especially an angry reaction to smoking close to him were seen as weird and even effemenitive; nowdays, he's just a regular guy
Stunt Casting: Grupa Mo Carta as Kuba's friends; Rudolf is played by Edward Linde-Lubaszenko, the father of the director

* related in-universe: jerzy stuhr is father of maciej stuhr; his photo is used to represent kuba's dad, too
* i want the bad message first: both are bad
* small talk failure:
-> co słychać chłopaki w wielkim świecie?
-> a co, gazet nie czytasz?
* serious talk about utter nonsense: laska's father monologue about dung always accompaning all the great events and achievements, so making toilet seats is going to make him the king of life; waxing poethically?
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