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UK to be major economy worst hit by Ukraine war, says OECD OECD
For reasons of history and geography, Britain recognized that support is not as “instinctive” for Americans as it for the British, according to a senior diplomat, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the diplomatic sensitivity of the matter. Duncan Brock, the group director at Cips, said there had been a welcome boost for manufacturers despite prices for raw materials remaining high and disruption continuing for many firms. Russia is the world’s largest exporter of natural gas and among the top suppliers of crude oil, commodities such as wheat, and metals including palladium, platinum, gold and aluminium.

Almost 20% of the UK's vegetable product imports come from there, according to UN Comtrade data. At first glance, it appears that the UK will easily be able to weather the economic fallout from the war as neither Russia nor Ukraine are big trading partners. There is also expected to be a considerable jump in the prices we pay at the supermarket and petrol pump. Despite this, Mr Dales still expects the Bank of England to increase interest rates at its meeting on Thursday next week, with the main Bank rate likely to rise from 0.5% to 0.75%. "GDP bounced back from the hit it took in December due to the Omicron wave and is now 0.8% above its pre-pandemic peak," he said. UK households were already facing sharply rising costs before Russia's invasion of Ukraine, in part due to soaring energy costs.

Opposition to Russia's demands
"Renewables have a distinct security of supply advantage in that they don't require refuelling," explains environment expert Antony Froggatt. She also predicts a rapid short term boost to energy efficiency efforts across Europe, which would reduce energy demand. With war raging in Ukraine, many fear ministers will be distracted from climate action. Many companies are now making the decision to leave Russia, due to the difficulties inherent in operating under sanctions, deep uncertainty about Russia’s economic future, and reputational concerns.

While supply chain issues continued to dog some sectors, construction and manufacturing both grew, the ONS said. While may now thankfully be drawn under the pandemic's economic hit, the inflationary cloud is now looking very dark indeed. Grain prices have also jumped as both Russia and Ukraine are major global producers, particularly of wheat. The UK and our allies condemn the Russian government’s unprovoked and premeditated invasion of Ukraine. The UK stands with Ukraine, its democratically-elected government and its brave people at this awful time.

Foreign Office resource has been redirected to deal with the crisis
Although Russia accounts for a relatively small share of the global trade in goods, rising energy prices are expected to further push up factory costs after issues caused by Covid-19. We have also not made any explicit adjustments for the domestic consequences of international sanctions on Russian financial institutions or individuals, beyond what might be reflected in equity prices in the fiscal forecast. We do not assume these actions have a material effect on overall financial stability, lending, or investment in the UK. So far, however, the UK, US and EU have refrained from imposing financial sanctions that would directly disrupt gas and oil trade, although there is evidence that some traders are reluctant to deal with Russian suppliers. Gazprombank, which is part owned by Russian energy giant Gazprom and acts as a key bank for Russia’s energy conglomerates, has so far been excluded from the SWIFT ban. Trade between the two is small relative to the size of either economy and Russia is not closely integrated in the global financial system.

In a joint news conference with Nato secretary general Jens Stoltenberg, Mr Johnson said Europe faced its biggest security crisis in decades. Ben Wallace's trip to Moscow does not signal any significant shift in the balance of this crisis. But his meeting with Russian defence chiefs does seem to have been a calmer affair than Thursday's frosty exchanges between the foreign ministers, Liz Truss and Sergei Lavrov. The current tensions come eight years after Russia annexed Ukraine's southern Crimea peninsula.

Russian invasion of Ukraine: UK government response
The NFU is asking the government to release an additional 10,000 visas under the Seasonal Workers Scheme, in addition to the 30,000 already granted. The cost of producing a chicken was 50% higher than it was a year ago but farmers were absorbing much of these costs, she said. NFU president Minette Batters told the BBC that the rising cost of producing fruit, vegetables and meat could cause farmers to make less at a time when the nation needs more.

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