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Greetings Napoleonic Wars Regiment Leaders/Members/Girls/Boys/What ever.
I am [i]Kemsyt[/i] Leader of the newly made 1st Regiment of Janissaries.
As there have been diffrent regiment such as Spartans why not Janissaries?.
So here i am with other people as a Janissaries regiment.
Our regiment is a only Line Infantry Regiment.
All thought if posible we might wanna play as Lights or units time to time as well.
We are new and right away looking for Linebattles.
There is no history about this regiment.
But if you want here is the history of the Janissarys:
And the history of the Ottoman Empire:
As we are also we are a Regiment of the Ottoman Empire but sadly there is no Nation in NW we will play any nation .
[center][size=18pt][font=Lucida Fax]Enlisted[/font][/size][/center]
[font=Lucida Sans][color=black]Highlander - Sekban Janisarries (SkJan): SantoryuZz
Elite - Cemaat Janisarries (CJan): N/A
Guardsman - Seğmen Janisarries (SJan): N/A
Queensman - Janisarries (Jan): Turtle
Queensman - Janisarries (Jan): Hotdiggidydog
Queensman - Janisarries (Jan):Falls
Kingsman - Deliler (Del): N/A
Veteran - Usta (Usa):
Regular - Karakullukcu (Kar):Jake
Regular - Karakullukcu (Kar):Coolguy1232
Regular - Karakullukcu (Kar):Mr.Pikachu
Regular - Karakullukcu (Kar):DarkLordling
Private - Nefer (Nfr):Xidiuz
Recruit - Eşkinci (Esk):Donkley The Handsome
Recruit - Eşkinci (Esk):The_Bloody_Killer
Recruit - Eşkinci (Esk):Spodswife
Recruit - Eşkinci (Esk):YorkshirePuddingMan
Recruit - Eşkinci (Esk):Docl205
Recruit - Eşkinci (Esk):Serce
Recruit - Eşkinci (Esk):Thunda
Recruit - Eşkinci (Esk):sijmen
Recruit - Eşkinci (Esk):Tankjov
Recruit - Eşkinci (Esk):Hey
Recruit - Eşkinci (Esk):McScott
Recruit - Eşkinci (Esk):Varol
Recruit - Eşkinci (Esk):Doganay

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[center][size=28pt][font=Lucida Fax]CO/NCO Officers[/font][/size][/center]
[color=black][font=Lucida Sans]CO: (Commanding Officers)

Colonel - Janissaries Ağası (JAga): Kemsyt
Lieutenant Colonel - Sekbanbaşı (Sek): N/A
Major - Zağarcıbaşı(Zag): N/A
Captain - Turnacıbaşı(Tur): N/A
Lieutenant - Beylerbeyi (BBey): N/A
Ensign - Bey (Bey):

NCO: (Non Commissioned Officers)

Regimental Sergeant Major - Binbaşı(Bin) : N/A
Company Sergeant Major - Kolağası(Kol): N/A
Sergeant Major - Yüzbaşı (Yuz): N/A
Colour Sergeant - Teğmen(Teg): N/A
Sergeant - Başçavuş(Bas): N/A
Corporal - Cavuş(Cas): CheApDie
Lance Corporal - Onbaşı(Onb):AceNL
Lance Corporal - Onbaşı(Onb):CaptainCody
Lance Corporal - Onbaşı(Onb):Norbert
[/color][spoiler]At the Left is the Translation in english in the middle are the Ranks and the right the Shortcut of The ranks[/spoiler]

[center][color=black][font=Lucida Sans][size=12pt]JOIN US![/size]
[center][font=Lucida Sans][color=black]Turks can be killed, but can't be defeated. -Napoleon Bonaparte
Turks love reality and fairness. They were always fair but they met a lot of unfair things against them. -William Pitt (Prime Minister of Great Britain)
Turkish soldiers are brave. They love their country and can die for it anytime. -Albert Einstein
I won’t make war with Turks again. They are so brave and good people. -Andreas Phitiades
I talk about Turks! Who look like an unstoppable storm, lightning and wavy sea while attacking the enemy. -Tasso (Italian Poet)
Turks are heroes, never hurt their friends, but they bring benefit, being ally with this people, can make you beat every difficulty. -Comenius[/color][/font][/center]
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Regards; Team

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