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A Guide To Triple Beds From Beginning To End
Maximize Sleeping Space With a Triple Decker Bed

There's a better way to maximize sleeping space than with the triple decker bed. The twin-sized bed can accommodate children from childhood through adulthood and can accommodate two adults.

Metal guard rails on the top of each bed provide security. The assembly is simple, but it takes some time and will require one person to do so.

Size and Height

There are various sizes available in triple decker beds. Some triple decker beds are designed to stack Twin over Twin while others make use of an L-shaped configuration to fit three twin beds into smaller spaces. Some include the trundle bed, which is perfect to host sleepovers or family guests. To ensure the safety of your child and to ensure that the bed is suitable in your space, it is important to choose the right size.

The height of a bunk bed is another factor to consider. The average height of a standard bunk bed is around 65 inches tall, however you can find beds that are taller or shorter than this. You may want to select a design with stairs or ladders for safe and easy climbing.

Bunk beds are a great option to make space and also add value to any bedroom, however they can be dangerous for kids without the proper security features. That's why it's important to find bunk beds that meet or exceeds the highest safety standards. Look for features such as steel guard rails, wide upper bed clearance, built-in ladders and a sturdy structure. You can also pick a bunk bed that has angled ladders. They are more secure for children and easier to climb.

The Crossman Twin over Full Over Twin Triple Bunk Bed by Furniture of America is a sturdy bed with a stylish dark cappuccino finish that can blend into any style. The design features an slat system that removes the requirement for box springs and can support up to 160lbs per bed. It has a large clearance above the top bunk so your kids can lay back and relax while they are napping or having sleepovers.

The Katahdin Twin Over Twin Over Twin Triple Bunk Bed can be tucked away in any small space. It's sleek and simple. The bunk bed, named after Maine's tallest peak, blends three twin beds to create a stylish appearance while saving space. It's ideal for older siblings sharing in a bedroom. It can be able to accommodate up to three Twin mattresses (sold separately). This bunk bed is also available in Standard 75" length, or Extra Long 80"XL lengths. You can select to place the staircase at the front, the end or the shorter side of the bed. A woodworker will contact when your order is placed to confirm the place of placement.


A triple bunk bed can be appealing for any room in your home. Many manufacturers offer different configurations, so you can select the one that is most suitable for your family and their space needs. A trundle bed is perfect for rooms with low ceilings as it offers a sleeping space without taking up any floor space. It is also possible to get a queen or full size triple bunk for older kids or adults who wish to sleep in the same room.

The triple bunk bed you choose to buy will either be classic or modern depending on the style that you pick. The classic bunk bed has a timeless design and is typically constructed of solid wood and steel guard rails. This kind of bunk bed is easy to clean and can be adorned with simple or sophisticated color scheme.

Modern triple bunks are constructed from metal and paired with furniture to complete the design. They can be divided into three individual twin beds for flexibility and come with broad upper plank guard rails that ensure safety. Some triple bunks feature an unintentional staircase to make space and remove the necessity for a ladder.

You can construct a DIY triple-decker bunk bed by following a set of easy plans. These plans will show you how to cut the components from 2x6 lumber, drill pocket holes and fix them with 2 1/2'' screws. Secure the joints using waterproof glue.

You can also buy a pre-assembled triple bunk bed from a few online retailers. For example the XL Furniture Twin Over Queen Bunk that can be stacked Bed from Leon is made of sturdy metal structure that has two ladders that are attached and mattress support slats. It comes in the classic dark gray finish that is perfect for any decor. This model can also be configured in a queen-over-twin or twin-over queen configuration. It is ideal for families that wish to share the space.


Triple decker beds are an excellent way to make space for your children's bedroom, but they also pose security concerns. In the US alone there are thousands of injuries related to bunk beds occur every year and the majority of those result from falling off the top level. Head and neck entrapment, as along with bruises and broken bones, are common. It is important to buy bunk beds that meet the minimum safety standards.

To ensure your children's safety ensure their safety, choose a mattress that features a full metal structure and sturdy guard rails at both the top and bottom levels. Additionally, make sure the mattress is properly supported and isn't slipping or falling down, and that it is at least 6 inches in thickness. Make linked web page that the ladders have a secure attachment and are free of any gaps or cracks where your children are able to climb.

Furniture of America's Crossman Twin Bunk Bed in Sand Black and Silver is a sturdy and safe triple bunk bed that has a decker. It's perfect for sleepovers. It's made with sturdy solid wood and metal with an elegant camelback design. The slatted guard rails help prevent accidents while the wide upper bed clearance and the included slat kit lets you remove the box springs and instead use normal mattresses. It's also built with a dual ladder design that lets you easily access both the upper bunk and lower bed.

This Twin Over Full Metal bunk bed with Stairway Trundle is a great option for a triple-decker bunk bed. It's from NE Kids. This is the ideal solution for siblings who share bedrooms, as it can be used with three standard twin-size mattresses (sold separately). It features an 11.5-inch guardrail on the top bunk, and slats of steel which are anchored to the bottom bed. This will allow you to sleep well. It includes a double pull-out trundle that can be used for guests or pajama party.

Leon Furniture can assist you in finding the perfect triple-decker bunk bed for your child's bedroom. Our locally owned and operated furniture store services the Cumming region, Kennesaw, Alpharetta Marietta, Atlanta and the surrounding areas. We offer a variety of quality brand name beds, including a variety of triple bunk beds. Our knowledgeable staff is here to answer your questions and assist you in choosing the best bed for your home. Visit us today to learn more about what we have available.


There are plenty of choices when it comes down to triple decker beds. These beds aren't only for sharing by siblings in the space. They can be set up in in a variety of ways. There are even beds that can be split into single bunks and a trundle for guests. You can also pick from a wide range of sizes including twins fulls, queens and twins.

A triple decker bed is comprised of two twin mattresses, stacked one on top of the other. This arrangement is ideal to make the most of small rooms, but you can get creative and use larger mattresses such as queens or fulls to make the bunks appear larger. Homedit suggests that if want to use a larger mattress for the bottom bunk, you should select frames that are strong enough to withstand the weight.

Another option is to equip the upper bunk equipped with a storage board that doubles as a desk and provides extra sleeping space for kids. Some models feature built-in stairs that can replace ladders, and can save space. The upper bunk has built-in shelves that allow you to keep books or other essentials for your day. Lower bunks feature pull-out drawers for clothes and toys.

The Katahdin triple twin bunk bed is a great choice for kids' rooms with little space. This espresso-finished frame is an excellent way to combine design and function in one unit. Safety is prioritized with the 11.5-inch guard rails that cover the full length of the bed, slats made of metal which are secured, and a ladder built into the end. This bed can be made into two separate twin beds, if required, and it includes a trundle for pajama events or overnight guests.

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