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1. Define psychotherapy. What are the types of psycho. (10 mark) in Section B.
- write the Wulberg definitions. Re-educative, supportive wala write. Short term and long term therapy. Etc.
- other indigenous therapy

2. Patient, therapist variable. All variables.

3. Define resistance and types how is it related with transference.

4. What are the three major approaches in psychotherapy.

5. Relationship between counseling and psychotherapy
6. Write a short note on prescriptive (directive) counseling
7. Write a short note on Permissive (non directive) counseling

8. Short note on Eclectic counseling ( mixture of both)
9. Difference between directive and non directive
10. What are the goals of counseling
11. Is counselors role changing over time. Comment. (Section C)
12. Role of case worker.
13. How a case worker, psychologist, psychotherapist, psychiatrist work in collaboration. Give example with the help of a case study.
14. Define counseling and write its application. Different areas where it can be applied.
15. Educational approach might not come so read through.
16. What is clinical interviewing and what are the stages.
17. How is it different from normal interview.
18. Explain Therapeutic relationship
19. Define Bio-psycho-social model or compare the clinical model with this. Which is better for a clinical set-up.
20. Strength and weaknesses of medical model.
21. Pediatric, Geriatric, adult psychiatry. Who have a role in different setup.
22. Pharmacotherapy ( not important but you can write medical model)
23. Medical vs non medical controversy.
- All psychotherapist should be supervised by medical professional
- prescribing meds
24. Function of psychiatric nurse.
25. Collaboration/ Supervision. Will psychologist and psychiatrist work collaboratingly or supervising the other.
26. (10 marks) (Section B) Ethics- consent, responsibility etc. in this.
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