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The USFG should increase the federal minimum wage.

Policy: increase federal minimum wage

Contention 1: Adjusting for Inflation
-Inflation is a process that happens in almost any country, and is the process of the price of a good going higher.
-Money worth $10 now will be worth much less 10 years from now because of inflation. Because the government is unable to pay back debts to other countries, the money is devalued because of inflation.
-That means poor people earning the minimum wage of the status quo will be earning relatively less, because of the inflation.
-These poor people should not pay for the mistakes that the government makes.
I: Quality of life is not lower. Net Benefits to all

Contention 2: More Income
-Under the status quo, 28 million Americans are earning a minimum wage - $7.25 an hour. That means that a full time working american under the minimum wage earns only $300 a week, or only $1100 a month.
-By increasing the minimum wage, we are increasing the minimum salary for 28 million Americans.
-These Americans will then have more money in hand to spend, which is what stimulates the economy.
-Americans will be willing to pay taxes with money in hand, and an increase in minimum wage as an incentive to more.
I: Better Economy - Taxes are paid, which gives government more money, which can be used on welfare
Better Economy - Less unemployment, American work force is stronger
Better Economy - More spending in the economy, the flow of money is what stimulates the economy - Come back to it on my flow 3rd contention
Better Quality of life - Higher minimum wage, more to spend on basic needs

Contention 3: Flow of Money in the Economy
-With minimum wage increased, the lower class - 18% of the american population - has money to spend
-When person A spends, person B earns, and person B can use this money to buy something from person C. Now person C earns money here. However, every single one of them has more than what they previously had. What person A bought is of more importance to them than the money that they spent.
-In this process, everybody is ending up with something more than what they previously had, and the money is also flowing from the rich to the poor, and vice versa.
- This stimulates the economy, and makes it easier for the government to help its citizens in different ways with more money in hand.
-Increasing the minimum wage will enable these low class families, who don't spend as much, to spend more and stimulate the economy, as well as get something with a lot of value to them, for example food, or shelter.
I: Better Quality of life - More spending in the economy
Better Economy- Better Government - Less debts, more done for the citizens
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