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1. It has been 2 to 3 months since have been promoted to this new position. Describe your experience so far?
It has been definitely better than I expected, got used to it so quickly. There are many things to learn, but I'm a quick learner, don't think gonna have a problem with it.

2. State your understanding of your main job objectives?
Basically, keep the operation going smoothly, deal with minor/major problems, and trying to solve them. If solving is out of my control finding an intermediate solution. As well as assisting agents, trying to help them improve in many ways.

3. What do you think is the most challenging objective? Why?
Basically dealing with a major problem. When we receive a high amount of contacts, agents start to panic and wait for you to solve or tell something to them. It's challenging to stay calm in this situation.

4. What do you think is the most interesting part of your job?
Definitely solving complex problems, not like all agents have. I'm not dealing with withdrawals, deposit provisions, etc. I'm dealing with problems in campaigns, dealing with technical problems.

5. Do you feel you have the knowledge and skills to be proficient in this job? If no, what additional training is required to make you feel more proficient?
As I mentioned before, there is much to learn. It's never enough, but as far as I'm concerned I have decent knowledge.

6. What key objectives have you achieved so far?
I think I'm better at time management and crisis management.

7. What key objectives would you like to achieve in the coming 3 months?
Definitely leadership. I'll try to be a leader for agents as this is one of the main objectives of my position.

8. How easy/difficult is it to be accepted by your colleagues and/or subordinates?
It actually depends on how you approach them. There is a thin line. If you can manage, it won't be a problem.

9. Is the job meeting your expectations? If no, please explain why.
It definitely does, it's better than I expected to be frank.

10. Was there anything that made you think about quitting or reverting back to your previous post over the past 2/3 months? If yes, kindly explain below.
I didn't have such a moment, but I had many moments. I was exhausted and had a hard time. But I managed to get out of it.

11. Below please list any other issues that you would like to discuss during your first trial meeting.
Maybe not about the position, but I have a few feedback about the Loyalty team. Also, as shift leaders we might have hard times when one of us is on vacation or sick as we're not many people in this position. Let's say the night shift leader is sick or has an emergency situation, then someone has to cover it. This is a bit hard if we consider our working hours and workload.
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Regards; Team

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