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Provide some background information on what geopolitical risks are and how they affect the business environment in general and the supply chain and logistics sector in particular.
Mention some examples of recent geopolitical events that have disrupted or challenged the supply chain and logistics sector, such as the US-China trade war, the COVID-19 pandemic, the Brexit, etc.
State the main aim of the essay, which is to critically analyse the geopolitical risks that have impacted the business environment in the supply chain and logistics sector.
Preview the main points that will be discussed in the body paragraphs, such as the theoretical frameworks, the key debates, and the strategies to manage the risks.
Body Paragraph 1: Theoretical Frameworks
Explain what theoretical frameworks are and why they are useful for analysing geopolitical risks and their impact on the business environment.
Introduce and compare some of the relevant theories, models, and frameworks that can be applied to the topic, such as PESTEL analysis, Porter’s five forces analysis, SWOT analysis, etc.
Evaluate the strengths and limitations of each framework and how they can help understand the macro factors driving uncertainty for contemporary businesses.
Provide some examples of how each framework can be used to analyse a specific geopolitical risk and its impact on the supply chain and logistics sector.
Body Paragraph 2: Key Debates
Explain what key debates are and why they are important for evaluating and critically analysing geopolitical risks and their impact on the business environment.
Identify and discuss some of the key debates in the fields of geopolitics, economics, and legal environment that are relevant to the topic, such as globalization vs localization, protectionism vs free trade, human rights vs national security, etc.
Evaluate the arguments and evidence presented by different perspectives and stakeholders on each debate and how they affect the market system and the competitive environment.
Provide some examples of how each debate can influence or challenge the supply chain and logistics sector.
Body Paragraph 3: Strategies
Explain what strategies are and why they are essential for managing geopolitical risks and their impact on the business environment.
Identify and discuss some of the strategies that corporations deploy to cope with or mitigate geopolitical risks in different industrial sectors, such as diversification, resilience, innovation, collaboration, etc.
Evaluate the effectiveness and feasibility of each strategy and how they can help create value or competitive advantage for businesses in the supply chain and logistics sector.
Provide some examples of how each strategy can be implemented or improved by businesses in response to a specific geopolitical risk.
Summarize the main points of the essay and restate the main aim.
Provide some recommendations or implications for businesses in the supply chain and logistics sector based on the analysis of geopolitical risks.
Highlight some limitations or gaps in the current research or practice on geopolitical risks and suggest some directions for future research or action.
Here are some sources that you can use for your research:

Managing Supply Chain Disruption during Geopolitical Risk: This article discusses how geopolitics have impacted supply chain logistics in recent years and provides some tips for companies to mitigate future geopolitical risk.

Geopolitical Risks and Supply Chain: This article explains how geopolitical events shape the environment in which businesses operate and identifies some of the most important geopolitical risks for supply chain managers.

How to manage supply chain risk during geopolitical unrest: This article offers some insights on how businesses can assess their exposure to geopolitical risk and develop contingency plans to ensure supply chain continuity.

How do Geopolitical Affairs influence Supply Chain?: This article explores how natural geopolitical risks can affect supply chains and suggests some best practices for companies to limit risk.

Geopolitical Risks: What They Are And How They Impact Electronic Supply Chains: This article defines what geopolitical risks are and how they impact electronic supply chains. It also provides some examples of how companies can use data analytics to manage geopolitical risk.
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