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Notes -

(open curtains)
(go in entry position)
-Wellcome to The Amazing Viewshow!
-Where random activities will be played on stage!
-Does any of you have any questions?
-No? Good.
-Wait let me get my assistent real quick
(make eyes apear)
-Where is he..
-There you are!
-Where were you?
(answer) -Well come on stage quick cuz the show allready started!
-Here is my asistent, Darkner!
-You may or may not know him for his version of a event centre.
-Anyways you may call someone on stage for the Lie detector!
(Darkner chooses someone)
-Great choice!
-So, were you forced to come here?
(a=yes LD=yes) -Grreat!
(A=n LD=no) -You sure? (answer) Allright!
-2 more to go!
-Your turn Darkner!
(Darkner takes it from here)
-Wait what do i do again...?
-Wait ill go check my script you stay here and focus on the entertainment, just dont kill anyone ok? (answer) Great!
(1-2 minutes pass)
-Im back!
-What happend while i was gone?
(answer=nothing) -Allright. (answer=else) -Wish i was there.
-Anyways, does anybody want to come on stage?
(if no one wants to then pick random)
-Well come on up young man!/Well come on up!
-Were gonna be back in a second, sorry we have to go off stage so much, heh..
-Anyways this is the Staff room! Here is where everything is controlled!
-Thats basically it, do you wanna say something before you go back to your seat?
(A=yes then go) (A=no then bring him back)
(Viewer says his saying)
(Viewer goes back to seat)
-So does anybody want us to do something goofy? You can pick what happes!
(if people choose then do what they choose) (if people dont choose then ask -So uhhh, does anybody have any questions before we end this?)
(a=y then answer) (a=no end show)
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

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Regards; Team

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