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can you have two car insurance policies
How Long Can A Child Stay On Their Parents Car Insurance?
There are many parents that wonder, how long can a child stay on their parents' car insurance policy? Well, the short answer is, any time! As long as you are an active driver of the vehicle. This is very important. The longer you are on the road, the more likely you are to be involved in an accident and the greater your chances are of having an accident.
Most people get their insurance policies through their parent's workplace. For this reason, the majority of policies are in effect for the life of the car. This is also true for homeowner policies, renters policies, and other types of policies.
However, if a child is only 11 years of age and just starts driving then there is no "car insurance forever" clause. While most policies will state a minimum age, in order to stay on your parents' insurance policy you may have to go a bit older. This is because the insurance company does not feel it is safe to insure a child this young.
If you have a problem scenario such as your child getting into a wreck then there are ways you can still drive on the same policy. First off, call your parents' place of employment and find out what type of insurance they have. You can usually get a referral from a friend or relative. If this does not work you can shop around for car insurance. It is best to try to find a cheaper quote for this than if you simply renew your policy without changing companies.
more info is also possible for you to keep your parents' policy even if you have a problem driving record. This is called a "non-compulsory driver's education". Usually this requires some time in a class and you must be a minimum of 15 years old. The cool part is that many insurance companies actually help pay for your driver's education if you tell them about your problem beforehand.
What can happen if you decide to drop out of school? If you have a cancelation date then you can drop your policy until your child finishes school. Also, it is possible to drop out of driving altogether. Many parents feel that it is better for their child if they don't get behind the wheel.
How long can a child stay on their parents policy? If your child is 16 then you are pretty much locked in for a full year. This also depends on the type of policy. If you have a two-vehicle policy then you can extend the policy one year if your child turns sixteen during the year. Just make sure that you inform your parents about the policy change.
I hope this article has answered the question, how long can a child stay on their parents' car insurance policy? The answer depends on several factors. If you have a car that you don't drive very much, you may be able to get away with only having coverage for the under a year. If you have a newer car and spend a lot of time in school, then you may want to consider a longer policy.
It also depends on how long can a child stay on their parents policy if they have a good driving history. If they have never been in an accident and they have maintained a good credit rating then it is likely that they will be able to stay on the policy for a longer period of time. Of course, if the child is getting their license at such a young age then they may be more risky to insure and their parents will most likely have to cancel the policy.
As we mentioned before if you have a two-car policy then you can add your child onto the policy. However make sure that they are insured and that the deductible has been met. You should also inform your parents that your child will be driving. You will also need to tell them how often your child will be driving and for how long.
When looking into parents' car insurance you should always consider how long can a child stay on their parents vehicle. There is obviously going to be a time when you want them to return home and you will need to let them know. This could be done by sending a registered letter or even a text message. Always make sure that there is some kind of notification from you and your child after the policy has been terminated.
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