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How Does a Fall Detector Alarm Work?
Fall detection alarms work by detecting sudden changes in movement. They can then alert a monitoring centre or send an emergency signal to a loved one.

Some providers even offer a mobile option, meaning the device can be worn around the home or out on the go. This is perfect for those who want to remain active outside the home but also need extra reassurance and protection.
Easy to use

A medical alert system with fall detection provides peace of mind to the user, loved ones, and the healthcare team that is contacted. Unlike smart watches and smartphone apps, which can only detect movement, a medical alert device will know when someone has fallen. This ensures that a fall is genuinely detected and help can be sent to the person quickly.

The devices are designed to monitor your usual speed and altitude so that they can detect sudden changes that indicate a fall. They use advanced algorithms to distinguish a hard fall from other movements such as bending over or sitting down. This reduces false alarms triggered by a light touch or banging your arm against a wall. The devices can also be programmed to allow the user to manually call for help if necessary.

Many companies provide a free trial period or flexible contracts to encourage customers to try their products and services. This helps you to test the service and determine if it is right for you before making a commitment. Those looking to purchase medical alert systems with fall detection should look for companies that have been in business for long and have excellent customer reviews. Bay Alarm Medical is one of the oldest companies in the industry and their devices have great ratings with consumers.
Peace of mind

Using a 24/7 monitored personal alarm with fall detection provides peace of mind to the user, their family members and friends. This is because a call to the Response Centre from any device on our range will be answered within seconds and help will be arranged immediately.

For older adults who have experienced a fall in the past or who are at risk of falling, a medical alert system is an excellent choice to protect their independence and wellbeing. The cost-effectiveness, ease of use and peace of mind that come with these devices make them a wise investment for anyone who has concerns about falling.

While medical alert systems with fall detection have many benefits for seniors who live alone, they do not offer 100% accuracy. Fritzi Gros-Daillon, Director of Education and Advocacy for Age Safe America, explains that this is because falls are not a single event but an accumulation of factors, such as loss of balance, a head injury or a weakness. However, most of these systems can detect at least 85% of falls and help to reduce the risk of serious injuries. The sensitivity of these devices can also be adjusted to suit individual needs. This can also be a great feature for people who suffer from frequent falls, as it prevents them from having to constantly press the button to ensure they are receiving prompt attention.

If you fall while wearing your device, the sensors in your pendant will detect it and trigger an emergency call. It will either go to your emergency contact (with a monitored system) or our 24/7 CareLink Monitoring Centre in Ireland (with an unmonitored device).

Depending on the type of fall detection alarm you choose, your pendant may have a vibration pre-alarm that can be cancelled before sending a full alarm. This helps avoid false alarms triggered by fast movements such as descending stairs too quickly or sitting up too quickly.

In addition to granting peace of mind to you and your family, a fall detection alarm can help you stay independent for longer. It is especially important for people living with medical conditions like Parkinson’s or epilepsy that can cause you to lose your balance.

It only takes 30-60 minutes after a fall for muscle cells to start breaking down, which can cause serious injuries. Having a fall detection alarm provides peace of mind for users, their family members and medical guardians knowing that they’re protected at home, in the garden or out and about. The alarm also gives you the confidence to keep up your hobbies and social life with the knowledge that help is just a button away. You can even use it when you’re visiting friends or family.
Time to call 911

Fall detection is one of the most useful features that medical alert systems can offer. Having this feature gives seniors the peace of mind that they can call for help, even if they’re unable to press their pendant button. This can save lives, as it’s been estimated that three million older adults visit emergency rooms each year due to falls. In some cases, if an individual doesn’t receive assistance within the first hour after falling, their chance of surviving drops by 70 percent.

However, it’s important to note that medical alert systems with fall detection cannot detect 100% of all falls. For example, a slow movement like sliding off a bed or sofa won’t register as a fall with most devices. For this reason, it’s still a good idea to press your button if you can.

When a medical alarm with fall detection senses a fall, it sends an alert to the base station or mobile device that you’re in danger. The alert will sound a series of beeps and the red light will flash for several seconds. Depending on the system you choose, the alert can be sent to a response center or directly to your loved ones.

While most medical alert companies include this feature in their premium service, some offer it as a standalone product for an additional monthly fee. dementia wandering It’s best to do your research and speak with a medical alert provider to find out what options they have available for you.
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