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- visit listings within a month, if none of them worked for me, see that, and continue to go in an continually visit them, guilt tripping them

- much easier to stop working with a business without a FACE

- no bookings for 5 days because not checking website
- no response for 2 day for Dustin, best client who asked us to return to a property, now figured out its fine,
- realtor named Kurt called me , I didn't pick up, he left voicemail, called him back two days later, and he had found another photographer

NO MORE GROUP CHATS (used to think it would help, no more links) + no more group chat
---- two separate messages, 50-10 people a day, two separate messages, hi name I'm curious if you'd like 'pictures of
- hello name, i just saw your listing at _______. any chance you'd be willing to review our portfolio?

- second text : this is Caleb with hill property media , ask them if they want to take a look at the portfolio, and then send them the link

--- think we need to make sure the product and delivery is making the best

- get CRM, every person we've texted, sorted by whos responded and who hasn't, then whos responded most recently move them over and their on the verge of booking, then moved them over to booked

- its been 3 weeks since he worked with us, lets do our check

- start this one month back from today, and interact with everyone from that day - text them congrats on sale, they working with new photographer give them 50% off or free and a $10 Starbucks gift card

- just like a first date, send I miss you text before second date = right after first date, before second date, That should be

(don't4 fully neglect finding new clients, I don't think that's the issue, its like every home on the market rn, it hasn't been this slow ever in history, maybe 2008, every home in the market I'm seeing, we photographed it, or its a random weird new construction render shit or random realtor not from Chico doing a lot of other listings, or realtor we've worked with in the past that's using a new photographer.

it hurts worse knowing that they've chosen to work with someone else, whatever that other person/company is doing, is good enough to sacrifice having worse photos.

if i get a new booking from a new customer, ill even call them, if they book again, ill literally do nothing. square sent auto text = means I don't have to call...

is this shoot still happening? hello anyone home? and while ya its cool i can do other things and it'll go to Alex calendar and Francis will edit and Alexis will send everything, that's not an excuse to do everything in the most lazy way.

- i emphasized this to Alex earlier, we have to go the extra mile on EVERYTHING we have availability on the calendar to go the extra mile.

- HIGHLIGHTING*** 1-2 a day, should be calling or texting realtors as soon as photos are ready, following up a few hours later, asking them if they have moment to review photos, ask if they'd be willing to hop on a call and provide feedback, that way we can prevent a realtor from "photos look great, sent thanks" but they're thinking they look alright


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Regards; Team

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