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Perception: The subjective interpretation of sensory information, influenced by past experiences, current expectations, and emotions. It's how we make sense of the world around us.
Examples of Perception Across Different Senses:
Visual Perception: Visual perception is the ability to interpret the surrounding environment through sight. It involves not just detecting light and colors, but also organizing, recognizing, and understanding what we see.

Auditory Perception: Auditory perception is the interpretation of sound by our brains. It's not just about the physical act of hearing sound waves, but rather the complex process of understanding and assigning meaning to those sounds. E.G [Recognizing someone's voice on the phone,
Understanding someone speaking from behind you in a crowded room]

Touch Perception: Touch perception, also known as tactile perception or haptic perception, is the ability to understand the physical properties of objects through our sense of touch. It's a complex process involving three key components:

1. Sensory Reception:
Specialized receptors in our skin detect pressure, temperature, vibration, texture, and pain. These receptors are concentrated in areas like fingertips, lips, and palms, making them more sensitive to touch.

2. Neural Processing:
Signals from the receptors travel to the spinal cord and brain, where they are processed and interpreted. Different areas of the brain are responsible for specific aspects of touch, such as location, intensity, and texture discrimination.

3. Cognitive Interpretation:
Based on the sensory information and past experiences, the brain forms a mental representation of the object being touched. This includes its size, shape, material, and temperature.

Time Perception: Time perception, also known as chronoception, refers to the subjective experience of the passage of time. It's not about objectively measuring time (like a clock), but rather how we mentally interpret and judge the duration of events. E.G [Feeling like time slows down when you're scared.
Looking at your phone every few minutes making the day feel longer.
Being engrossed in a book and losing track of time.]
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  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

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