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The third part is the long essay. I will choose one of those questions for the test. It is worth 30 points. I am expecting a standard history essay of at least five paragraphs with an introduction and a conclusion. You should have a strong thesis that you support with evidence. You don't need to cite from sources. This is just what you remember from class.

1. What is the biggest change to affect the United States in the years after World War II?
You can choose a political, social, or cultural trend, but be sure to fully chart how it
changed and what effect it had on the country.

2. Some believe the election of Donald Trump was an aberration in American politics,
something that is completely different from anything that came before and probably
different from anything we will see again. Others believe that we can trace the roots of
his rise to power much farther back in American politics, especially in the rise of the
conservatism since the 1960s. Which camp do you fall in? Why? Or maybe you believe
the explanation is more complicated?
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