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--Seven worst things to do in a Speaking: Julian starts his talk by mentioning the seven deadly sins of speaking. These are common habits that make our speech less effective and they include gossip, judging, negativity, complaining, excuses, lying, and dogmatism (khoshk andishi).

--Four Cornerstones to Make Speech Powerful: Julian introduces the acronym ‘HAIL’ which kinda means approve enthusiastically. HAIL stands for as the four important keys to make our speech powerful and to stand as a foundation for what we say. in ‘HAIL’. H stands for Honesty (being clear and straight), A stands for Authenticity (being oneself), I I stands for Integrity (being true to one’s word), and L stands for Love (wishing others well).

--Tools to Speak Powerfully: Julian provides practical tools to enhance our speech. These include Register (the depth of your voice; lower voices are perceived as more authoritative and aslo attractive), Timbre (the way your voice feels), Prosody (the melody of speech), Pace (the speed of speech), Pitch (high or low), and Volume (loud or soft).

--Exercises to Warm Up the Voice: Julian also shares some vocal exercises that can help to warm up the voice before speaking.

Six Vocal Warm-Up Exercises: These are the six exercises Julian shares:

Arm swings: Loosen up your upper body and breath.
Humming: Warm up your voice.
Siren: Expand your vocal range.
Lip trills: Further warm up your voice.
Tongue twisters: Improve diction and articulation.
Reading: Practice rhythm and melody in your speech3.
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Regards; Team

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