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Hello? Oh, hey, I’m glad you called. I haven’t talked to you in a really long time how are you doing, that’s good to hear, I wish I could say the same things arent going too good on my end, are you sure you want to hear it, we haven’t talked for such a long time I hate to (let/lay) this on you, it’s just a little bit of every thing not going right, Okay well my husband still hasn’t found a job after his company shut down last month. He’s been looking everywhere and no one is hiring right now I don’t get it. He has the education and experience and all of his managers gave him a very positive recommendation letter. I guess there’s just too many unemployed people in this town and there are not really a lot of businesses here he may have to try to find employment a little farther out from the city and that’s the problem because of the driving situation, we used to be able to Carpool at each other we may not be able to do that in the future, yeah and speaking of cars my son just (idk)and it was his fault. We have insurance of course but with the job situation, we are going to have a hard time coming up with the deductible. We have to find another car to replace it. That’s going to be difficult because they appraised our other one quite a bit lower than what we thinking was worth we put a lot of money into repairing that vehicle over the last few months, it was paid off and we wanted it to last so we wouldnt have a monthly payment anymore. At least no one was hurt in the accident. Well you know how I am always telling you how we love the neighbourhood we live in and you know how I always talk about that wealthy family across the street and how nice and down to earth they are. well we just found out that he is wealthy because he’s been embezzling money from his company for the past five years. He is now looking at jail time, I feel so bad for him and his family, I don’t know he must have snapped or something he and his family are the nicest people. Their kids and our kids hang out all the time. His wife is always sending over cake and cookies to our house. The father used to come all the time and help with the yard and fix things in the house that my husband didn’t know how to fix our dogs even got along, It’s very sad because his wife has been a stay at home mother and doesn’t even know where to begin looking for a job, the kids are all in school and cant really help out, we are all still in shock from the news. His family is too but that’s what keeps me together. I look at the situation and think of all of our problems things could always be worse. Hey someone is knocking at the door and I am the only one here. Can I call you back in a few minutes, thanks I really want to catch up more. Talk to you soon.
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

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