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Celebrate Your Pet's Life With Professional Pet Portraits
Look within your audience. What else might your audience be interested in? Not problems within the subject but other subjects. You wrote an eBook on separating fighting dogs for dog lovers? What about a book on decorating your house since most dog owners live in houses?
gifts for cat lovers If you're the Serious Seducer, playing cat-and-mouse is every bit as fun as that long-awaited moment when you finally get to lay one full on his or her lips. You're all about subtle undercurrents, intense gazes and mental foreplay that starts long before you take those final footsteps toward the bedroom. Innuendos and double entendres are part of the seduction game. You want a lover who can crack the code of your hidden meanings and is tuned in to your subtle gestures so often missed by the outside world. Your favorite location for lovin' is backed up against the wall! When it comes to kissing, you've been known to hone in on those hidden hot spots... and you always take your time and do it right.
Pewter pet magnets are ideal gifts for pet lovers who don't wear jewelry. With names like "paw power," bone-a-holic," "spoiled rotten," and "meows and purrs," who can resist?
Present for Cat Lovers Lighting: Use natural lighting whenever possible. Flash lighting can create "red eye" and will tend to over expose white or light colored pets. Be sure your camera's White Balance option is set to match the type of light you are using. If your indoor shot comes out extremely blue, chances are you have your camera set on "Daylight" rather than "Tungsten". If your outdoor shots come out extremely orange, chances are you have your camera set on "Tungsten" rather than "Daylight". More than one source of light such as 3/4 light plus a little backlighting will give more rounded results. Light only from the front will tend to give your shots a flat look.
gift ideas for cat lovers
Songha is a Savannah cat, who comes from Kalahari, an African desert. Her father, Rafu Dubwana, who, now lives in America, is an African Serval Leopard. Once breeded, his daughter, Songha became "one of a kind." This is her story!
Cat Lovers Gift American Bobtail - this is a short-tailed cat with medium to large frame. You will immediately notice its tail above its back when it is alerted or terrified.
Cat accessories: Whether the gift is for a new cat parent or not, the gift of cat essentials is always welcome. Cat essentials include: food and water bowls, litter boxes, scratching posts, and beds - among many other items.
Keep Valentine's Day in perspective. It gets a lot of publicity at the time, but remember that it's only one day of the year. As the saying goes, "This too shall pass." On February 15th, it's all over except for the half-price left-over Valentine's candy in the drug store.

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