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this is the first step in any one thing. Get yourself sexually aroused in whatever way you – either by
manual stimulation by using a rousing material. You are going to aim for
a situation where you're not going to get so aroused that you need to
come to climax. But you are going to aim to build up as much sexual
energy as you can, so the longer you can go on with this without reaching
climax the better.In other words,
Let's not say of high of arousal will produce enough sexual
energy for you to use for the process of manifestation.
Now imagine your sexual energy moving up – classically as red energy –
from the base of your spine, up through your spine, perhaps using your
hands to aid the flow of that energy, until the sexual energy you've built
up has filled each of your chakras and is rising into your brain.
Once you've completed that transition, imagine sexual energy
back down the front of your body into your base chakra, and then
surrender yourself to the flow of energy in that loop around your body.
You may feel some unusual sensations, perhaps feeling like electricity in
your arms and legs - which is great; it means you’re really getting the
sense of the energy flowing through you.
Then, when the energy is at a peak, you can send it out into the
as you visualize your intention riding the wave of that energy into the Hold Your Peace and Attract More
A=1 B=2 C=3 D=4 E=5 F=6 G=7 H=8 I=9 K=10 L=11 M=12

N=13 O=14 P=15 Q=16 R=17 S=18 T=19 U=20 W=21 X=22 Y=23 Z=24[58]TABLE OF HEBREW AND CHALDEE LETTERS
Number Sound or Power Hebrew and
Chaldee Letters Numerical Values Roman character by
which expressed Names Signification of Names
1. a (soft breathing). א 1. (Thousands are
denoted by a
larger letter;
thus an Aleph
larger than the
rest of the let-
ters among
which it is,
signifies not 1,
but 1000.) A. Aleph. Ox.
2. b, bh (v). ב 2. B. Beth. House.
3. g (hard), gh. ג 3. G. Gimel. Camel.
4. d, dh (flat th). ד 4. D. Daleth. Door.
5. h (rough breathing). ה 5. H. He. Window.
6. v, u, o. ו 6. V. Vau. Peg, nail.
7. z, dz. ז 7. Z. Zayin. Weapon, sword.
8. ch (guttural). ח 8. CH. Cheth. Enclosure, fence.
9. t (strong). ט 9. T. Teth. Serpent.
10. i, y (as in yes). י 10. I. Yod. Hand.
11. k, kh. כ Final = ך 20. Final = 500 K. Caph. Palm of the hand.
12. l. ל 30. L. Lamed. Ox-goad.
13. m. מ Final = ם 40. Final = 600 M. Mem. Water.
14. n. נ Final = ן 50. Final = 700 N. Nun. Fish.
15. s. ס 60. S. Samekh. Prop, support.
16. O, aa, ng (gutt.). ע 70. O. Ayin. Eye.
17. p, ph. פ Final = ף 80. Final = 800 P. Pe. Mouth.
18. ts, tz, j. צ Final = ץ 90. Final = 900 TZ. Tzaddi. Fishing-hook.
19. q, qh (guttur.). ק 100. (The finals are not
always considered
as bearing an in-
creased numeri-
cal value.) Q. Qoph. Back of the head.
20. r. ר 200. R. Resh. Head.
21. sh, s. ש 300. SH. Shin. Tooth.
22. th, t. ת 400. TH. Tau. Sign of the cross.Decimal Hebrew Glyph
1 Aleph א
2 Bet ב
3 Gimel ג
4 Dalet ד
5 He ה
6 Vav ו
7 Zayin ז
8 Het ח
9 Tet ט
Decimal Hebrew Glyph
10 Yod י
20 Kaf כ
30 Lamed ל
40 Mem מ
50 Nun נ
60 Samekh ס
70 Ayin ע
80 Pe פ
90 Tsadi צ
Decimal Hebrew Glyph
100 Kof ק
200 Resh ר
300 Shin ש
400 Tav ת

{displaystyle f(x)=10^{leftlfloor {frac {x-1}{9}}rightrfloor }times ((x-1mod 9)+1),}
where x is the position of the letter in the language letters index (regular order of letters), and the floor and modulo functions are used.
The value of the Hebrew vowels is not usually counted, but some lesser-known methods include the vowels as well. The most common vowel values are as follows (a less common alternative value, based on the digit sum, is given in parentheses):
Decimal Vowel Glyph

10 (1)


HolamShurukDecimal Vowel Glyph
16 (7)
20 (2)
ZeireSh'va26 (8)
Reduced patachDecimal Vowel Glyph
30 (3)
36 (9)
Reduced kamatz
50 (5)
Reduced segol

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Regards; Team

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