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neji is at the bakery he asks how i am,blah blah blah.*
*Everyone does their own thing*
Eternalmangekio: --''How is there another rinnengan-sharingan? Oh well whatever''-- The uchiha sighed softly as he yelled the word Tsukyomi ,A very useful technique that could control space time itself and only the user of it could do it but then after being absorbed by the vortex there wasn't anything that the male couldn't do being in the Tsukyomi no sekai ,Getting out of the vortex slowly and rising from it--''..Good technique whoever you are but not good enough''--.
*kirito ate at the bakery and bloody followed you to see if you were a threat*
Kiritokunsao1: thank you
Angelicleo2203: Your welcome
bloodyman333: excuse me miss but..... are you a threat?.........
Kiritokunsao1: Isabelle: Kirito do you have enough money?
Eternalmangekio: --''He gone?...Well what could you expect from a guy who has the eyes closed?...Nothing''--
Kiritokunsao1: I did some work before we got teleported so I earned some money
HyperMewki: *shakes head* No
HyperMewki: Well.....At day time I'm not
Kiritokunsao1: Isabelle: Looks like your not completely useless
Kiritokunsao1: I don't want to hear that from you
bloodyman333: so your a threat at night?
HyperMewki: *stomach growls*
HyperMewki: Yeah
bloodyman333: .......... a threat to who or what? *hands you some pastries i saved*
Kiritokunsao1: Isabelle: Are you gonna share the cake?
HyperMewki: Thanks.....I don't remember
HyperMewki: I can only see quick flashes
Angelicleo2203: -she opens the oven and she slides the cake out wearing oven nuts and she lets it cool down and she cuts a piece and she places it on a plate and she places it in front of him-
Kiritokunsao1: Well, I need my sword to be at top shape in a fight dont Is?
bloodyman333: im going to have to ask you to remember
Angelicleo2203: here you go fresh cake enjoy sweetie ^-^
Kiritokunsao1: *Takes cake* Thanks! How much is it?
Angelicleo2203: 10 dollars please
HyperMewki: I literally can't
HyperMewki: It's like another person does it
bloodyman333: well.... im sorry t osay but if you get outta hand im going to have to kill you
Kiritokunsao1: *Takes out 20 dollars and gives it the girl* Keep the change. *I walk out of the bakery*
Angelicleo2203: Okay thank you sir!
Kiritokunsao1: *Walks over to a bench and sits down* Cake is the best isn't it?
Kiritokunsao1: Isabelle: *Turns into a human form sitting next to Kirito* Well, you always buy them
Kiritokunsao1: *Takes a piece and eats it*
Kiritokunsao1: Isabelle: *Takes a piece too and eats it*
Kiritokunsao1: Isabelle: What do we do with the leftovers?
Kiritokunsao1: Good question
HyperMewki: *Lays down*
Kiritokunsao1: *Takes the rest of the cake and eats it all* There taken care of. (Yeah)
Kiritokunsao1: Isabelle: Should've known
bloodyman333: based on how you are now.... there has to be a way to fix it...... .ill make sure things go well i wont kill you *watches mewki*
HyperMewki: Okay *Goes to my other place*
HyperMewki: *sleeps*
Kiritokunsao1: Isabelle: *Turns back into sword form and back into the scabbard* Now what?
Kiritokunsao1: I don't know
Kiritokunsao1: Isabelle: Try the coin
bloodyman333: *goes back to town and wanders around eventualy spotting kirito*..... *watches him *suspicious.....
Angelicleo2203: -she closes the bakery-
Kiritokunsao1: Why not? *Takes out a golden coin and flips it catching it and seeing it* It's a cat, wonder what that means?
Kiritokunsao1: Isabelle: look out for any type of cat related things
Angelicleo2203: -she walks out of the bakery and she takes her hat off showing her neko ear and she her tail sways coming out of hiding in her skirt-
bloodyman333: *walks over to kirito aproching him*........ whats your name ... *sees isabell* both of you your names please....
Kiritokunsao1: *Completely oblivious of the neko girl and walks away from her* I guess I'll look out for cats, it would be hard to miss
Kiritokunsao1: *Ignores the girl questioning me*
bloodyman333: *follows kirito* if you answer ill give you food
Angelicleo2203: -she sits on the bench and she relaxes-
Kiritokunsao1: huh? Are you talking to me?
HyperMewki: *Walks up my eyes red*
bloodyman333: yes you you and your friend there.... *points at kirito and issabell having a bag of pastries with me*
Angelicleo2203: -she curls up on the bench-
Kiritokunsao1: Well, Im Kirito, my friend here is Isabelle.
Kiritokunsao1: Isabelle: Hello
bloodyman333: did you know foxes are dogs?
bloodyman333: *checks a list*........ you check out alright..... *hands them both pastries* .... my name is umbrea........i get rid of evil...... you could say that .... i guess..... sorry for comming off so wierd
HyperMewki: *Goes running at the speed of light by the bakery with people chasing me* (Craziness)
Kiritokunsao1: no problem, I run into weird people a lot
Kota: -She would be knocked out, sleeping silently in a corner of the bakery. In secret as her tail thumps against the wall in her sleep.-
Kiritokunsao1: *Puts pastries into my bag*
bloodyman333: ....................................there was this girl who said at night she becomes dangerous....... do you know anything about that?
Kiritokunsao1: No, I don't, but I have run into people who had a problem like that
Kiritokunsao1: Isabelle: It was a very annoying day
Kiritokunsao1: yeah
Angelicleo2203: -she falls off the bench as the stranger ran by-
HyperMewki: *Everyone who were chasing me are knocked out*
bloodyman333: mmmm................................ welllllll those pastries are cheap (totaly off topic) did you know 100 of them only cost 700 dollars? my pay rate covers that in no time flat
Kiritokunsao1: Right, so what about this night girl problem
HyperMewki: *Walks into the bakery* ( I don't look like myself at night. So I'm like a completely new person)
Angelicleo2203: -she was in the bakery-
Angelicleo2203: -she looks outside-
bloodyman333: *looks over at mewki and points* thats the girl .....
Kiritokunsao1: Hm.
bloodyman333: your inside the bakery sorry cant interact unless i go inside but i cant its closed)
Angelicleo2203: -she opens the bakery-
Kiritokunsao1: *Unsheathes a sword with a dragon theme to it* I can handle this. *I walk over to Mewki* Hello
Kota: -She slowly wakes up, her tail rising up before she does. Soon following would be her ears as she looks at @hypermewki questioning who exactly that was. Seeing @Kiritokunsao1 approaching as she decides to keep hidden as her tail continues to make a loud noise.-
HyperMewki: *Rolls down my mask and look at kirito innocently with big eyes* Yes?
Kiritokunsao1: Are a dangerous girl at night and not during the day?
HyperMewki: No *smiles*
Kiritokunsao1: I don't believe you
bloodyman333: my mistake... she must be related then... she smells the same....
Angelicleo2203: -she walks outside of the bakery-
HyperMewki: *Looks over at @Kota *
Kota: -She would back up in her little spot a little startled as she hisses.-
Angelicleo2203: What's going on out here?
Kiritokunsao1: *Looks at Bloody* What's your name?
Kiritokunsao1: Isabelle: It was Umbrea idiot
bloodyman333: i told you my name..... my name is umbrea (am a girl in this rp)
HyperMewki: *My eyes flash a darker red as I sense something and I run off*
Angelicleo2203: -she blinks as she was ignored and she shrugs as her cat tail sways-
Kiritokunsao1: Oh no you don't! *I run after the girl*
bloodyman333: *follows kirito*.....
HyperMewki: *Vanishes in a blink of an eye*
Kota: -She calms down as she stands up and dusts herself off. Coming out from her spot as she walks out and towards the door.-
Kiritokunsao1: *Skids to stop and sniffs the air* Damn, vanished without a scent to follow
Angelicleo2203: -she walks back in the bakery-
Kiritokunsao1: *Walks back into the bakery*
Kiritokunsao1: Wonder why she was around here
Angelicleo2203: -she sighs softly and she sits in the counter-
Kota: -She looks at the approaching @Kiritokunsao1 - H-Hi!
Kiritokunsao1: Hello
Eternalmangekio: --''...Eh?''--The uchiha would notice the girl with the Gold tair and fox ears then he walks towards her looking at her carefuly--''KURAMA!''--
HyperMewki: *Returns* Another 3 down
Angelicleo2203: Late night visitors
bloodyman333: *following kirito*
Kiritokunsao1: *Sheathes my sword* Hm.
Kiritokunsao1: Isabelle: She seems very skilled
Kota: K-Kurama? -She looks at the male that would catch her attention rather easily.- @Eternalmangekio
Angelicleo2203: Would you guys like a snack?
Kiritokunsao1: Seems like a scared little girl
Angelicleo2203: -she was twirling a knife-
Kiritokunsao1: Isabelle: I meant the one who escaped
Kiritokunsao1: me too
Eternalmangekio: --''Damn wrong One...Anyways Who are you?''-- Asked the male with a soft tone looking over to the girl.
Kiritokunsao1: *Ignoring* Who was she?
Kiritokunsao1: Isabelle: Kirito, someone is talking to you
bloodyman333: *stare at you * @eternalmangekio
Kota: -Looking up towards @Eternalmangekio as she answers.- A-Ayane.
Kiritokunsao1: *Still ignoring*
Angelicleo2203: -she growls slightly as all the people were ignoring her-
Kiritokunsao1: Isabelle: I'm sorry, Kirito is a dense idiot
HyperMewki: *Appearances changes back to
bloodyman333: .....*looks at angel* ????? hm?
Kota: -Her ears perk up as she sacredly looks back towards @Angelicleo2203 - Y-Yes?
HyperMewki: *Walks over to the others,yawning*
Kota: In a scared way*
Angelicleo2203: Why are you all here anyway
bloodyman333: im working.....
Kota: @Angelicleo2203 I-I slept in here ma'am.
HyperMewki: *Looks at @Kota,smiling*
Kiritokunsao1: I'm here to do what I have to
Angelicleo2203: i see kota your fine sweet heart
Angelicleo2203: well can I get you guys a snack
Kiritokunsao1: I'm fine
Angelicleo2203: free of charge its on me
Kiritokunsao1: Isabelle: Kirito, neko right over there
bloodyman333: sure snacks.... free
Kiritokunsao1: Hm?
Kota: -She smiles.- Um, I'm good for now. Hm...Maybe some milk? -She giggles rather lightly as she looks towards @hypermewki - H- -She stops mid-sentence as she rushes over and tackle hugs the female.-
HyperMewki: *Hugs back* Hi
Kiritokunsao1: Isabelle: The bakery girl
Kiritokunsao1: What about her?
Kiritokunsao1: Isabelle: Just look at her
Kiritokunsao1: *Stares at Angel* Hmmmmm
Kota: -Her tail fluffs up as her ears perk up as far as they can as she sniffs the female's scent.- Y-You smell familiar. @hypermewki
HyperMewki: Hmm?
Angelicleo2203: -her cat tail sways-
Kiritokunsao1: Your right, she is a cat girl..........why is that important again?
Angelicleo2203: what would you guys like?
Kiritokunsao1: Isabelle: The coin you idiot
Kiritokunsao1: Oh right
Kiritokunsao1: Isabelle: So put the pieces together
bloodyman333: chocolate cake!!!!
Angelicleo2203: Yes ma'am
Kota: @hypermewki Hm...I might be mistaken. Sorry ma'am. -She backs up and looks up at the female smiling.-
Kiritokunsao1: She's in the bakery and so was the culprit
Angelicleo2203: and some milk for you sweetie
HyperMewki: Strawberry Cheesecake please
Angelicleo2203: sure thing
Angelicleo2203: -she had a few thing made with her extra time and she got them out and she placed them infront of the people who ordered them-
Kiritokunsao1: but I guess it was too late
Kiritokunsao1: Isabelle: I guess
HyperMewki: Thanks
Angelicleo2203: -she places milk infront of kota-
Angelicleo2203: Your welcome
Angelicleo2203: -she yawns softly-
Kota: @Angelicleo2203 -She reaches and grabs the milk smiling.- Thank you ma'am.
bloodyman333: *eats the cake *
HyperMewki: *Nom,nom,nom*
Angelicleo2203: -she giggles-
Angelicleo2203: im glad your happy
Kiritokunsao1: *Looks at Mewki*
Kota: -She smiles and drinks the milk happily as she sat down onto her bottom.-
HyperMewki: *Notices Kirito looking at me* Hm?
Kiritokunsao1: Aren't you the culprit?
HyperMewki: What are you talking about?
Kiritokunsao1: Well, your body figure matches the culprit and your face is a similar shape
Kiritokunsao1: Isabelle: You memorized her body?
Kiritokunsao1: Yeah
Kiritokunsao1: Isabelle: Why?
Angelicleo2203: -she giggles-
Kiritokunsao1: Why not?
Angelicleo2203: sounds PERVY to me
bloodyman333: ive memoried lots of peoples bodies *^*
Angelicleo2203: Oh my
bloodyman333: so i can do things like this.... *transforms into angelicleo then stares her in the face*
Kiritokunsao1: Isabelle: Well, you are usually right with solving these things
bloodyman333: playing with shapeshifting powers lol )
Kiritokunsao1: She is a little different but very similar
HyperMewki: *Tilts my head*
Kiritokunsao1: Isabelle: You concentrate on the stupidest things
Kiritokunsao1: but somehow they become useful
Kiritokunsao1: Isabelle: Can't argue with that
Angelicleo2203: -she blinks-
HyperMewki: *Keeps eating cake*
Angelicleo2203: I can use elements and I have wings
Kota: -Continuing to drink her milk until in comes to an end as she hands the cup back to @Angelicleo2203 - Thanks for the drink ma'am.
bloodyman333: *transforms backinto myself* i can use elements too ... shapeshifting is a helpfull quality
Kiritokunsao1: *Flips a golden coin and looks at it and it's arrow is pointing at Mewki* See? I was onto something
HyperMewki: *still confused*
Kiritokunsao1: Isabelle: ..........
Angelicleo2203: -she takes the glass and she puts it in a sink-
HyperMewki: *My right eye flashes red and I clutch my head* Ah!
Angelicleo2203: You okay?
Kiritokunsao1: *Puts coin away* There! Her eyes matched when her eyes flashed red!
Angelicleo2203: -she rubs to mewki-
HyperMewki: Ow ow ow ow.......
Angelicleo2203: Runs*
Kiritokunsao1: Isabelle: You focus on girls features too much
HyperMewki: *My eyes flash red again
bloodyman333: pervert *glares at kirito*
Angelicleo2203: -she holds a ice pack to her head/
Kiritokunsao1: You keep asking me if I find cute girls
HyperMewki: *turns back into her*
Kiritokunsao1: Isabelle: Logic is my enemy once again
Angelicleo2203: Are you okay?
Kiritokunsao1: Called it! *Point my sword at Mewki*
HyperMewki: *Smirks*
Kiritokunsao1: Isabelle: She looks like Solid snake
bloodyman333: .........
Kiritokunsao1: He doesn't exist in this world, don't make references that don't make sense
HyperMewki: *Walks up to kirito,kisses his cheek,winks and runs off*
bloodyman333: solid snake............. pew pew
Kiritokunsao1: *Blushes* Huh?
bloodyman333: *immidiatly looks at mewki * >.>
Kiritokunsao1: Isabelle: That was unexpected
Kiritokunsao1: Isabelle: But she is getting away!
bloodyman333: pay no mind to that its a trap
Kiritokunsao1: God dammit!
bloodyman333: ....a booby trap....
Kiritokunsao1: *I run after Mewki*
bloodyman333: *follows kirito* ill make sure she dosnt make you fall for her trap
HyperMewki: *giggles and stops running*
HyperMewki: No trap. I can promise that much
Kiritokunsao1: *Stops in front of her* Not getting away this time
HyperMewki: Okay
bloodyman333: your definantly lying
bloodyman333: its a trap >.>
Kiritokunsao1: Isabelle: *Cough* Star Wars *cough*
Kiritokunsao1: Isabel not now
Angelicleo2203: XD
HyperMewki: *Drops all my weapons*
bloodyman333: i still see your trap.......... *mumbling*
Kiritokunsao1: *Keeps my sword pointed at her* Might be cute but I still don't trust you
HyperMewki: *Hugs Kirito*
bloodyman333: see trap
HyperMewki: *One eye turns blue*
Angelicleo2203: -she appears beside kirito-
bloodyman333: this is trap
Kota: -She looks at the others as her tail wags.- Hm?
bloodyman333: that hugging
bloodyman333: is part of the trap
Kiritokunsao1: *Pushes her back but grabs her wrist my sword at the ready* Not gonna work
HyperMewki: Oh well
HyperMewki: *Vanishes*
bloodyman333: hmmm now im wondering .... kirito do you like it flat or big?
Kiritokunsao1: Flat if the girls cute big if the girl is beautiful, and dammit she got away again!
bloodyman333: of course she got away because the trap didnt work
HyperMewki: *Walking around with 8 kunais floating by me*
Kiritokunsao1: Hm
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